Yakuza - my personal opinion

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Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 10, 2006 22:32
I' ve just finished Yakuza for PS2 (I' ve been playing till 5 AM today - 8h straight) and I have to say I' m very impressed.

The Shenmue roots are very visible here.

While I keep bitchin' about imperfections in games - this one was a blast even though it had a lot of flaws.

First of all - it lasts about 12 h and the STORY is 10/10 - period.The best story since MGS1 and FF7,FF8 imo.

Visuals are very nice fo ra PS2 and some indoor enviroments are drop dead gorgeous (incredible use of textures makes them look 100% real).

There' s one way to describe this game - it' s a Spikeout mixed with Shenmue and jRPG.

I really liked fighting in this game (it' s not perfect though) and the city is so incredibly alive...

Some characters (Detective Date , Kazuma , Sera) faces look better than anything I' ve seen in any HD or SD game to date (except Gears of War and Mass Effect).

I totally loved this game even though I wouldn' t have scored it higher than 8.5/10 (very solid 8,5/10).I understand someone who can' t go past some flaws though.

It' s pretty fair to score it between 7 and 8,5 depending on reviewer.

Thank god I' ve checked it.The story alone kept me going and those realtime cutscenes were mindfuckinblowing.

A bit more polish here and there and this could' ve been the spiritual succesor to shenmue.A shame when you look at this wasted potential , but it was an awesome experience for me anyway.

I hate unpolished productions as you all can tell by now , but this game has such a great story that it kept me going anyway (and cutscenes ...oh god)

I' m very happy that I was able to taste a bit of shenmue style gameplay :)

A shame that they are making the sequel for PS2 - they did amazing things with PS2 hardware and I' d love to see this game in a photorealistic verision on PS3/360.

Voices are awesome too - I forgot to tell you that while some lines are better than others - it' s got a very well done voice acting and those voices have been picked to fit characters perfectly.

I was terribly impressed as you can tell by now.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 10 Sep 06 17:24:36 >

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 10, 2006 22:55
Well written Gangsta!

I would love to get the sequal on my 360.
Since my big bro took my ps2 when he moved.

And i kept the xbox/gc.

I will probably get FF12 to my Ps3...or i buy a new ps2 in some months...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 10, 2006 23:06
what a chance i just satrted yakuza this morning , and it made a good impression to me, i' m on the first save point, the phone in the office... but the cut scenes were really good, as well as graphics , i just hope its not boring later on ...

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 10, 2006 23:15
Yeah,aba didn' t like Shenmue so much,so it can be intresting on what he thinks about this Shenmue clone,since he isn' ät one of those huge shenmue fan.
And thus can see it from a diffrent perspective.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 00:07
i liked shenmue but for me it' s not a master piece that' s all, i think yakuza is really diferent , i don' t think you go always looking for someone ...

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 00:31
This game looks really great, but I just cannot stand the main character... To me he looks like a Japanese Travolta. Yoshi Taravoluta... Grrr....

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 01:15

i just hope its not boring later on ...

It' s getting better and better all the time.

When you have frustrating moments like looking for dgo food and finding haruka later - just check some FAQ where to go - it' s stupid to walk around looking all over the city :)

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 01:21
Looking for dog food? Well that' s it, I' m buying that game pronto!

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 01:23
yeah that' s the single most stupid thing in it (it takes 5 min with faq though)

Terry Bogard
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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 04:48
*removes prosthetic leg and swings it at everyone who compares this game to Shenmue*
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 05:19
I already sample the demo back from OPM(Official Playstation Magazine) I am really impressed with the visual and gameplay, and as of yet there had been some great review already. I really like what Yakuza have in stored mostly the Japanese Yakuza gang story, because I like Japanese movie and Drama, and I' m a huge fan of Shenmue so for sure I' m getting a copy today.

btw is the American release has both in Japanese-english voice over, because the Japanese voice over is more dramatic, thats what I want, if not then I' ll import one.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 06:55
I agree with Terry, this game shouldn' t be compared with Shenmue. I' d sooner compare it with Streets of Rage than Shenmue.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 07:36
I' m not comparing it - it' s just that it has some Shenmue influence.

Kaoru - US version has no Japanese Audio (but I love those english voices)

Joe Redifer
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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 07:58
Dead Rising has the Shenmue influence as well. You can walk into stores and talk to people and stuff!

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 09:09


I' m not comparing it - it' s just that it has some Shenmue influence.

Kaoru - US version has no Japanese Audio (but I love those english voices)

Yakuza dose have some Shenmue influence comparison, but not graphical engine wise, it dosen' t matter if you compare between the two, its just base on you' re review.

Thanks ]GaNgStA[ for the info.
I was hopeing that they leave the Japanese audio, but oh well, I' ll just have to import me a Japanese one, but in the other hand American voice-over is still tight.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 09:36
A shenmue clone on next gen that would kick some ass.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 09:48
kaoru , does the jap version has text in english (the option) ? if it' s so that would be lovely... but i guess the voice of teh hero (english) was quiete good.
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 11 Sep 06 1:48:55 >

Joe Redifer
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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 11, 2006 10:03
A Shenmue clone would NOT kick ass! Shenmue 3 on the other hand....

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 12, 2006 00:15
I' ll takje anything with even a bit of Shenmue flavour for now , since Shen 3 is just a dream right now.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 12, 2006 00:54
But joe what if people said no more fps after wolfenstien?


Shenmue serie is basically GTA but with focus on the story/adventure then the sandbox mode.
Instead in GTA you look at it as your own playground while in Shenmue it make up for the realistic feeling.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 11 Sep 06 16:54:59 >
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 12, 2006 03:15
Shenmue is like GTA. But with ggreat graphics, great dialogue, great art direction, great story, great gameplay, better control (still not good but whatever, the DC controller was limited), great music, good ethics, great polish and great characters.
Um... on second thought, they' re very different.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 12, 2006 04:59
GTA is like Shenmue,but teh focus is on the adevnture/story.
And not use your enviorment/sandbox as a way to have a great time.

Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs!
What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 12, 2006 06:18
GTA is nothing like shenmue - it tries to imitate the " life simulation" of Shenmue but with no results.

QTE,Fighting (especially in Shen 2),Interaction with Characters - that' s Shenmue

it' s just embarrasing that people say things like that in MY FUCKIN THREAD!

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 12, 2006 06:49
GTA like Shenmue?

Did you lot lose a bet with Satan or something? To utter such profanities?

My favourite game is compared to my most hated game???? And you say they
are similar???

it' s just embarrasing that people say things like that in MY FUCKIN THREAD!

Totally agree, you guys need to watch what you say honestly!
There are two rules to success:

1. Never tell all you know.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 12, 2006 07:54
Is Yakuza 2 really announced specifically for PS2?

I can understand that they made the first one with the huge install base of PS2 in mind, but the sequel would make more sense on a next-gen system.

Joe Redifer
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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 12, 2006 08:11
Yes, Yakuza 2 is for PS2.

But joe what if people said no more fps after wolfenstien?

That would make me soooooo happy. I am not a fan of FPS games.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 12, 2006 23:41
The development time required to do Shenmue to the full potential of the next gen hardware this time around must be staggering.

I think this alone would be the reason that SEGA are keeping clear at the moment. It' s a shame as there is masses of potential left in the franchise yet.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 13, 2006 00:31
Could Shenmue 3 divided into smaller parts as " episodic content" work?

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 13, 2006 04:48
hat would be a way around it, and much more up Sega' s back passage, especially when they can make more money from a drooling fan base rather than risking it on one massive title which could flop.

It would annoy certain people, but die hards would love it. Probelm is you would still need to spend big bucks on the games development, the engine itself, all the audio etc.. it' s not easy to get a philamonic together if your current episode is going well, you have to guestimate the success in advance.

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RE: Yakuza - my personal opinion - Sep 13, 2006 06:30
Shenmue 1 was extremely expensive - back in DC days games didn' t cost 20 000 000 $ (Shenmue did) - far from it.

It would be not only extremely expensive to make in HD , but also extremely risky since no Shenmue game sold well.

I wouldn' t mind playing Shenmue on Wii - but I' d like them to make a really good voice and audio quality this time.