ORIGINAL: Adam Doree
GTHD is not a next-gen game.
To get a next-gen game running at 1080p with anything resembling 30fps WHEN next-gen effects, HDR lighting, Havok, etc is used, is the point. So stop trying to be a smartass.
At its press event in Tokyo yesterday, Sega revealed, or rather boasted, that Virtua Tennis 3 runs in 1080p on the PS3. Displaying the game on slick HD sets with 1080p placards next to them, it looked absolutely glorious in high-res.
http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3153716 If I' m a smart ass, obviously you' re a dumb ass (correctly mentioned by someone else on page one BTW). Yes I know
you added a bunch of hyper-specific qualifiers to cover your secret developer' s
FALSE prediction, but 95% of the people who read it (you and your fanboi crew aside) took it to mean exactly what he said about the impossibility of achieving smooth framerates in 1080P games...
" buh buh but it can' t do 1080P with the Havok physics engine! ...an an and it can' t do it with HDR lighting!

... that still doesn' t change the FACT that we are seeing 1080P games (now near launch!) on 1st gen software! Not only that, the bottom line is that it looks extremely good according to these initial impressions. I' d be surprised if VT3 is not 60fps, but it is still smooth and looking " absolutely glorious" in 1080P at 30fps.
So while it may be true that your secret developer can' t achieve this himself on whatever Ms. Pac-Man port he may be working on, obviously actual
talented game makers are taking care of business. GT:HD is going to be released and is a game at 1080P from all accounts whether you like it or not, so that' s two titles known before system launch already. Not enough for you? Unconfirmed titles possibly in 1080P for the PS3 include:
NBA 07
Resistance:Fall of Man (I doubt it, but Insomniac says they are still working on it)
Army of Two (EA action co-op title, non-English article found here):
http://www.ps3focus.nl/sitee/nieuws/bekijk.php?id=2771&cat=catps3 Journalism 101 is a cheap class at any community college.... look into it before again making yourself look hideously biased in the future only to have your lame sources proven wrong. Whether you respond or not, I don' t care. I' ve wasted enough of my time at your wanna-be news site based on the " quality" staff I' ve seen so far. I won' t be back.... that is unless you reveal your developer source so we can all point, laugh, and avoid whatever it is he' s working on.
< Message edited by Me Myself and I -- 18 Sep 06 1:50:02 >