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Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 18, 2006 05:48
to be honest I do wanna play vf5 however the wii has zelda so I can hope that vf5 is just a time exclusive..... VF5 ...this is the only game that makes me think about PS3 ...this and MGS4 A fighting game could never sway me from a console! They are only fun for a limited time, i like deep engrossing expiriences like Mass Effect! Seems to me like you haven' t really played them - I mean you haven' t played them like they should be played.VF5 is 10 times deeper than anything bethesda and Bioware could come up with in joint effort and 10 years developement deadline. It' s the reason why it' s so fulfilling for players. When you have opponents that invest as much time as you did , know most of the techniques and tricks - can put up a good fight in other words - that' s when you spend hours in PRACTICE MODE , you become better , you don' tr want to play anything else and when your friends come , you have at least 50 fights , you' re sweating and your hands are shaking in the end.It' s no DoA or SoulCalibur (both are cool mind you) - here you need to train a lot to be a worthy opponent and it is extremely satisfying.It' s like a game of chess - this shit will never get old and you can play it every day and as long as you like - you just need to have good opponents I remember Mr. Doree himself saying that he believed in a 360 version of Virtua Fighter 5. Got to mean something. yeah it' s coming out the day after Shenmue trilogy hits the stores - just like KIKIZO told us :) - there were so many " NO because our fanbase is on the PS3 and X360 isn' t selling in Japan" and " we' re doing it for the PS3 because they also use nVidia" from SEGA people, that it seems very unlikely.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 17 Aug 06 21:51:00 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 18, 2006 07:56
I had all three last Gen. I won' t do that again though, too expensive. From now on its one console and a high end PC, and maybe a second console after prce drops.
Evil Man
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- Joined: Aug 07, 2004
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RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 18, 2006 09:14
I' ll probably pass. 1) It is inferior hardware. 2) It' s not even high-def, the games will be 480p which looks like garbage anyhow. Bad graphics + Low Def = NO.
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 18, 2006 10:02
I would never have enough time to play 3 different consoles and my PC so its quite obvious that i will only buy a Wii. Affordable with a new way to play games it fills the bill quite nicely for me. For graphics PCs will always be the one, I' ll build a new one in a year or so time so it will always be a cut above the consoles (like i did for the previous gen).
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 18, 2006 10:24
Vf never appealed to me, I never particularly liked it.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 18, 2006 18:30
ORIGINAL: Evil Man I' ll probably pass. 1) It is inferior hardware. 2) It' s not even high-def, the games will be 480p which looks like garbage anyhow. Bad graphics + Low Def = NO. Yeah, well I' ve gotten this impression that the controller might be fun...
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 18, 2006 20:00
LOL :)
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 18, 2006 21:23
Evil man makes me laugh lol.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 18, 2006 23:44
Yeah, well I' ve gotten this impression that the controller might be fun... Blashphemy I say! Evil Man kinda reminds me of Kickass133 or whatever his name was. (minus the stints of medicated dementia). I was never intended in having every console, my ps2 kept me happy for years, but within the last year, I just started to fill the gap. I picked up a used GCN for the exclusives. And I finally caved on my ps3 plan, and bought a 360 this week, so If you count the 360' s Xbox emulation as a console, I' ve got everything..
Evil Man
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- Joined: Aug 07, 2004
- Location: Middle of nowhere
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 19, 2006 09:32
ORIGINAL: ginjirou ORIGINAL: Evil Man I' ll probably pass. 1) It is inferior hardware. 2) It' s not even high-def, the games will be 480p which looks like garbage anyhow. Bad graphics + Low Def = NO. Yeah, well I' ve gotten this impression that the controller might be fun... Yeah I bet waving a fucking controller like your some kind of fucking mental patient is appealing to you isn' t it.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 19, 2006 17:31
Yes it is because it looks like fun. (You made a spelling mistake. You wrote " your" when you meant " you' re" as in " you are" . LOL at the english speaking guy who can' t write in his own language  )
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 19 Aug 06 9:33:45 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 19, 2006 17:39
Yeah I bet waving a fucking controller like your some kind of fucking mental patient is appealing to you isn' t it. You' re still here?!
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 19, 2006 20:32
Yeah I bet waving a fucking controller like your some kind of fucking mental patient is appealing to you isn' t it. I guess it' s more fun than comparing your PC' s among people.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
- Location: United Kingdom
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 19, 2006 20:50
Didn' t Nintendo say something about you don' t need to wave it around like an idiot, but instead, you can just move it about subtly - and still get the required output?
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Wii to cost 170$ in Japan (instead of 216$)
Aug 19, 2006 21:04
they sure did , but that wouldn' t show my negative attitude towards Evilshit :)
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