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Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
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Vx Chemical
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 03:16
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 03:16
Silence! You know nothing fool!
Good Man
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 03:17
You can be part of the " Happiness and Goodwill" society still. All are Wuved. How much is Shenmue 2 now? For I have a strong belief in helping young Ryo on his noble quest of vengence.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 04:14
Shenmue is the only game I ever played that made me depressed becuase I had to go to work again. Still love it though! I have played througg S1 and have S2... but no dreamcast.. anybody have a lone of one? as I have not played S2 yet!
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 7 Aug 06 20:15:02 >
Mass X
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 04:38
Good Man- All are Wuved. How much is Shenmue 2 now? For I have a strong belief in helping young Ryo on his noble quest of vengence. I think it' s about $10 in the US.
Game Junkie
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 04:41
I never payed either, *curls up in a ball* don' t hit me...
Terry Bogard
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 04:51
How could Shenmue not leave a great first impression? EASY.. The first time I played Shenmue it was the import version. I felt that Ryo' s control could use a wee bit more fine-tuning as it felt just a tad bit stiff, just a pinch, but enough to notice. I remember having a better first impression of the import version of Resident Evil Code: Veronica for the Dreamcast. Like I said before, I warmed up to Shenmue more and more over time, but initial impressions of the game left me unimpressed.. I remember the build-up and the anticipation leading up to the game' s Japanese release. I' d watch and rewatch various Shenmue trailers and was soooo excited. When I finally got the game in my hands and played it for the first time, admittedly I was a tad bit disappointed. But since it was the first chapter in the series OF COURSE there were going to be flaws. But at the end of the day the positives most definitely outweighed the negatives.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 7 Aug 06 20:54:03 >
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 05:06
Well the game did take some time getting used to - it wasn' t very intuitive , but it was all worth it - and Shenmue 2 was awesome it was even better than Shen 1 - how often do we say this about sequels huh? It' s funny to see this thread today dasher :)
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 05:07
Terry, did you actually complete both Shenmue' s or did you just get all the arcade games and call it a day?!
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 05:08
I personally liked the first one better, their both awsome though but I liked the setting better in the first one
Terry Bogard
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 05:11
Terry, did you actually complete both Shenmue' s or did you just get all the arcade games and call it a day?! I completed both games twice.
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- Joined: May 24, 2006
RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 05:13
Shenmue 1, I loved the controls and feel of the game. Shenmue 2 had that cutscene " BE AWARE!" system that RE4 had, though it worked in RE4 I thought it just didn' t work in the cinematic feel of Shenmue 2.
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 05:13
Hmm, so that' s Harrier and Hang-On? What did you think of the conversions to Shenmue?
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 05:34
I think they were both great since they were different...if shenmue 2 looked too much like the first shenmue then it would be boring. Shenmue made me believe that i was actually immersed in Ryo´s world but the second was more breath taking with Ryo´s life often being in danger. 1 or 2, they´re both Shenmue  .
Joe Redifer
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 08:11
I loved both games. Part 1 was indeed a bit more personal, but part 2 was huge and exciting. Climbing that Yellow Head building was awesome. Love how that dilapidated bulding just happened to have a Hang-On arcade machine in one of the rooms and they let you play it without any harrassment! The arcade games in the Shenmue series are kind of weak. The controls suck, but that could be because the Dreamcast controller is one of the worst ever created.
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 08:18
Joe, haven' t seen you in ages, where you been? The controls suck, but that could be because the Dreamcast controller is one of the worst ever created. What don' t you like about it, and how do you feel about the xbox/x360 controllers?
Evil Man
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 10:47
Both games are trash. Side by side Shenmue 2 is better, but Shenmue atleast was fresh when it came out. It' s hard to choose between two pieces of garbage but I' d go with Shenmue 1.
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 12:33
The last chapter of Shenmue 2 was just amazingly beautiful.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 14:21
Joe, haven' t seen you in ages, where you been? I' ve been around here and there, but it is hard to read these forums nowadays since only around 6 or 7 posts per page are allowed. This makes every thread look like monstorous behemoths that I don' t want to bother reading. Each page should allow 15 posts. Shenmue is better than Laurence Fishburne.
MÃ ss X
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RE: Shenmue 1 or Shenmue 2, which was best?
Aug 08, 2006 15:20
Ryu' s ass is tighter in part 2, so I have to say part 2 is better!
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