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RE: LucasArts " force powers" tech demo
Aug 04, 2006 01:08
ORIGINAL: mikayd2 Hell me to i cant say its ingame or not i dont know we well have to wait and see i hope it is Er.. ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical its a few weeks old. Its a PS 3 TARGET demo as far as i remember, it looks cool though! It' s a target demo.. Here' s the thing.. Let' s look at their " other" target demos.. Motorstorm Killzone 2 Heavenly Sword.. But hey, this is Lucas Arts, they ARE amazing for Pod Racer..
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- Joined: Feb 13, 2006
- Location: London, England
RE: LucasArts " force powers" tech demo
Aug 04, 2006 04:06
The video is a render... IGN had something on it.... let me find a link.... IGN: Once the video hit the net, there was a lot of speculation as to whether or not that footage was real-time, a target render, etc. Can you set the record straight and let everyone know specifically what it is, what it' s built on, and when you created it? Blackman: One of the ideas the next-gen Star Wars team has been exploring is the concept of the " Force unleashed." To us, the " Force unleashed" is exactly what it sounds like: a Jedi or similar character releasing the full potential of the Force in ways that, while they feel like logical extensions of powers we' ve already seen, are also new, amped-up, or over the top. The video was created a little over a year ago, still very early in pre-production, so that the development team could wrap our collective heads around the concept and understand the gameplay and production implications. The video is a pre-rendered pre-visualization of what we' re targeting in terms of gameplay, the degree of interaction with the environment, and character reactions. Link
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: LucasArts " force powers" tech demo
Aug 04, 2006 06:28
Thats to expect when you think Sony is god, and PS3 is jesus! Huh? It wasn' t like that? Man, whoa man! I gotta re evaluate my life. I also thought the demo kicked arse btw... At least until I saw the last scene, in which it became very clear to me that it was all pre rendered. *Sigh* The dissapointment...  ... Still got high hopes though!
Jessica Spencer
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- Joined: Jul 24, 2006
RE: LucasArts " force powers" tech demo
Aug 07, 2006 23:38
Huh? It wasn' t like that? Man, whoa man! I gotta re evaluate my life. Yeh!!! It wasn' t like that?
< Message edited by Jessica Spencer -- 7 Aug 06 15:40:07 >
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- Joined: Aug 22, 2006
RE: LucasArts " force powers" tech demo
Aug 22, 2006 13:04
holy shit do you see what happened to that last guy