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RE: Gearwhores
Sep 01, 2006 22:36
You don' t need higher bitrate (CD' s,FLAC files sound amazingly good) - you just need equipment that won' t downgrade quality.Good amplifier,Speakers (well placed) , good cables (especially good cables). I am going to have to ' hear it before I buy it' , its something you have to hear first hand to see how good it is.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 01, 2006 23:18
That' s what I' m saying man - you have to hear it to believe it and start spending hundrets of thousand of dollars (I' m for real now) :) OR do yourself a favour and never try anything that good ... you will have more money for other things. I' m trying to figure out what Sound cards for the PC are good enough for quality audio listening.I don' t like to change CD' s and shit - I want to make my files library in FLAC (one of the best audio formats without compression).
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 02, 2006 04:14
What do you guys think is funnier? Evil Man being a parent and behaving like an 8 year old on the forums or Evil Man being an 8 year old and pretending to be a parent on the forums?  Well said. I may just post my crappy " ye-olden days home pictureshow viewing extravaganza device" sometime this week, but when i say it' s really nothing amazing... I mean it' s really nothing amazing. That and my 10 pound IBM keyboard.
< Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 1 Sep 06 20:16:13 >
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- Joined: Sep 02, 2006
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 02, 2006 04:43
can u plz help me i just started
Evil Man
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RE: Gearwhores
Sep 02, 2006 10:27
That' s why PC gaming is a NO GO for me - I like to sit relaxed far from the BIG screen. PC gaming? locopuyo uses that shit for consoles too, LOL.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 2 Sep 06 2:27:23 >
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- Location: Poland
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 02, 2006 16:25
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RE: Gearwhores
Sep 05, 2006 03:22
My best gadget is probable my Westinghouse 42" monitor with HDMI and 1080p resolution. Oh, and my Watpuppies.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 05, 2006 11:35
Maybe you' re new to the english language so I won' t get on your case too much about this one but what in the fuck is a " Watpuppie" ? You can' t just make up words...
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 05, 2006 11:57
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ Can you tell me what makes PAnasonic better in your personal view? I just loved the way it looked, is all. The difference between the two is miniscule, at best, so I think you' ll be happy with which ever you eventually choose. ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ Tell me how do 480p DVD movies (through RCA component) look on thoose projectors comparing to an CRT SDTV ? I mean - is it better to buy some upscalling device? Well, the size of the screen is really the only thing that makes a difference. When you blow up an image to 100" (or greater) it gets a little blurry. An upscaling DVD player makes a BIG difference (HD-DVD players upscale, BTW  ). With my projector, an upscaling device was necessary, as the one that' s built into the unit SUCKS! Since I needed something for sound anyway, I just got a receiver that upscales video signals to HD. It' s not so much an issue, anymore, as I don' t have any sources that aren' t HD. The REAL advantage of my receiver is that it allows video switching, which is essential considering projectors usually have only one HDMI and one component input. The upscaler on the Panasonic is REALLY good. I don' t know about the Sanyo. ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ Do you think that Wii games (in 480p) might have some lag? Nah! What I' m saying is this: Go HD! For EVERYTHING! I' m, personally, gonna hook my Wii up to my CRT. Even with my projector being mounted near the ceiling, when you stand up in front of the couch your head blocks part of the screen (kinda like Mystery Science Theater 3000). I stand behind the couch to play Guitar Hero, but then I' m not waving anything above my head (like I' ll be doing with the Wii).
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 05, 2006 18:48
Shit I was hoping to watch those damn DVD' s without upscaller :)
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
- Location: SoCal USA
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 06, 2006 12:46
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ Shit I was hoping to watch those damn DVD' s without upscaller :) Upscaling is your friend, Gangsta! Especially if you' re getting a projector. Dood, DVDs at 100" doesn' t look as good as it should. I don' t know where this big " upscaling is the enemy" movement is coming from, but upscaling makes the picture BETTER! Who' s not down for that? If you want the BEST get a 360 with the add-on HD-DVD player or get a PS3. Either way, you get high def gaming and movies. If you' re just thinking of using the projector for your Wii and for regular DVDs, though, then DO NOT hook up any high def signals to it! You know better than anybody that it' ll RUIN you!
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 06, 2006 20:04
Upscaling is your friend, Gangsta! Especially if you' re getting a projector. Dood, DVDs at 100" doesn' t look as good as it should. I don' t know where this big " upscaling is the enemy" movement is coming from, but upscaling makes the picture BETTER! Who' s not down for that? I understand you perfectly - it' s just that I hoped I won' t have to buy any upscalling device - I know they are great , I just won' t be the richest guy on the planet after getting that projector :) HD consoles are my next purchase , but I want to have a nice HD setup ready for them. Anyway, I guess I' ll try sanyo since it' s the sharpest projector in this range and maybe get a nice upscalling DVD player later.I don' t care for HD DVD or BD movies - DVD' s are still great while having outstanding selection and prices.
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 6 Sep 06 12:06:01 >
Evil Man
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- Location: Middle of nowhere
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 07, 2006 09:34
Buy HDTV after you get the consoles, PS3 will still be $600 a year from now, whatever HDTV you buy will be 1/2 the price next year, if not lower. That is why I don' t bother buying expensive ($5000+) TVs. Both of the LCDs I have now were worth $4000+ last year and I bought them for about $1500 this year, they' ll probably $800 or so next year.
< Message edited by Evil Man -- 7 Sep 06 7:24:07 >
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 08, 2006 06:53
yeah , you' re right , but I want this projector for movies mostly (and gaming on it would be just a great bonus). I' m a movie freak and polish cinemas suck.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 08, 2006 19:18
polish cinemas suck. Hahaha! European cave men! Look Evil Man, I' m learning
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 08, 2006 22:44
Cavemen had better cinemas than we have :)
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 11, 2006 00:26
Cavemen had better cinemas than we have :) That bad huh? What' s so awful, picture, sound, or what? Now all be prepared to recoil in awe, as you all see my brilliant setup! Here it comes...  [/URL] Don' t you wish you had that 21 inch SDTV, with AV jacks... in the front!? And that 14" inch dumpster-dived monitor? They' re just too cool for school. It' s not much, but it' s home. No in all seriousness though, the one thing I' m really proud of is my gigantic billion pound IBM keyboard. Who needs a handgun with a home-defense weapon like that? And not to mention, it sounds more like a Kalashnikov assault rifle than a keyboard when you type. Edit: not pictured is teh DS Lite. I was busy gaming at the moment.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 11, 2006 00:37
You pic is a little too small when you click on it. Here, let me help you: EDIT: You have two PS2' s and you train with a 8kg weight?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 10 Sep 06 16:39:35 >
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 11, 2006 01:12
EDIT: You have two PS2' s and you train with a 8kg weight? I repair/cosmetic mod PS2' s. You should have seen me a week ago. I had four stacked up. I live in America honey child, we use lbs over here.  Actually, that weight is a brilliant bookend when I' m trying to get into my closet, (just beyond pic to the left) I actually cleaned up my space for that pic, I' ve usually got a stack of textbooks, games, endangered animals on the edges of my desk, so it' s a lifesaver.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
- Location: Poland
RE: Gearwhores
Sep 11, 2006 03:19
unbelievable :)
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