lol @ ginjirou..
So here' s the thing, do you want to play a fighting game like SSB with the Wii-mote? Hell no! It just won' t be as fun as playing with a normal controller.
The first thing everyone says about Wii is the controller....
D' you see where I am going with this?
It' s the single denominating factor that separates Nintendo from Sony and Microsoft.
Now, I know they said that the Wii will have better graphics when it comes out, but
those poor games that don' t make full use of the controller, average Joe and
Becky are going to compare them with the graphical quality of the two core
WHICH IS NOT RIGHT!!!! If you' re going to compare them graphically, we know Nintendo has good games,
but it will just be the Gamecube situation all over again, with people assuming
it' s the weaker of the 3.
I want Wii as much as the next geeky kid
(back, I said back
But I think if they' re going to make a feature a main point of sale, they should
exploit it.
And Ginj, how can you say Brawl will be no fun playing on the controller? You
don' t know.
That means you can' t say that the Wii controller will be fun, if you' re already
assuming Brawl cannot be played... You might as well say that other
franchises can' t be played... Or are you saying it won' t be fun cos Nintendo said
I think you should let the inner fanboy back in.