What the f*** is up with this thread?
I' m seeing some people are losing their faith in the Wii. Sad.
I' ll let my Nintendo fanboyism kick in to convince you how great the Wii is...
The Wii will be great, there' s no doubt about it. Every person who have played it says it' s great. Read Kikizo, IGN, gamespot, they all love it.
There are some minor problems in a few games but they are easily corrected.
Don' t worry about the sensor bar. It works fine without any problems at all.
Now, I' ve heard some of you think you' ll get bored with the Wii (Tiz

What the f*** is wrong with you? Did you get bored with the shoulderbuttons? Did you get bored with the analog stick? Did you get bored with the rumble feature? Did you get bored with 3D graphics? Hell no! And you' re not getting bored with the Wii-mote, that' s just how it is.
Sonic Wild Fire is a railgame? And Red Steel is going to get boring? Well HELLO, every Sonic game is basically a damn rail game but this time we' ll have a better camera system and a cooler controller. What says Red Steel is any more boring than any other FPS? Hell, I think that it will last longer than CoD3 (same war shit as it' s always been) or that retared PS3 FPS.
Metroid Prime is also a FPP game. Metroid Prime is boring? HUh!?!?You' ll get bored with that huh? Huh? Talk to me motherf*****!
Oh, and I suppose you want to play those crappy simulation racers Gran Turismo or Forza motorsport with only updated textures instead of playing Excite Truck with the Wii-mote? Huh?!?!
You think Zelda is uncomfortable? Just because that guy was a f****** retard when playing it? Well screw you then!
Since you think the Wii will get boring I' m assuming you got bored with the DS too huh? Huh!? I guess you looooove the PSP and enjoy every second of it, don' t you Sony lover? Sony whore! And I guess you hate the Dual Screens? The Microphone? The Touch-screen? Did you get bored with New Super Mario bros? SuperMario 64? Huh!?!? DID YOU!?!? ANSWER ME DAMNIT!!!
If you talk shit about the Wii I' ll make sure you end up dead you hear me BOY!!!!!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 7 Jul 06 0:08:08 >