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Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 06:59
Gangsta, I guess you too are looking forward to Dragon Ball Z more than you look forward to Lost Odysee??
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 07:10
I' ve never played any DBZ game and I didn' t watch the anime - therefore my judgement wouldn' t be too valuable. Lost odyssey has a lot to live up to and I' m not sure it will.I' ll wait for some more footage or maybe hands-on reports. But yeah - it could be amazing...that' s what I' m wishing for. I' m just tired of people saying stupid shit about japanese and their press.Retarded conspiracy theories (Sony + Square + Famitsu) and so on. I also don' t like reviewers who review games based on their announcements like our friend Quez here - although IGN might want to hire him for his quick pre-release reviews :)
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 07:12
Gangsta i have the old FF games in PS1 emu,the early NES games came to it. Yes sakaguchi programmed,directed and wrote the story in FF1-FF5 but only FF5 was a very good rpg if you ask me. And his ff6 was a masterpiece also. But at the NES era the games was very limited. Well... I hope that FF3 in DS really will shine and wont be as limited as the NES version had to be in terms of story/graphic. And i agree with ginjour,how can you want Sakaguchis FF3 over his dreamproject that he finally get to do with 360 on a next gen console. make no sense whatsoever. the japanese people already have played that NES version. Ofc i do get that having your favorite game remade with better graphic in a newer format is always awesome,but come on... its FF3.
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 07:21
yeah and it' s portable - that' s the key here. I' m not thinking too much about LO cause it' s a big mystery for now.Trailers are great and the idea is amazing, but it' s just that there' s nothing really known about this game. Nothing to check or nothing to see.Not even much to read about for now. but only FF5 was a very good rpg if you ask me. No I won' t ask you , but I agree :) i have the old FF games in PS1 emu,the early NES games came to it. I' ve never heard of any Emulator that would translate japanese games to english :)
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 07:23
Sorry,the early FF games came to PS1 in USA,so i got it and putted it in into my PS1 emulator on the PC.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 07:43
I don' t get it. According to a survey the japanese gamers are tired of sequels because that' s all they get nowadays. But if you look at the list it' s almost nothing but sequels. Huh?! You have no idea how funny I find that because years ago when Famitsu polled a bunch of Japanese gamers, a strong majority of them preferred Sequels over original games!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 07:45
Ha, i like how both MikayD and GaidenBLACK' s avatars are both girls. That' s exactly how i see them..
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 13:36
Its funny how Sakaguchi' s dream project " Lost odyssey" isn' t even on the list,instead Sakaguchis very old rpg FF3 is on the 2nd place,see how they hate 360?! RE5 is still not a 360 game in famitsu,they fail to mention it,why? i have no idea. Look at this top 20 list,seriously,its the most fucked up list i can even imagien. you are such a stupid fanboy RE 5 is not listed for 360 because they are asked for the game and the platform they spect it for. I travel to japan every six months because my father lives there and i can assure you there is no such thing as an xbox 360 there, they sell 1000 360´s a week, 60%of which are bought by american people living there. People hate the xbox brand and everything that has anything to do with it, and why is the list fucked up??? Because there are no 360 games on it??? Well, besides Gears of War and Fable 2 there are no 360 exclusives that look cool, in fact all the other games look like trash i own a 360 and i am disappointed because there are no big names on the god damn platform and there r many great names in the list METAL GEAR SOLID 4, PERSONA 3, ZELDA TP and Phantom Hourglass FINAL FANTASY XIII, get over urself and get a fucking life stupid fanboy
< Message edited by fernandino -- 3 Jul 06 18:14:55 >
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 14:55
ORIGINAL: fernandino U R such an stupid fanboy RE 5 is not listed for 360 because they r asked 4 the game and the platform they spect it, i travel to japan every six months cause my father lives there and i can assure you there is no such thing as xbox 360 there, they sell 1000 360 at week of which 60% are bougth by american people living there, people hate the xbox brand and everithing that has anithing to do whit it, and why is the list fucked up??? because there are no 360 games on it??? well besides Gears of War and Fable 2 there are no 360 exclusives that look cool, in fact all the other games look like trash i own a 360 and i am dissapointed cause there r no big names in the god damn platform and there r many great names in the list METAL GEAR SOLID 4, PERSONA 3, ZELDA TP and Phantom Hourglass FINAL FANTASY XIII, get over urself and get a fucking life stupid fanboy Why does everyone feel the need to molest the English language?
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 17:24
ORIGINAL: fernandino Its funny how Sakaguchi' s dream project " Lost odyssey" isn' t even on the list,instead Sakaguchis very old rpg FF3 is on the 2nd place,see how they hate 360?! RE5 is still not a 360 game in famitsu,they fail to mention it,why? i have no idea. Look at this top 20 list,seriously,its the most fucked up list i can even imagien. U R such an stupid fanboy RE 5 is not listed for 360 because they r asked 4 the game and the platform they spect it, i travel to japan every six months cause my father lives there and i can assure you there is no such thing as xbox 360 there, they sell 1000 360 at week of which 60% are bougth by american people living there, people hate the xbox brand and everithing that has anithing to do whit it, and why is the list fucked up??? because there are no 360 games on it??? well besides Gears of War and Fable 2 there are no 360 exclusives that look cool, in fact all the other games look like trash i own a 360 and i am dissapointed cause there r no big names in the god damn platform and there r many great names in the list METAL GEAR SOLID 4, PERSONA 3, ZELDA TP and Phantom Hourglass FINAL FANTASY XIII, get over urself and get a fucking life stupid fanboy Wow really restored my faith in the japanese being open minded and choosing what they liked rather than a brand based on where it originated and you ended your rant sounding like the thing you seemed to hate when you started...
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- Joined: Jun 17, 2006
RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 17:48
and you ended your rant sounding like the thing you seemed to hate when you started... i didnt meant to sound like a sony fanboy, all i said was that rigth now the xbos 360 doesnt have big names at all, i mean, yeah PREY, ALAN WAKE, RAINBOW SIX, RESIDENT EVIL 5, sure look nice but they are also in PC or PS3 so whats the next great thing for xbox??? when am i gonna get the next gen for which i paid 400 dlls??? my father works in the videogame industry so i get a clear picture of whats going on, the 360 is not even selling well not in the U.K. not in Japan, not even in the U.S. and that´s a problem, so i wonder again, when???
< Message edited by fernandino -- 3 Jul 06 9:53:41 >
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 17:58
U R such an stupid fanboy RE 5 is not listed for 360 because they r asked 4 the game and the platform they spect it, i travel to japan every six months cause my father lives there and i can assure you there is no such thing as xbox 360 there, they sell 1000 360 at week of which 60% are bougth by american people living there, people hate the xbox brand and everithing that has anithing to do whit it, and why is the list fucked up??? because there are no 360 games on it??? well besides Gears of War and Fable 2 there are no 360 exclusives that look cool, in fact all the other games look like trash i own a 360 and i am dissapointed cause there r no big names in the god damn platform and there r many great names in the list METAL GEAR SOLID 4, PERSONA 3, ZELDA TP and Phantom Hourglass FINAL FANTASY XIII, get over urself and get a fucking life stupid fanboy GRAMMAR CHECK AND SPELLING CHECK IMMINENT  U R such a stupid fanboy RE 5 is not listed for 360 because they asked 4 the game and the platform they expect it for. I travel to japan every six months because my father lives there, and I can assure you there is no such thing as an xbox 360 there (really?!). They sell 1000 360 ' s a week 60% of which are bought by american people living there. People hate the xbox brand and ever ything that has an ything to do w ith it, and why is the list fucked up??? Because there are no 360 games on it??? Well besides Gears of War and Fable 2 there are no 360 exclusives that look cool, in fact all the other games look like trash . I own a 360 (I thought only americans bought it in Japan?) and I am disap pointed because there r no big names on the god damn platform and there r many great names in the list : METAL GEAR SOLID 4, PERSONA 3, ZELDA TP and Phantom Hourglass FINAL FANTASY XIII, get over urself and get a fucking life stupid fanboy. Hmm, your spelling seems to be fine in most areas. The areas that need work are highlighted in BOLD. Now, your article about fanboys seems to be quite ok, except for the fact that out of everyone here, you seem to be the BIGGEST fanboy because whilst people are wondering exactly where certain titles are, you have now brought up certain aspects of a console war; very close minded fernandino-san. Now, run along to the back with the other bad writing fanboys and correct your posts, I have given you enough help, so I expect a flawless post next time! If you need schooling sessions, I am available after 3.30pm, just after home-time.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 3 Jul 06 10:10:57 >
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 18:26
I just find it so unecessairy that he felt the need to state the percentage of americans (might as well have said gaijin) that live there that bought the 360 and how much the xbox brand is ' ' hated' ' but to be honest it just ties in well with everything new i' ve been hearing about japan lately so maybe I should just shut my ears. they sell 1000 360 at week of which 60% are bougth by american people living there, people hate the xbox brand and everithing that has anithing to do whit it,
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 3 Jul 06 10:34:15 >
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 18:53
Okay smartass, then tell me how not even 400 people in Japan can vote for mario galaxy in their top 20?
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 19:03
dasher, you were online yesterday weren' t you?
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 19:11
Yeah I was playing ' ' Feeding frenzy' ' ...can' t believe how addictive it was ...
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 19:14
Feeding frenzy? XBLA? I might buy it today... (M$ have made a fortune from me...  ) What 360 games dyou have? Also, anyone got anyything new on Lost Odyssey? I wanna know why he cries, and why he has been alive for more than 1,000 years. I WANT THE GAME!!!! As long as it isn' t turn-based! I HATE that...
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 19:20
Yeah I haven' t bought it yet but I will do it' s crazily addictive I kept getting eaten aswell.. 360 games I have nfs most wanted doa4 (that' s it lol) I seriously need to get some more but i' ve been playing the old soul calibur and fable.
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RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 19:22
what is your GAmertags-Dasher and Tiz.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Haha,Famitsu list is fucked up again!
Jul 03, 2006 19:30
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