U R such an stupid fanboy RE 5 is not listed for 360 because they r asked 4 the game and the platform they spect it, i travel to japan every six months cause my father lives there and i can assure you there is no such thing as xbox 360 there, they sell 1000 360 at week of which 60% are bougth by american people living there, people hate the xbox brand and everithing that has anithing to do whit it, and why is the list fucked up??? because there are no 360 games on it??? well besides Gears of War and Fable 2 there are no 360 exclusives that look cool, in fact all the other games look like trash i own a 360 and i am dissapointed cause there r no big names in the god damn platform and there r many great names in the list METAL GEAR SOLID 4, PERSONA 3, ZELDA TP and Phantom Hourglass FINAL FANTASY XIII, get over urself and get a fucking life stupid fanboy

U R such
a stupid fanboy RE 5 is not listed for 360 because they asked 4 the game and the platform they
expect it for.
I travel to japan every six months
because my father lives there, and
I can assure you there is no such thing as
an xbox 360 there
They sell 1000 360
' s a week
60% of which are
bought by american people living there.
People hate the xbox brand and ever
ything that has an
ything to do w
ith it, and why is the list fucked up???
Because there are no 360 games on it???
Well besides Gears of War and Fable 2 there are no 360 exclusives that look cool, in fact all the other games look like trash
. I own a 360 (I thought only americans bought it in Japan?) and
I am disap
because there r no big names
on the god damn platform and there r many great names in the list
: METAL GEAR SOLID 4, PERSONA 3, ZELDA TP and Phantom Hourglass FINAL FANTASY XIII, get over urself and get a fucking life stupid fanboy.
Hmm, your spelling seems to be fine in most areas. The areas that need work
are highlighted in
BOLD. Now, your article about fanboys seems to be
quite ok, except for the fact that out of everyone here, you seem to be the
BIGGEST fanboy because whilst people are wondering exactly where certain
titles are, you have now brought up certain aspects of a console war; very close
minded fernandino-san.
Now, run along to the back with the other bad writing fanboys and correct your posts,
I have given you enough help, so I expect a flawless post next time!
If you need schooling sessions, I am available after 3.30pm, just after home-time.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 3 Jul 06 10:10:57 >