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 Microsoft boo boos!
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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 00:17
I had a quick go on Table Tennis in a shop the other day. They' ve done a great job on the feel of the sport, and I imagine it' d be awesome over Live.

It did feel a bit unnaturally floaty occasionally, especially on the slow shots (not the slow motion of course!) but mostly it was as fast paced as the real thing. And I' d say the feel of the spin isn' t quite there, but you still have to think about counter-spin etc and the controls are very intuitive and quick.

It' s simply R stick directions for different spins, power depends on how long you hold it for (and when you let go?), and forehand backhand and positioning is all taken care of automatically. You can move left and right with the L analog quickly and precisely of course. There' s a ' focus' function with the triggers, but I' m not sure what they do...?

Not as good as the real sport of course, but definitely the next best thing. I suppose Pong' s the only real alternative though.

Also is anyone else trying the PGR3 tournaments recently? I got close to qualifying for one, but some people are too good at that game! That MaxFatality dude is playing, if that really is him.

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 00:26
You build up your focus meter when holding in and putting more power into your shots,its also a bit risky,but when using the FOCUS and then a hard perfect spinball then,Tadadaaaa!!!a

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 00:46
that' s the kind of thread I was waiting for :)

MS did a lot of shit wrong...

1.Xbox - size, design , incredibly loud, crappy controller - this system never felt like a console to me.

2.Antialiasing was good but it made every game look a bit softened.

3.Many games were poor PC ports with bugs often glitches and lack of polish.

One thing that I totally hate about MS and Xbox brand is their hype of poor products.

To name a few:

Fable was a nice game - it showed tremendous potential yet this potential was unrealised.hype was huge and the game itself was more like a betabuild than a retail version.

Forza - while some people love it - I think this game sucks and it' s all thanks to 30FPS and boring tracks - GT4 wins with no problems here.Again the hype was crazy.

Halo 2 - this was by far the most overhyped production since SW:Episode one.In the end - another good game (I' m not talking about multiplayer here)

almosyty every huge release was disappointing to me.

There were some good PC games that I' m thankfull I had the chance to play - full spectrum warrior, splinter cell , half life 2, doom 3...

But most games that I remember as worth getting Xbox for are japanese - OTOGI1,OTOGI2,Outrun2,Ninja Gaiden,SoulCalibur2,Dead or Alive3,Shenmue2 and so on.

Europe and US however had some cool games like Halo1 ,PGR1,2 and Rallisport challenge 1,2

They didn' t do well with it - it wasn' t a great system when I think about it - most games I played on it were multiplatform titles with few exceptions.

To sum it up - the hardware had crappy design,software was very often disappointing,controller was just crap and they could' ve made some quality control on them lazy fuckin developers.

It was way to PC (when I say this I mean all the bad sides of PC not the good ones) for me to like it , but after modding it and getting emulators,media stuff and so on it became my system of choice with new paintjob and some cool modifications (I really hate the way retail Xbox looks).

off topic
I have to tell you that after seeing Oblivion video head to head for PC and 360 , the difference in visuals is just huge - it makes me wonder if I should get a high end PC to play those awesome games like bioshock and Oblivion that look much better on PC' s...but then again I hate playing with mouse on some small monitor - couch and 5.1 setup on a nice SD 36" TV is where it' s at baby :)'

anyway it' s just disappointing - I Wonder if they could make it just as good on 360...
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 7 Jun 06 16:48:45 >

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 02:26
Its not a huge diffrence Gangsta in OB,also the PC version cant use HDR+AA at the same time.


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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 02:38
What' s most important HDR or AA?

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 02:43
one downer about Xbox360 is although it has a few good games, it STILL hasnt a killer Ap in my eyes...

Also i must stress ' Not' having VF5 automatically makes it the second chioce for fighting games.

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 02:43
Well,HDR is a next gen light system,that make the sun act like a sun so lights can blend you and make enviorments lights up extremly realistic.
In gRAW the sun moves in MP or rather the cloud cover up some of the light,however when it doesnt you might get blended so you have to move to be able to see clear.

in half life2 its the best feature to have on.

AA = less jaggies,ofc with high reso you get them down a bit also however it still look a bit strange.

My friend had max +HDR with 1280' 1024 and played in 60 fps.

Looked kind of strange,he ended up with using 4xAA which looked much better to me.
But then HDR was gone :S
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 7 Jun 06 18:44:46 >

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 02:44

What' s most important HDR or AA?

I couldnt care less about them, ild rather constant 60fps everytime. (the wii looks likes this will be standard and thats least powerful)

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 03:36

What' s most important HDR or AA?

It doesn' t matter for 360 owners since they get both (most games having 4x AA but every game having to use at least 2x). The difference HDR makes in general though is massive.

With regard to 360 and PC titles. I seriously see very little difference between the versions of Oblivion and 360 has the added loading advantage (though more frequent 1 sec pauses when moving through large outdoor areas). There' s zero texture difference and Oblivion played on 360 using HDlooks pretty much the same as the 360 version, although characters faces in the PC version do seem to be more realistic. It takes a badass PC to get it looking anywhere near as nice as 360 though so it' s not like it makes any difference.

On the same topic, CoD2 on 360 better looking on 360, having better lighting, shadowing, draw distance and smoke effects, and the 360 version of GRAW...


...the PC version in every respect.

I wish the 360 came in black though. I' ll be pissed off when they announce a black version!

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 04:40

What' s most important HDR or AA?

Well honestly I had no idea what HDR meant, but after reading Quez’s explination of it, I have to say HDR sounds (to me) more important. “Jaggies” have never really bothered me, however I really do like going “Oooh, look at all the pretty lights”, so I side with HDR.
But none of those is what tends to really annoy me graphics wise, what really tends to bug me are ugly textures. But even so, I don’t think high res textures are a necessity (though it tends to help), as I have seen games with really low res that looks really great (btw: I’m thinking about ICO right now).

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 04:41
HDR=high dynamic range btw.

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 05:00
The x1900xt can do AA+HDR in Oblivion when you use a patch. But I dont have one... [:' (]

I thought HDR was overbearing in OB though. I opted to play with just Bloom and AA, which I thought looked more realistic. When used subtley HDR can look gorgeous however.

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 05:12
Perhaps the latest patch has fixed that,however im done with OB.

I saw it,i played it and i loved it,but its time to move on,and yes i havnt done anything near what i could have done,but i gotta move on with HL2:episode one and Table Tennis over XBL.

Btw it feels awesome to own a 360 already.
Lets say your dissapointed in OB,FN3,graw,kameo,pdz,table tennispgr3 or whatever you didn' t like these games are still being dev...

Ninja gaiden 2
Resident evil5
Gears of war
Alan wake
Viva pinata
Forza 2
Lost odyssey
Blue Dragon
Mass effect
Valve' s game.
Tri-ace new rpg (dev behind star ocean/valkyrie profile)
Dead rising.

These are just some games that popped in my head when thinking off 360,im sure you others has something similiar.

Im a very happy xbox360 gamer,the question is,are you?
And do you own one?
Remember that i bashed 360 also,but when looking at the games being dev for it...i was sold.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 7 Jun 06 21:19:02 >

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 05:22

HDR=high dynamic range btw.

And you say you' re not a Dev Jesper??

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 05:25
Im not jesper or am i ?

Oh,and im not a dev but i knew that.

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 05:31

Im not jesper or am i ?

Oh,and im not a dev but i knew that.

Well call me Hayley...Or, Liu PiiiiiiiiIIIIIIIIiiiiiing...

I love Table Tennis!!

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 06:13
Moto GP 2006
Dead Rising
N3: Ninety-Nine Nights
Test Drive Unlimited
Tom Clancy' s Splinter Cell Double Agent
Just Cause
Tom Clancy' s Rainbow Six Vegas
Phantasy Star Universe
Tony Hawk' s Project 8
Call of Duty 3
Viva Pinata
Too Human
Brothers in Arms: Hell' s Highway
Killing Day
Sonic the Hedgehog
Gears of War
Unreal Tournament 2007
Soulcalibur 4
Stuntman 2
Mass Effect
Castle Wolfenstein
House of the Dead
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2
Jade Empire 2
Forza Motorsport 2
Resident Evil 5
Alan Wake
Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007
Medal of Honor: Airborne
Lost Planet
Virtua Tennis 3
Dark Sector
Grand Theft Auto IV
Fable 2
Lost Odyssey
SEGA Rally Revo
The Darkness
The Club
Indiana Jones
Omikron KARMA
Halo 3
2 Days to Vegas
Project Sylph
Blue Dragon
The Outsider
Ninja Gaiden 2

..just what i' m looking forward to on 360.
Mass X

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 06:20
You' re sucha slut...

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 06:26

Moto GP 2006
Dead Rising
N3: Ninety-Nine Nights
Test Drive Unlimited
Tom Clancy' s Splinter Cell Double Agent
Just Cause
Tom Clancy' s Rainbow Six Vegas
Phantasy Star Universe
Tony Hawk' s Project 8
Call of Duty 3
Viva Pinata
Too Human
Brothers in Arms: Hell' s Highway
Killing Day
Sonic the Hedgehog
Gears of War
Unreal Tournament 2007
Soulcalibur 4
Stuntman 2
Mass Effect
Castle Wolfenstein
House of the Dead
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2
Jade Empire 2
Forza Motorsport 2
Resident Evil 5
Alan Wake
Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007
Medal of Honor: Airborne
Lost Planet
Virtua Tennis 3
Dark Sector
Grand Theft Auto IV
Fable 2
Lost Odyssey
SEGA Rally Revo
The Darkness
The Club
Indiana Jones
Omikron KARMA
Halo 3
2 Days to Vegas
Project Sylph
Blue Dragon
The Outsider
Ninja Gaiden 2

Er... ditto!
Vx Chemical

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RE: Microsoft boo boos! - Jun 08, 2006 15:52

Moto GP 2006
Dead Rising
N3: Ninety-Nine Nights
Test Drive Unlimited
Tom Clancy' s Splinter Cell Double Agent
Just Cause
Tom Clancy' s Rainbow Six Vegas
Phantasy Star Universe
Tony Hawk' s Project 8
Call of Duty 3
Viva Pinata
Too Human
Brothers in Arms: Hell' s Highway
Killing Day
Sonic the Hedgehog
Gears of War
Unreal Tournament 2007
Soulcalibur 4
Stuntman 2
Mass Effect
Castle Wolfenstein
House of the Dead
Dead or Alive Xtreme 2
Jade Empire 2
Forza Motorsport 2
Resident Evil 5
Alan Wake
Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007
Medal of Honor: Airborne
Lost Planet
Virtua Tennis 3
Dark Sector
Grand Theft Auto IV
Fable 2
Lost Odyssey
SEGA Rally Revo
The Darkness
The Club
Indiana Jones
Omikron KARMA
Halo 3
2 Days to Vegas
Project Sylph
Blue Dragon
The Outsider
Ninja Gaiden 2

Mmm Thats what i mean! I' m so glad i got my 360 and have a HD' tv, its super cool!
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