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 Games that you' ve had the most fun playing
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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - May 27, 2006 21:18
Panzer Dragoon Orta It' s pretty, I get to shoot things, and I' m on a dragon. <3 love!

Bloody Roar 2 It' s even more mindless than before, but I still love it. You' d be wondering why I didn' t put the newer ones instead, and that' s cos I truly think the story' s are crap and the new battle mechanics make the game even more unbalanced than it already was

Guilty Gear At once button-mashing, but with great deep game mechanics buried not too deep.

Super Mario On my old Gameboy Color, still love it! Still haven' t completed it...

Bomber Man On Gameboy Color too, I recently completed it, but I loved playing it perpetually before that.

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - May 27, 2006 23:11
Oh yeah I fogot about bomerman that and stuff like rayman you could play on the go with your gameboy and have a bit of a laugh and giggle at.

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - May 28, 2006 02:25
the most fun in playing, as in , not affected, nor sharing love with, thinking about, just plain old fun, I' d say Jak and Daxter.

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - May 28, 2006 11:05
I never could figure out how to play Rayman, I mean literally. I didn' t know how to move him, attack with him etc. I just gave up in the end (I think it was my cousin' s PS1) and played my other stuff...

Oo, and Bomb Jack! World' s best intuitive control XD Honestly, I kinda feel Bomb Jack has one of the best control schemes in the world x.x
Game Junkie

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - May 28, 2006 11:56
Super Smash Bros. (N64) ,the GC version is better but for its time the N64 version was a greater shock.

Tekken Tag (ps2), best fighter of all time as far as I' m conserned.

Twisted Metal Black (ps2), the atmosphere of that game kicks so much ass)

Star Wars Rogue Squadron (GC)

Conta (Nes), Nothing like trying to beat a ten year old game with your two best friends while being stoned for the first time, we didn' t get very far.

Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (N64), Have you guys tried beating this fucking game on Hard. I did for the first time through. So hard, I was spending 5 hours a day trying to beat the last boss on level 9 for two months. Someone has to remember the one where this red/black humaniod robot is chasing you in a maze. When I saw him explode I was jumping on my couch and screaming like a mad man only to find that he was still alive only without legs! A week later I managed to blow up his torso as well, again I thought I killed the metal fucker. Except now he was just a head torturing my sanity with fucking lasers coming from its eyes! Un-fucking believable, I almost lost my mind playing that game and I was probably only 12. Ah here' s to miss spent youth.

Zelda: A link to the past (GB), This game still kicks ass

Halo (Xbox), The first time I played this game was on Legendary on Co-op, I had a blast.

GTA III (ps2), fucking eh

Smuggler Run (ps2), I don' t usually like a game because its hard, but if it' s also a good game it will always be more memorable if it seems imossible to beat. I was never able to beat the 18th level in this game and I' ve heard it has 64 levels...crazy.

TES: Morrowind (xbox), Oblivion is the better game but after Morrowind I knew what to expect and to be honest I' ve played Morrowind ten times more then Oblivion and I never even owned Morrowind.

Shadows of Destiny (PS2), I already talked about this game already. Basically this is the only game where I played even to this day purely for the story, it was that good.

Dynasty Warriors (PS2/xbox), I' m addicted to the whole series even when I' m still pissed that DWE5 for 360 completely lacks a musou mode

Extreme G (N64), I hate racing games, but this one is an exception.

Road Rash (N64), Shit this game was fun

007 Golden Eye (N64), The first console FPS to prove to pc fanboys that consoles can do it to... and now FPS' s sell better on consoles.

Perfect Dark (N64), this game was the reason to buy the 4 mb ram expansion for the N64. Ha ha ha 4 mb=70 bucks...good times

Star Fox (N64), putting the voice of the gay frog aside it was a wicked game.

I' m sure there are many more I' m forgetting but I already spent so much time typing these up...
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 28 May 06 3:58:38 >
Chee Saw

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - May 28, 2006 13:30
I guess I have to add a couple.

Goldeneye- How could I forget about this game? We played EVERY weekend for like a year. Unfortunately, there were 5 of us, so somebody was always passing the joystick!

Halo- This was basically a continuation of the above, except we added a guy (or two or three, sometimes) and would do system link! That, and the single player campaign was amazing as well. I remember the first time I saw a grenade explode on the beach!

Mario Kart 64- " RED TURTLE SHELL, B*TCH!" Awww, yeah!!
Joe Redifer

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - May 28, 2006 14:38
In no particular order:

Magician Lord - One of the best Neo Geo games ever. I keep coming back to it.

Castle of Illusion starring Mickey Mouse - Friggin' great Genesis game. I can' t stop playing through this one, either!

Super Monkeyball - The first one on the Gamecube is BY FAR the best. I' m pretty sure it can' t be beat (as in outdone. I can beat the game easily on any mode), but we' ll see. Extremely arcadey. If only it was in widescreen and 480p.

Super Castlevania IV - Rumor has it that they were going to call this just plain old " Castlevania IV" , but then people might not know it was a SNES game and absolutely nobody would buy it. Thank GOD they put the " Super" in the title otherwise I know I would never have bothered to play this insanely awesome game. Whay play a game that' s not super?

Shinobi - The Master System version is pretty cool despite its one tune.

Shadow Dancer - This Genesis/Mega Drive game is my favorite Shinobi on the system. Yes, better than Revenge of Shinobi, better than Shinobi III. This had an incredible arcade-like feel and awesome music (though not done by Yuzo or even that crackhead Nobuo). This game is about 600,000 times better than the Shadow Dancer arcade, which was barely even worth one quarter.

Space Harrier - This game is great on the Master System, 32X, and Saturn. Hell yeah! Let' s not forget the arcade version, either. Anyone who does not love this game is not a true human being.

Super Hang-On - The arcade version of this is simply awesome and highly enjoyable. I like the Genesis version as well but it just isn' t the same.

Shenmue 1 and 2 - I' ve played through both several times and plan on playing through even more! A true experience!

Phantasy Star 1 and 4 - These two games, which are very closely related, are simply INCREDIBLE! PS1 blew the pants off anything the NES could ever hope to do. PS4 wrapped up the story nicely without being too drawn out or overly difficult. Both games had great music. PS2 and PS3 were good games, but they didn' t have too much to do with the original story and felt too disconnected. At least PS2 has really good music.

Snatcher - Very enjoyable on the Sega CD. I know I' ve played through it at least 3 times.

< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 28 May 06 6:44:46 >

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - May 28, 2006 16:57
Halo: Combat Evolved - I saw the e3 99 trailer and couldn' t wait then it got bought by microsoft for the xbox. Played through it co-op with tons of different friends and had shitloads of LAN parties with existing friends. Then met tons of new friends going to different lan parties and holy shit probably met over 100 people playing halo 1 at LANs. Went to an AGP tourny in chicago and killed ogre 1 twice and raped his corpse in a free play game. Random people at college that I didn' t know would be like, " Hey that' s locopuyo." and I would look around and wonder wtf was talking about me. I remember being able to go to system link at any time during college and there would be multiple games up waiting for you to join. 4 of us had a huge rival with another 4 and would play from 10 at night until 4 in the morning sometimes later. holy shit so much more

Halo 2 - Not nearly as much fun as I had with Halo 1 but still tons of fun with it. The best is playing assault on headlong while attacking. I get into a jeep and yell for the bomb guy to get in passenger and get another guy gunner then drive straight off into the water getting suicides and 20 second respawns for us all. (yeah I' m that asshole)

StarCraft: Brood War - I' ve been playing this game since 1998. Still playing it online in fact I was just playing it 5 minutes ago. Many LAN parties and play on

Shenmue 1 & 2 - Wow just an awesome experience for a single player game

Dr. Robotnik' s Mean Bean Machine - Played multiplayer with my dad a ton. And also with friends including several all nighters. So much where if we closed our eyes we would see the beans and dream of it as we sleep.

Unreal Tournament 2004 - I freak out when I play this game.
Jessica Spencer

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - Jul 24, 2006 02:02
I probably had most fun playing Mario Kart DS. Vroom,vroom vvrrooooooooooooom!!!!

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - Jul 24, 2006 06:21

Vroom,vroom vvrrooooooooooooom!!!!

ha ha, you made me laugh, sometimes something so simple can be funny.

Games I enjoy?

Too many too list, I enjoy all games, i dont really care if they get a 9 or a 6 review scores, i judge for myself.

< Message edited by silentbomber -- 23 Jul 06 22:22:52 >
Tim Strickland

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - Jul 24, 2006 09:32
1. Mega Man 2: The awesome music and cool levels gave me the most fun I' ve ever had playing a videogame. Flashman FTW!

2. Full Throttle: This mid-90' s PC game was so much fun, when LucasArts was at their peak!

3. Kyrandia 3: Malcolm' s Revenge: Another PC game from the mid-90s, also Adventure, from Westwood. Awesome game!!

4. Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory: As far as the current- to next-gen games, this one was simply perfectly executed. The multiple paths, great story, and wonderful graphics kept me enticed. That, and how much cooler can you get than hanging upside down and breaking a guard' s neck?

5. Mario Tennis: One of the Nintendo 64' s last games. Fantastic fun for 4-player matches, I recommend you give it a try!

Those would probably be my top five, but right now I can' t put down GRAW and LOTR: BFME II! My GT is BCKPower86 if anyone is interested in some games!

(Shameless self promotion!)

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - Jul 24, 2006 09:35


Black power?
Tim Strickland

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - Jul 24, 2006 09:39
Hahahahahaa I can' t blame you for thinking that. It sounds sad, but that is not the meaning of my name.

When I was 16 I got my first car - a Buick Regal. I thought it was hilarious to be driving and elderly-person' s car at such a young age, so I came up with Buick Power! BCKPower! I never thought of the racist innuendo in there, which is upsetting. I' m a white kid from suburban America. I don' t have Black Power!

Whew, there, had to clear that up

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - Jul 24, 2006 09:44


I' ll add you shortly ad you can join Team Kikizo for some GRAW sessions whenever you' re online!
Tim Strickland

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - Jul 24, 2006 09:45
That sounds excellent! I just got done with some sessions (my friend' s on LOTR right now), but I' ll be on tonight more than likely. Just don' t get racist on my unlimited supply of Black Power! Hahaha I' ve been booted because of that before....anywho, hope to see you guys later!

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - Jul 24, 2006 09:52
Your tonight is our 4 in the morning...

I sent you a Game invite before Tim, but you were too busy downloading
DOAx2 on the marketplace.
< Message edited by Tiz -- 24 Jul 06 1:53:08 >
Tim Strickland

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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - Jul 24, 2006 09:54

Haha, what was your GT? The only one I have on my friends list is Meredith!

  • Total Posts : 61
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RE: Games that you' ve had the most fun playing - Jul 24, 2006 13:39
Final Fantasy VII
Kingdom hearts II (i' m in love with the damn game)
Elder Scrolls Oblivion I really enjoy playing that game.
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