Super Smash Bros. (N64) ,the GC version is better but for its time the N64 version was a greater shock.
Tekken Tag (ps2), best fighter of all time as far as I' m conserned.
Twisted Metal Black (ps2), the atmosphere of that game kicks so much ass)
Star Wars Rogue Squadron (GC)
Conta (Nes), Nothing like
trying to beat a ten year old game with your two best friends while being stoned for the first time, we didn' t get very far.
Star Wars: Shadows of the Empire (N64), Have you guys tried beating this fucking game on Hard. I did for the first time through. So hard, I was spending 5 hours a day trying to beat the last boss on level 9 for two months. Someone has to remember the one where this red/black humaniod robot is chasing you in a maze. When I saw him explode I was jumping on my couch and screaming like a mad man only to find that he was still alive only without legs! A week later I managed to blow up his torso as well, again I thought I killed the metal fucker. Except now he was just a head torturing my sanity with fucking lasers coming from its eyes! Un-fucking believable, I almost lost my mind playing that game and I was probably only 12. Ah here' s to miss spent youth.
Zelda: A link to the past (GB), This game still kicks ass
Halo (Xbox), The first time I played this game was on Legendary on Co-op, I had a blast.
GTA III (ps2), fucking eh
Smuggler Run (ps2), I don' t usually like a game because its hard, but if it' s also a good game it will always be more memorable if it seems imossible to beat. I was never able to beat the 18th level in this game and I' ve heard it has 64 levels...crazy.
TES: Morrowind (xbox), Oblivion is the better game but after Morrowind I knew what to expect and to be honest I' ve played Morrowind ten times more then Oblivion and I never even owned Morrowind.
Shadows of Destiny (PS2), I already talked about this game already. Basically this is the only game where I played even to this day purely for the story, it was that good.
Dynasty Warriors (PS2/xbox), I' m addicted to the whole series even when I' m still pissed that DWE5 for 360 completely lacks a musou mode

Extreme G (N64), I hate racing games, but this one is an exception.
Road Rash (N64), Shit this game was fun
007 Golden Eye (N64), The first console FPS to prove to pc fanboys that consoles can do it to... and now FPS' s sell better on consoles.
Perfect Dark (N64), this game was the reason to buy the 4 mb ram expansion for the N64. Ha ha ha 4 mb=70 bucks...good times
Star Fox (N64), putting the voice of the gay frog aside it was a wicked game.
I' m sure there are many more I' m forgetting but I already spent so much time typing these up...
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 28 May 06 3:58:38 >