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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 14, 2006 11:21
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 14, 2006 13:19
lol yeah I can' t wait my roomate is buying it, it didn' t take much to convince him, he is just gonna buy it online so its not embarrassing.
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- Joined: Feb 24, 2003
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 14, 2006 14:19
Lol, I laughed when I saw this video. Didn' t see it on the show floor but MS had it on their private bus. The bus also featured Jenny McCarthy who happened to sit next to me for a bit. Lol, I win.
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- Joined: Feb 20, 2006
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 14, 2006 16:06
ORIGINAL: whiteguysamurai Call me weird, but i liked the first game. And because of the chinadoll boobies. I liked how you could turn off your brain and just vedge out, while kasumi bounced around. So many games are all about challenging you to the point of you throwing the controller in anger, it' s nice to be entertained. Ditto - I loved the first game, it is very relaxing and it has a real charm that most other games don' t have. It doesn' t take itself too seriously. The actual volleyball is simplistic but nonetheless addictive and satisfying Well I just watched the video from the opening post, and meh... it looks a bit better than the 2003 Xbox game but not enough to blow me away.
< Message edited by dirtydog -- 14 May 06 8:22:52 >
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 14, 2006 16:26
a bit better I' ve been told my eyes are better than average but just a little bit better!? It blows the old one away.
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- Joined: Feb 20, 2006
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 14, 2006 16:58
DOA 2 blew away DOA 1... every DOA since then has been a relatively minor improvement over the last, IMHO.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 14, 2006 19:59
ORIGINAL: Bishonen ...because only cool people appreciate boobies.... You must be the exception then. To *dirtydog* I think the main changes you get with every other doa installment is slightly more features and a bit more of the story (which kinda felt shorter this time). The gapr betweent 1 and 2 on the dc was a lot evident 3 was ok and I think 4 was rushed a bit but it was still good.
< Message edited by dasher232 -- 14 May 06 12:05:37 >
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2003
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 14, 2006 20:14
The gapr betweent 1 and 2 on the dc was a lot evident 3 was ok and I think 4 was rushed a bit but it was still good I agree, but I think Team Ninja are becoming lazy with DOA in terms of pushing the series foward, both with gameplay and graphics. Mainly with the graphics though, as the Jump between DOA3 to 4 is much less impacting between say VF4 to VF5 or VF3 to VF4, same for Tekken 4 to 5. I would say that VF has gotten a bit laid-back with it' s lastest addition to progressing but then again this time Sega have been doing gradual but noticeable jumps in between (VF4 to VF4 Evo and Final Tuned), with VF5' s leap being greater than VF4 to Final Tuned. Anyway enough me talking about VF. Tecmo should really take DOA a step further with the 5th installment, add better texturing to the characters skin (without making them age etc) and most of all have more realistic, thinking AI like (not again, VF Evo quest mode) so it' s not cheap but geniunly challenging as you have to evolve your playing style. All whilst keeping the overall DOA feel to things.
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 14 May 06 12:19:04 >
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 15, 2006 09:38
ORIGINAL: ]GaNgStA[ I' ll be the first in line NOT to buy this piece of crap I' ll be the second then - How stupid you have to be to play this game with those plastic dolls and get excited? It' s just a little game guys... Honestly if you get excited (or intimidated) over the little bit of fan service in Itagaki' s games, you need to watch more porn. You' re wayyy too sensitive. I loved the first one because of it' s relaxed feel primarily and it' s entertaining visuals. It' s nice to play a QUALITY game that' s simply fun to play, without the pressure of saving the world again or winning yet another tournament. Itagaki-san and his team put together a truly unique and entertaining game. Too bad he has to put up with critics who are offended by the slightest bit of fan service.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 15, 2006 10:49
Fan service? What are you talking about? I don' t like it because it is a crap game. It has nothing to do with the fans. If that was the case I' d hate pretty much every game that sold more than 112 copies.
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- Joined: Feb 05, 2006
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 15, 2006 11:23
By fan service i meant the jiggling boobies and scantily clad women the harshest critics of the game usually attack. My comments were more for the guy who made the " excited" comment. Your quote just kinda got lumped in there.
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- Joined: Apr 04, 2006
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 15, 2006 17:59
Hey, er I' m just on board for the volleyball aspect, but now they have added jetski' s... WOOOH!!! Wave Racer as a mini-game! And tug of war, and hopefully like they did in the original, there should be an unlockable trailer of Ninja Gaiden 2.. NINJA GAIDEN 2!!!!!!  ARRRRGH!!
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 15, 2006 20:11
...great comments monkey, DOAX was probably ex-box' s greatest underrated game.... ...most thought that it was purely a shallow excuse to exploit digital T & A, when in actual fact it was an excursion in relaxation, collection and inter-relationships... ....that' s probably why girls love the game just as much as guys.... ....unless ure old, bad tempered and ain' t getting any ofc ...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 15 May 06 14:08:54 >
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 16, 2006 02:01
Yeah it is kinda funny that girls like the game. I kinda thought it was just because they liked volleyball though. (for the ones I played with)
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 16, 2006 04:51
Honestly if you get excited (or intimidated) over the little bit of fan service in Itagaki' s games, you need to watch more porn. You' re wayyy too sensitive. I like girls in DoA fighting games , but I wouldn' t get a crappy game like XBV just to watch their boobs bouncing (- the game itself is crap IMO) I don' t think we' re to sensitive - I think you need to go out more often :)
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