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Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 08:25
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- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 08:37
DOAX2, huh? Lemme see.... ...*can' t speak*... *shoves pic of Jerry the King Loller' s face in front of own* Look at all the PUPPIES! *jaw returns to normal* Still looking like anime girls though.
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2005
- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 09:57
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2006
- Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 10:27
That looks poorer to me, whiteguysamurai.
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2005
- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 10:30
But it' s not 100+ megs.
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 11:12
As per Itagaki' s requests, the video has not been altered, compressed, or effected in any way. ..you' ll be doing yourself a disservice if you don' t d/l Team Ninja' s proper version, dude.... ....i have to say though, the character models seem rather lacking in places.... ...they seem to come across as too doll like.... ...hmmmm... ...is it me or do they look almost exactly the same as the three year old xbox version, but with improved mammary physics?... ...and TN still seem unable to do long hair properly.... ...but this is an early build right?.....
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 11:17
Aaaw! Can' t they ever make a video game with only bishounen in it  Uh, not actually YOU Bishounen  But come on! Prancy pretty sexy girls, fine, but give us ladies something to ogle at
< Message edited by Byakko -- 11 May 06 3:18:08 >
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- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 12:31
LOL, I don' t see that happening. If you want to see dudes that look like chicks, play final fantasy.
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 12:52
...the majority of people who make games are male, so i' m afraid fan-girl service will be pretty rare.... ...but then again... ..as video games become a greater part of accepted popular culture, i' d imagine female needs being... ...' attended' to more often in the future....
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- Joined: May 03, 2006
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 14:37
Final Fantasy is a prime example of female fan-service! Cloud, Sephiroth, Vincent, Squall, Zell, Seifer, Irvine, Sora, Roxas, Leon (Squall), AC Cloud, AC Sephiroth!! You think they made effeminate bishounen men for the guys (okay, considering it' s Japan, that' s not really farfetched!) But, female needs seem only to be addressed in the RPG genre. Definitely an all-time low in other areas T_T;;; Except ' cute' games, which guys do play as much.
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- Joined: Aug 21, 2005
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 15:01
I believe somewhere ... while back Itagaki mention with comments concerning the visual look of Dead or Alive 4, and future DOA works, that while the features and gameplay increase with power of technology... the DOA girls simply will not be changed any further for some [stupid] original look that can' t be altered less old renditions discern graphical aging blah blah blah.. in other words.. interactivity *thumbs up*, features *thumbs up*, gameplay *thumbs up*.... but NO FREAKING UPGRADE TO CHAR LOOKS.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 15:17
I' ll be the first in line NOT to buy this piece of crap. Doll-like girls with bowling-ball shaped boobs playing with each other while squeaking out voices that are several octaves above most people' s hearing range? Oh yeah. I' d rather just buy a real hooker or real porn.
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 15:56
What Itagaki meant was there really isn' t that much more detail to add because he wants them to look perfect. More detail would be mostly adding blemishes to their skin, wrinkles, hair not on the head and other stuff. I downloaded the trailer on my 360 and watched in high def. When you view them from a distance they don' t look much different than on xbox 1 but as you get closer you can tell they are way more detailed. Mostly how they' re muslces and stuff move more realistic and look more realistic and their boobs. I wanna play this game for the laughs but I don' t want to buy it because it would be too embarrasing lol. I' m gonna try to trick one of my friends into buying it. It actually looks pretty fun like it has tons of new mini games and stuff, we' ll see.
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- Joined: May 27, 2005
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 17:43
i actually managed to get a local drug dealer addicted to teh first game! He was playing through for every costume!! It was so funny, no-one dared say a word about how dogy it was! Still im sure there will be plenty less cartoon-like mature, real looking women for nlokes to ogle at in other games LOL. I take it Itagki wont see the girls grow up get maried, divorced, get old,. turn to drink when their breast start to sag / or are too old to play volleybal or kick each others asses or see sims style gameplay develop LOL.
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- Joined: Feb 08, 2006
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 17:49
Acccchhh as if the doa4 movies weren' t pervy enough itagaki-san probably would help the game if he didn' t look like such a pervert himself....and why does he always have the shades?. Anyway I don' t think that it' s important to the story line so I won' t be getting it it' s stuff like that aswell that makes the game looke like a joke to people who haven' t played it.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 17:50
I downloaded the trailer on my 360 and watched in high def. The trailer is only in 480p.
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2003
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 18:02
He might have a CRT though In which case, better than most LCD at 720p
< Message edited by kyo.k -- 11 May 06 10:03:12 >
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- Joined: Aug 24, 2005
- Location: b-to the remerton WA
RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 11, 2006 18:03
Call me weird, but i liked the first game. And because of the chinadoll boobies. I liked how you could turn off your brain and just vedge out, while kasumi bounced around. So many games are all about challenging you to the point of you throwing the controller in anger, it' s nice to be entertained.
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- Joined: Aug 27, 2005
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 12, 2006 01:10
I' ll be the first in line NOT to buy this piece of crap I' ll be the second then - How stupid you have to be to play this game with those plastic dolls and get excited?
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RE: Girls, Girls, Girls
May 12, 2006 07:37
Acccchhh as if the doa4 movies weren' t pervy enough itagaki-san probably would help the game if he didn' t look like such a pervert himself....and why does he always have the shades? ...because only cool people appreciate boobies....
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