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 Nintendo' s e3 conference!
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Game Junkie

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:03
Fuck I missed the conference!, Oh well here' s to hoping I can get into the MS one.

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:17

Lol i' m sorry but that guy looked such a twat with that remote.

That guy is Shigeru Miyamoto and it' s cool to see them actually trying to entertain people - Sony was boring boring borring and again boring - with Zelda music theme they demonstrated how you can control music in some music games.

Wii name - they convinced me already - it' s been a week now since it sound better than REV

Nintendo!!! u are the TRUE INNOVATORS!!

They seriously kicked ass ...

That tennis game was so awesome I don' t know how to express it!!!

But it was funnier than the dead serious playsation one, which i do think was better though.

You gotta really hate Nintendo to say that that shit Sony made yesterday was better :)

You know, after seeing that, I' m not as insanely jealous of the winners of that Nintendo/AOL contest. He only played for a minute, and only a tennis game. Just a publicity thing, after all...

YEah well this and he got a money reward , E3 ticket , plane ticket and DS lite with Mario but yeah fuck it right...

One for the Wii, and one for the Gamecube. I hope they don' t do that

They clearly said they will so live with it man - I think it' s the best possible solution.

Fuck I missed the conference!, Oh well here' s to hoping I can get into the MS one.

you can watch it now or anytime you like - it' s there only not LIVE - it' s definitely worth it.

RED STEEL was so awesome - it just blew me away,Mario ...Zelda...Metroid...Wario Ware was just crazy fun damn I love those guys ...and that speaker feature is incredible - imagine the Light saber' s sounds when you open it and move it.

They kicked my ass - for that I love Nintendo

27 launch titles and among them mario , Dragon Quest and zelda - 360 and PS3 can go home now if you ask me :)

The thing that developers can change your game while you' re not playing is a revolution itself.

Anyway I feel sorry for all the hatrers who' ll miss the greatest thing this industry has to offer ..and for what? for nothing but bitchin with no reason

I' m not even talking about DS

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:20
Unfortunately I missed the nintendo conference, but it doesn' t sound as though I missed much.

As for sony' s being being better... Well I must be one of the minority as i actually like the way sony give their conferences. Like a corporate company selling something. hearing all the figures and stuff... it' s neat, and a solid reminder than sony are the top dogs, so have faith kinda thing. Also them letting people play ps3 after the conference was a great idea.

I hope to see a lot of wii stuff though, specifically interested to see this sonic game, was it shown at the conference??

Wellnot long till MS show now... hopefully i' ll get to see it as i' m sure they will try their best to make it the number 1 show.

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:27

Unfortunately I missed the nintendo conference, but it doesn' t sound as though I missed much.

MAybe tha' s why you like the one from Sony - you have no udea what you' ve missed - you can watch it after MS conf and you will be glad you did that

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:42
Gangsta, are u anyway , anyhow a nintendo fanboy ??

man u serisouly hyping that intendo conference as for me i tink sony conference was better (although i didn' t watch the very last part of nintendo conference when they caled the winners) but i guess that i saw all important stuff.

i was a bit disapointed yesterday, i expected more, but don' t call sony conference boring boring boring , wow hold your horses there, they presented some really impressive stuff and the ps3 pad was the biggest surprise in both conferences so far. so how come you' re not excited about it, sure they copy the idea but who cares it' s business dude business and so be it, we are the winners.

graphic wise, wii looked like gamecube, but we all expected that so nothing that deserve a bit of atention as of the control we knew already it' ll be this way ... the only cool thing about this conference is the speaker in he remote which is a cool idea...

don' t forget that ps3 pad will also add a lot od ideas and new way to control stuff in ps3 games , i just loved sony for that .

the eye toy camera was also very impressive ..

anyway with most sony haters over here i can understand ...

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:50
Nintendo' s conference was awesome. They kicked Sony' s asses and made their attempts at motion control look half-baked at best. I' m well hyped about the Wii now.

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:51
Sony' s was boring if you guys wanna entertain yourselves you should watch it on fast forward. Anyway nintendo' s was better but I think probably because I was so hyped up it didn' t catch up to me. Abasou you can watch it now but you' ll miss microsoft' s which is on soon (if yr interested).

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:55
damn i am intereted i want to see halo 3 and too human too badly , i want to see the big guns of microsoft , thanks for the help about yesterday

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:55
yes, the sony one was a bit of a bore at the start. GTHD was booooring. But then it really picked up when they showed the controller, the playable ps3 footage, the trailers, launch dates and price. They delievered on all fronts. I dont know why everybody is dissing them, ok they copyied Nintendo. So what, its Sony, thats to be expected.
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 9 May 06 19:56:25 >
Terry Bogard

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:56
Just got back from Nintendo' s E3 conference. Interesting stuff as usual but still a bit vague.

Super Mario Galaxy was an interesting showcase, although the footage shown so far made it look like a souped up Super Mario 64 to me..

The flow of the conference was certainly more ' fun' than what I watched of the Sony conference. Gotta love Reggie' s humor. Plus Nintendo' s conferences seem to always give off a type of energy not present in the Microsoft and Sony conferences. I was glad that Nintendo KINDA steered clear of the whole charts n graphs thing, although Harrison started teetering in that direction a little bit. And speaking of charts, graphs, n' figures, for a unit that supposedly wasn' t competing against the PSP Mr. Harrison sure wasted a bit of time on comparitive sales figures, lol.

Adam and the rest of the crew took off to the Microsoft conference which was conveniently about a block or 2 away from the Nintendo briefing. I on the other hand ran back to the comforts of my hotel! hehe
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 9 May 06 22:31:01 >

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:59
+1 silentbomber
Game Junkie

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 03:59
I know i can watch it again but alot of it has been spoiled, its just not the same as watching at the same time as all you guys.

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 04:55
Sony Confnce..

But then it really picked up when they showed the controller

Ur joking right? That was the most un-original and ripp-off Cringing thing ive ever seen..
< Message edited by f3hunter -- 9 May 06 20:56:09 >

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 05:06

don' t forget that ps3 pad will also add a lot od ideas and new way to control stuff in ps3 games , i just loved sony for that .

the eye toy camera was also very impressive ..

Don' t make me laugh :)

If someone loved what Nintendo showed he is openminded and knows that games should be fun, IF someone says that Sony made a good (or as some say - great conference) - it looks like he' s got some loyalty issues there , cause it was terrible - I expect MS to be better than Sony (they can' t be worse than that crap) but worse than Nintendo
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 9 May 06 21:15:43 >
Game Junkie

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 05:24
I enjoyed Nintendo' s conference, much better then Sony' s. Today is the first time where I actually want to try the controller, I think the built in speaker is brilliant. Imagine shooting and being able to hear the gun shots in your hand. If the price is at 300 cnd or lower I might split on it with my little brother.

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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 05:26
I' m thinking about Light Saber sounds when you play SW games - humming and stuff :)


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RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 05:29
I' ll just cut and paste what I posted in another forum, a summary and little bit of impression from the Nintendo conference.

Wow... nintendo once again bring joy and laughter to masses with another great press conference with so interesting revalations. I' ll be re-reviewing the video I recorded as I type this.

First, Nintendo DS / DS Lite will be getting a great new line-up of the following Games:

  • Starfox DS (Arwing style combat)
  • Diddy Kong Racing
  • Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (Blue for DS, Red for GB)
  • New Super Mario Brothers
  • Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass (Sequel to Windwaker)
  • Brain Age Series (
  • Yoshi' s Island 2
  • Final Fantasy III (Same game in 3D)
  • Tony Hawk' s Downhill Jam (With wireless functions and VoIP)

    Now for the big stuff: Wii

    Along with games line-ups including it to be revealed that Zelda: Twilight Princess will be availible at launch along with a gamecube version, they showcased it live on stage showing someone playing it and showing HOW to play it, pointing to fire a bow, slashing with a sword, if you want or using buttons. Movement was via the analogue stick on the nun-chuck

    But extras details of Wii were revealed, and controller enhancements include a speaker inside the Wii controller for sound depth, so in Zelda you' ll hear the string of you bow bending, and the arrow flying from your hand to the screen. The " nun-chuck" will also have motion sensors so you have 2 hands that can move and control the action. And of course, the usual built in rumble

    The Console itself will have online update functions which will even be active ins tandby mode, downloading new content for your game, recieving your animal crossing messages. All network functions will be on the hardware so availible to all games. And there' s features to reduce loading times, especially for virtual console and built-in opera browser functions.

    Some games of course:
  • Super Mario Galaxy (new Mario 3D adventure)
  • Zelda: Twilight Princess (of course)
  • Excite Truck (Steering using the remote as a " wheel" )
  • Disaster: Day of Crisis
  • Hyper Sonic / Sonic Wild Fire (Announced as former, video title as latter)
  • Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles - The Crystal Bearers
  • Madden ' 07
  • Rayman 4
  • Spongebob title
  • Wii Sports (Baseball, Tennis, Golf)
  • Red Steel (Was showcased)
  • Metroid Prime 3 Corruption
  • Dragon Quest Swords
  • Fire Emblem (RPG title)
  • SD Gundam Breaker
  • Tony Hawk' s Downhill Jam
  • Sengoku Action (1st person swordfighting title)
  • Necro-Nesia (possible horror title)
  • Elebits (???)
  • Super Swing Gold PANGYA
  • One Piece Unlimited Adventure

    27 Games will be playable tomorrow and much more will have videos, no announcements on how many will be availible on launch day.

    To end with, the winner of the sweepstakes fromt he 3 grand finalists in the Kodak theatre was chosen to go up and play Wii Tennis with Fils-Aime, Miyamoto, Satoru Iwata (president). Iwata and Fils-Aime on the executive Team and the sweepstakes winner and Miyamoto ont he other team, and it was great fun watching them play with Fils going " Maybe this year, I can take the names and you kick the .. You know" to Iwata. " Yes of course, that is my job!" Then showing thier faces on all the characters, bar our winner.

    Final Notes:
    They said on stage they would not release pricing of thier console or a launch date, but you would be playing it in the last quarter of 2006 for less than any other competitor.

    The name: (Fils Aime)
    " First, we want to thank everyone who wrote good things about it the day you heard it

    Both of you.

    But seriously the response didn' t surprise us atall. Instintively it does sound strange.
    Did you love Lexus the first time you heard it? How about Ikea, how about google? Change is good, Wii from Nintendo is just what it sounds like... We. It' s the sound of inclusion of every gamer you know, and every gamer, who will join us..."

  • Sorry for the ameturishness, I basically wanted the facts out quickly.
    < Message edited by Pyrii -- 9 May 06 21:39:30 >

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    RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 05:41
    Been a while since I showed my mug, has it not? Saw the Nintendo conference... whoa. It is true that 2/3rds of what I saw were very simplistic looking titles, even for current gen, yet at no point did I think any of it would be boring. Everything looked fun, and although I could only see the graphics, watching that impromptu tennis type game going on looked quite fun. Bring a marquee title version of tennis, say, Virtua Tennis to the Revolution, along with that style of gameplay, and Nintendo will strike a heavy chord with sports gamers.

    Still, not all roses, apparently. Matt Casamassina in his IGN article points out that there are control kinks to be worked out for heavy duty titles, and specifically, Metroid Prime 3. Having commands be delayed as the console attempts to figure out what you did is a tad worrisome, but if the overall impression is great now, then the future come Q4, or whenever they do launch, might just be truly something else. That, and I' m very intrigued as to how the Mario Galaxy (was it Galaxy?) controls. It looks amazing (within what I expect of N, not Sony or M$).

    Oh, and the guys responsible for Red Steel better get a more convincing AI than the AI shown at the conference. Yikes.

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    RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 06:50
    Evereytime they said ' ' wii' ' I kept sorta twitching and thinking please don' t say that word.....I guess i' m still getting used to it.

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    RE: Nintendo' s e3 conference! - May 10, 2006 08:04
    alright, so what' s up with mario galaxy or whatever it' s name was? all i heard was that it was " interesting" . i couldn' t get to see the nintendo conference. (it sucks when you' re underage, and one of your parents doesn' t understand your passion for gaming, and the other understands, but forces you to sleep)
    < Message edited by Eddie_the_Hated -- 10 May 06 0:05:28 >
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