One annoying thing about alot of GTA/Ps2 followers was when I was playing
Shenmue one time in my friendly neighbourhood HMV, and a group of guys
crowded around me and the ill-fated Dreamcast. Which was good because at the
time I really hated the PS2, so I thought what a goodway to show what a smaller
box can do! My playtime was accompanied with OO' s and Ahhh' s and the frequent
WOW. I was glad that they appreciated a transcending game until I heard the
worst thing I could ever hear....
" Is it like GTA where you can kill that lady?"
" Why dont you kill that woman and leave her bleeding on the street?" [:' (]
I was a broken man, what kind of linear game did they think that Shenmue was???
I said to them that it isn' t like GTA, and in a puff of cliched smoke they vanished.
They left me to play my game in peace and then
Security Guard: Wow, amazing graphics, and if its like GTA I will definitely buy it.
Leaving the store was my only option, my experience ruined by cliches...
But alls well that ends well, I own the game and the sequel so it' s good.

In Oblivion, I wanted to learn all there is to know about Magic, but I was
born under the sign of the apprentice. 100% VULNERABLE TO MAGIC!!......