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what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
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RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Mar 28, 2006 09:27
The point is,blu-ray hd-dvd is great if you want to have a movie+a game in the same dvd,or previous titles made by dev in the same game. However for one single game,it will not have any affect. With 360 you can compress every file,with ps2 you had to duplicate every game file,atleast some dev at " namco forum" told me that once. And thats why ps2 games had so many gb' s,like 7-8.
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RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Mar 28, 2006 11:33
ps2 games had so many gb' s,like 7-8. false quez believe me, 95% of ps2 games are on regular dvd' s 4gb
Game Junkie
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RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Mar 28, 2006 16:57
If a massive game like Oblivion only consumes 5GB of storage space then I don' t see how Blue ray in the ps3 will be worth the money for games. Lets face facts, the only reason Sony put BR in the ps3 spec is because they want to have a monopoly on the disc format.
< Message edited by Game Junkie -- 28 Mar 06 8:59:38 >
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RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Mar 28, 2006 19:27
If a massive game like Oblivion only consumes 5GB of storage space then I don' t see how Blue ray in the ps3 will be worth the money for games It isn' t and Sony are well aware of that, but thay HAVE to push Blu-Ray and find multiple uses for the medium. The HD-DVD vs Blu-Ray thing has become a little uncertain lately and many of the flm studios who jumped on board with Sony initially have said that initially some of their movies would appear on both formats. Sony lost out to Toshiba last time and they don' t want that to happen again! Sony put BR in the ps3 spec is because they want to have a monopoly on the disc format. Kind of. If they can get Blu-Ray as the standard DVD format then they' ll rake the royalties in from both DVD sales and those of other companies who licence the technology. The reason DVD players always stay above a certain price point (say $30) is because $20 of the sale has to be payed in royalties. Sony would make more money from annual DVD sales than they would from game related sales. They' ve already been beaten on the portable music player front by Apple and are now facing stiff competition from Microsoft and Nintendo (DS). The last thing they need happening is Toshibas format becoming the standard again! Put it this way, ...there' s only 1 company that can AFFORD to lose the next-gen battle and it' s not Sony or Nintendo!
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RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Mar 29, 2006 07:25
Dispite the bad thoughts of sony for including blu-ray as a forced medium for games as a trojan horse for Blu-Ray, I think it' s good. If/when the PS3 is a success, more mmovie house/publishers or w/e will put their movies to blu-ray, (hopefully) making it the standard. A split format isnt good for consumers, and I' d prefer to have Blu-ray than HD-DVD as the size is more future proof, and it could result in us not having another format war anytime soon. Besides general consumers aren' t too bright, they walk into a shop, see BD-Rom HDDVD, and they get confused as to what it is they want/need. So overall I think it may work out for the best
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RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Mar 29, 2006 08:02
If/when the PS3 is a success, more mmovie house/publishers or w/e will put their movies to blu-ray, (hopefully) making it the standard I seriously hope Blu-Ray DOESN' T become the standard. I think ANYONE who knows about the Sony BMG DRM root-kit scandal and still want' s Sony' s medium to become the standard is just idiotic! I don' t trust Sony whatsoever and after the patent infringement lawsuit which they have lost but are still trying to fight, i' ve lost pretty much any and all respect for them! the size is more future proof True-ish. Sony' s multi-layer discs are still in development (with only dual-layer 50GB discs curently available) and Toshiba' s triple layer (45GB) disc will release much earlier than Blu-Ray goes above 50GB. The thing about Blu-Ray is that the suface layer is only 0.1mm thick and so the slightest scratch could render the disc unreadable. HD-DVD' s surface layer on the other hand is the same as the current DVD standard, 0.6mm. TDK' s polymer coating " Durabis" supposedly helps Blu-Ray and make sit more scratch resistant but the discs are still moe frail than HD-DVD' s.   As for industry support, it' s pretty much neck and neck at the moment and it could very easily go either way. Silly discs eh!
Chee Saw
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RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Mar 29, 2006 10:17
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on ... TDK' s polymer coating " Durabis" supposedly helps Blu-Ray and make sit more scratch resistant but the discs are still moe frail than HD-DVD' s.   As for industry support, it' s pretty much neck and neck at the moment and it could very easily go either way. Silly discs eh! Durabis, actually, is not fragile in the slightest. Even after 300 passes by a steel wool pad, a Blu-ray Disc (BD-RE135N) with DURABIS hard coating shows virtually no increase in jitter, attesting to its superior ability to resist scratching. http://www.durabis.com/en/tec00200.htm That' s steel wool, man! STEEL WOOL! As far as what you said about Sony and their " trojan horse" scandal, yeah, I' d prefer if they don' t win out either. I don' t really care, though. I just want my high definition! Is that so wrong! WTF is taking so long?! I REALLY hope we don' t get screwed with this DRM copy protection! What a bunch of F.A.G.s!
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RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Mar 31, 2006 07:58
....hmmm.... ....the amount of high end visual information that today' s games require, all those lighting effects and ever complex AI strings would increasingly take up larger and larger amounts of data on a disk, no?.... ...especially something like ultra realistic HD CGI... ..not to mention various surround sounds, ' making of' feturettes, concept art etc... ...Also: did you lot know about Team Ninja' s reported space problems on DOA4?: One area of DOA4' s development that caused problems for Team Ninja was disk space. Team Ninja filled up the entire disk for its first Xbox 360 title, and even had to make adjustments as reports came in daily of having reached the final few megabytes of space. IGN ..and that' s for an essentially beefed up ex-box game.... ...it would make sense that the more disc space there is for a developer to utilise, then the more raw information will be coded in to those games, no?... ...and is it me or is there an increasing trend for 360' s best looking titles to have suspiciously short playing times and minimal unlockables??...... .....games are always FAR longer than movies.... ...so why would Blu-Ray be good for HD films but " a waste of space" for games?......
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Mar 31, 2006 08:40
especially something like ultra realistic HD CGI... ..not to mention various surround sounds, ' making of' feturettes, concept art etc... dude, even the most realistic Cg will take the exact same space as a very very old CG from a psone era, what makes difference is the resolution (HD) and lenght of course , that' s it. frankly i don' t mind sony introducing blu ray, i' m sure it' ll be useful somehow, wait&see
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2006
RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Mar 31, 2006 09:33
HD Content, and what I' m looking forward to is Mod Discs! I know you' re like DUDE THEY AREN' T REWRITABLE. That' s why there' s h4x. I will take these " H4x" and use them with my SDK, and I will make content stored on the harddrive, copy A Blu-Ray Disc, copy the content to my PC, and then burn to Blu-Ray in My BD-RW Drive, then I will load it up, and BAM!!! I gots male General Metals and Boxes Zone, NOW I HAVE THE IRON SHARD TO KILL HELGHAST MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! (and helghast wear boxers) Meow!!!
Chee Saw
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RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Mar 31, 2006 10:57
ORIGINAL: Bishonen .....games are always FAR longer than movies.... ...so why would Blu-Ray be good for HD films but " a waste of space" for games?...... HD video is different than HD games as games render the visuals using programming codes. HD movies are just frame by frame data. That' s why you can have a game that renders in HD quality come in under 9 gigs (sometimes SIGNIFICANTLY less), and an HD movie would be too much for a regular DVD.High-definition movie content takes up HELLA space! A high definition movie can easily take up 15 gigs or more (not even including any extras).
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Apr 01, 2006 05:42
Beta-Max, Mini-Disc and now UMD... " It' s awful. Sales are near zilch," an unnamed Universal Studios executive told the Hollywood Reporter this week. " It' s another Sony bomb - like Blu-ray." The executive said that Universal has stopped all UMD movie production. And Universal is not alone. 20th Century Fox, Paramount, Buena Vista and more are either pulling out or cutting back heavily on their releases. This lack of confidence is spreading to retailers too, with US giant Wal-Mart seemingly losing faith and giving less floor space to the format. Could Blu-Ray go the same way?!
Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
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RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Apr 01, 2006 06:18
ORIGINAL: Majikdra6on Beta-Max, Mini-Disc and now UMD... Could Blu-Ray go the same way?! Probably. The main 2 advantages I see HD-DVD having over Blu-ray are cost and name recognition. Your average consumer recognizes DVD. It' s a format that is well ingrained in our lives. Also, as of late, the term High-Definition, or HD, has been slowly but surely taught to the average layman. This means there is a logical transition from DVD to HD-DVD. This is no small thing when these items hit the store. Also, Blu-ray is gonna be expensive. Yeah, PS3 will have it (at what cost, we don' t know) so they may get a leg up on the competition there, but the first two HD-DVD players are $799 and $499. The first Blu-ray player will be over $1000. It also costs more to manufacture Blu-ray discs. Will this be passed on to the consumer? It seems as though Sony keeps making the same mistakes. They think consumers will AUTOMATICALLY pay a premium for " better" technology. It' s true that early adopters and tech-heads will, but not the average Joe who walks into Best Buy and sees " $499" and " $1000" right next to each other, with the players doing the SAME THING! " Oh look! This one is DVD (which I' m familiar with) and that one is Blu-ray! WTF is that?!"
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: what would blue ray be used for in games in your opinion??
Apr 01, 2006 06:27
It also costs more to manufacture Blu-ray discs. Will this be passed on to the consumer? Ofcourse. Sony have put a lot of money (much of their capital) into the development of Blu-Ray, so they NEED to make as much money back as possible because even if the PS3 is very expensive, they' ll still lose some money on every unit sold. It' s also possible they' ll even increase game prices again by another $10. If Blu-Ray isn' t a commercial success, Sony is completely f**ked!
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