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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 16, 2006 00:40
The PS3 is on a worldwide launch in the begining of november 2006, i' ve got a very reliable source for that, SONY themselves.
< Message edited by lillitilli -- 15 Mar 06 16:41:17 >
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 16, 2006 00:57
... Stupid!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 15 Mar 06 16:57:47 >
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 16, 2006 03:45
What am I like 14? I find it hard to believe it myself that you are anything older that 14... Majik you are the one one this forum that seems to have an issue controlling his speech, profantiy and seemingly stressed over what people choose to believe... Remember initially (probably not) that i said worldwide launch or staggered but close together (like 360 - you know the system where your loyalities would appear to lay) I think there is a reasonable chance of a worldwide launch... or staggered but all out by x-mas... Besides I don' t recall saying this year would be 6 million units and implying 2006, never once did i say calander or financial year, so dude... hush. I personally believe that dispite your obvious god-like knowledge of the video game industry and all associated with it (read this as sarcasm, before getting too big headded). SCE know, if it is humanly possible, a little bit more than you. Go back to your games study course that you brag about so much, it makes you no better than anyone else on this forum, when you are one of the devs we hear about making stellar games or someone like ken katarugi, then come back and tell people they don' t know what they are talking about... Someone might believe you.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 16, 2006 04:45
Ha, well it' s hard to believe you' re 23. You just sound like a dumb kid. I dont think sony lied so much.... Everybody else does. I reckon they are still on target for a worldwide launch by christmas Ok, so you never implied that you thought they would be able to launch by Christmas?! Dumbass! They were NEVER aiming for a Christmas 2006 launch, at any point, whatsoever! They promised a Spring 2006 launch over and over and over again, then fucked themselves and now have to delay it. You don' t have to listen to anything i say. Others know what they' re talking about too... I agree with majik...this worldwide anouncement is just another lie as " we will keep spring 2006 launch" said by Kutaragi so many times. They talk about worldwide launch so that American and European ps3 fans won´t get too mad but mainly they are worried about those people that aren´t fanboys , people who buy either system as long it´s available at the time they want to buy. Im guessing its another Sony lie! What you INITIALLY said was... Holy Playstation information Batman! Followed by... Sony Confirms worldwide PS3 launch in early november with 1 million units to ship every month (making 6 million by the end of the year. So yeah i guess you DID say that afterall. I personally believe that dispite your obvious god-like knowledge of the video game industry and all associated with it Well since pretty much everything i do, and have done for the past 2 years is about games, i would like to think i know more than some punk who gets his news from IGN! BTW, is your website down?!
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 16, 2006 07:13
Saying ps3 will have a online mode that is free.compared to xbox live and making all games being dev with a HDD in mind was pretty good strategy,that make the consumer think its okay for the delay. However something tells me it wont come to europe or in any standard number this year. Japan will go first,then USA,seeing how they losing USA to 360.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 16, 2006 07:31
Well Xbox Live Silver is free, ... Sony haven' t specified shit and are just playing word games. They' ve said the " basic" service will be free, so yeah you' ll probably be able to download demos and stuff for free, but for additional game content and online play, they will charge for that. All they' re doing is choosing their words carefully and trying to make people jump to the wrong conclusions. They' d be better off coming out and saying... " Ok, PS3 won' t be available outside Japan until 2007 and even then there may be supply problems" ' " The backwards compatability is still under construction and we don' t know how well it will actually work" " We' re going to charge you as much as we can by sticking loads of stuff in the console that nobody but lifesytle buyers will want/use/need" " We don' t HAVE to include a HDD but we are going to because then we can make you pay more" " We are forcing developers to use Blu-Ray because Hollywood is on to us and we have a shitload of discs we can' t flog" " Our sole interest is making money. We don' t care about the gamers and we' ll steal ideas if we have to" " The console is NOT all we have made it out to be but it still makes toast" " We' re scared of Nintendo" If they said all that, ...then i' d respect them. Like i said, the only good news i' ve heard is PSone games on PSP!  
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 15 Mar 06 23:33:56 >
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 16, 2006 07:38
Well,tbh i look forward to the time NR/ps3 is out and the real competetion start once again :)
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
Terry Bogard
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 16, 2006 09:24
Well Xbox Live Silver is free, ...Sony haven' t specified shit and are just playing word games. They' ve said the " basic" service will be free, so yeah you' ll probably be able to download demos and stuff for free, but for additional game content and online play, they will charge for that. You think they' ll be THAT generous? I' d imagine that the basic service will only consist of a Sony online logo followed by a splash screen listing all the cool stuff you' d be able to do if you had the Premium service 
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 16, 2006 14:26
Besides I don' t recall saying this year would be 6 million units and implying 2006, never once did I say calander or financial year, so dude... hush. Followed by... quote: Sony Confirms worldwide PS3 launch in early november with 1 million units to ship every month (making 6 million by the end of the year. So yeah i guess you DID say that afterall. Ignorant or something? maybe you just didn' t read it all carefully. I said initially I think the PS3 will be out by christmas everywhere, not that ( and i' ve added bold to help you see the point) there would be 6 MILLION units worldwide this CALANDER year. Infact as I said, I DIDN' T specify " Dumb kid" , heh... Did you put a lot of thought into that? They were NEVER aiming for a Christmas 2006 launch, at any point, whatsoever!
- Well, they are now... Get over it. Also, 2 years doing basically nothing but games, well, good for you. I can' t be bothered with you anymore ... Come christmas, we will know who was truely right and incredibly wrong, wont we? And whether it is you, or me... I know which I would rather hope for. As for my site, not that it is any of your concern, I removed it as i was bored of having a website.
< Message edited by uumai -- 16 Mar 06 7:08:20 >
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 16, 2006 19:31
And just where did i say you did say there would be 6 million unit available by the end of the year?! What you implied was that the US would have PS3 by Christmas, if not Europe also. You said WORLDWIDE launch in NOVEMBER, and correct me if i' m mistaken, but you didn' t mean NEXT November. Also, 2 years doing basically nothing but games, well, good for you. I' m glad you share my sentiments... As for my site, not that it is any of your concern, I removed it as i was bored of having a website. Actually i was going to ask whether it was an outlet for you artwork and commend you on the stuff you have on deviantART, that' s all.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 16, 2006 21:28
To be honest,I don' t draw much these days... I get bored of it too easy (with games these days too which is why i' m hoping a lot for revolution) I do have a friend who is very very good, i believe he is starting work for a game company sometime this year... though he had tried at some animation studios. He was trying at the place that was doing heavenly sword for ps3, but i don' t kno how that went.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 17, 2006 00:08
" According to Sony Computer Entertainment President, Ken Kutaragi, the PlayStation Network Platform will offer a basic set of services at no charge, much like Xbox Live Silver. However, the main difference between the two services is the fact that PlayStation 3 owners will be able to play games online via the basic service featured in PSNP. Xbox 360 owners have to upgrade to the Xbox Live Gold pay service in order to play games online."
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 17, 2006 01:20
Well while the free service will support a host of communication and community features, including; voice and video chat, messaging, unique user IDs and handles, and matchmaking, ranking and data upload and download service for games, and allow users to play games online. What it doesn' t specify is what games you will be able to play online. Not necessarily PS3 games proper, but possibly Xbox Live Arcade style games that you can play online for free. Don' t get me wrong, if it' s going to be a free online service where you can play PS3 games online, that' s fantastic, but they haven' t said that, it' s just being assumed. The thing about Sony' s online service is that they are handing off significantly more control to game publishers who will be able to run their own game servers as they see fit. So because it' s not going to be Sony running the online game servers, the publishers can still charge people, which will certainly be the case for MMOG' s if not most big games. Think about it.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 17, 2006 03:31
Seeing is beliving,i choose to belive when the ps3 is out in europe in novemember and it has a HDD+great online support,i chose not to belive in that until its novemember,and then i know :P
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 17, 2006 07:11
PS3 Prediction: Delayed yet again....mwahahahhahaa!! Stupid copyright laws and newer technology.
Games are your best friend as long as you don' t start talking to them.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 17, 2006 08:33
Its not like if it got delayed to 2007 feb for ex,that it would make all the people who waited gonna say,ah now im goin NR or XBOX360. They can do whatever they want now,however if they delay it more then novmember they are assholes to their consumers,which i hope they arnt.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 17, 2006 22:31
shit!!!!!!!!!! havne' t been able to get on here for a few days, everytime I tried getting on the site it wouldn' t load. anyway, I need to ask a single question. I' ve been reading the forum here and noticed that as soon as sony finally made a concrete announccement on the ps3 a lot of people here went from being civil to getting really upset, and I' m just wondering why that is. Did the news make you mad as you somehow hoped ps3 would never come out and leave japan all alone for nintendo, or is it something else? As soon as the announced blu-ray for may I was on here saying that we can look forward to a november christmas time launch, and I do have to agree with majik, they mean fiscal year, so I' m not even looking forward to having a ps3 available here in canada probably til sometime in the new year, u.k however I think you are fucked for seeing a ps3 for quite a while longer. Sony has done nothing but let us know how good they are at lieing to us, for christ sake, right up to wed news they continued telling us that they were still on track for a spring launch and they continued to lie. I am going out now to go and buy a 360, and when it comes out I will go and get a rev and fuck the ps3!!!!!! Doesn' t anyone else feel pissed off at how long and how much sony has been treating the gamer like a fool?? SONY, DON' T INSULT MY INTELLIGENCE ANYMORE!!!! TRY HONESTY FOR ONCE!!! ONLY GOOD THING YOU' VE DONE WITH THIS LYING IS GIVE JAPAN TO NINTENDO, AND NORTH AMERICA TO THE 360!!! I WILL CLOSE OUT BY SAYING FUCK SONY FOR INSULTING GAMERS AROUND THE WORLD' S INTELLIGENCE WITH YOUR LYING AND DECEIT, I HOPE YOU ARE ASHAMED OF YOURSELVES!!!!
Terry Bogard
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 18, 2006 04:57
Sony' s news had no effect on me simply because I took a WAIT & SEE approach to it all  ... I mean, I do agree that it' s kind of dumb to deny all of the " delay" rumors and say that you' re still on track for a Spring launch when you don' t even have a PS3 power cord done yet, let alone the actual PS3 hardware...
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 18, 2006 05:08
Heh,for ex GS editors said being a realist is saying it wont never come out in spring,mayby in fall but never in spring. I mean these kind of attitue is from everyone,doesnt sony know it already? That people think they lie and misslead the people all the time? Im not clashing on psx or ps2,both was great systems that i recommend,but their leading managers and pr people is so full of shit.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 18, 2006 05:11
so you mean... all my games wont run at 120fps!?
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 17 Mar 06 21:11:48 >
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 18, 2006 05:15
so you mean... all my games wont run at 120fps!? First of all,to get 120 fps,you need a 120 hz tv,or monitor second you eye doesnt see a diffrence. Also no game at 1080p or i will go in 120 fps trust me :P Also for ex,GRAW/PDZ went in 30 fps,and it runned in a perfect tempo for me. Now why add in 90 more fps? Whats the point? If they can add in 120 fps,they apprently not gonna add in more details. Cliffy at epic games said,they would add in more and more details if they went over 40 fps. Basically they gonna cream the screen with candy,which you cannot if you gonna play at 120 fps. I mean seriously,wtf is wrong with ken?
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 18, 2006 05:31
I think he' s being sarcastic Quez... Technologically, from what Sony have previously stated, PS3 doesn' t have much on 360, ...if anything. Sony are always careful to choose their word carefully and mostly means something slightly different than what the majority think. Most early PS3 games won' t even run at 1080p, let alone use dual displays. It just sounds good! I mean seriously,wtf is wrong with ken? He' s a business man, not a gamer. His job is to make Sony money and he does hid job well. It' s not like he gives a shit about the kids buying the machine as long as their buying it.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 18, 2006 05:38
But why say 120 fps? Is it because some people doesnt get what that is? If a game plays in 120 fps,the console is not having any problem playing the game,and then you know for sure,the graphic on that game could have been so much much better, You could probably play some xbox games at 120 fps with no problem on the 360,what diffrence does it make? I dont get ken at all...
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 18, 2006 05:40
Sony can take as long as they like becuase they are sony. They are above the competition. And the ps3 is going to be the next no.1 console again hitting the 100milllion mark in a short 5 years again becuase, simply, they are sony.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 18, 2006 05:53
The " dual 1080p" output, to me, is like.... Ignoring 32:9 ratio for a minute, makes me think of the dreamcast and VMU. The VMU was a nice idea that if used well in games could have really been cool. eg stats, or a map (not jsut some silly icon). I guess the only use i can see for dual hdmi output other than " ours is better than theirs" is for multitasking, watching a bdrom while playing a game off the HDD, or like.... hmm.... Playing a game while something... I don' t see it being much use given the one input would be used for the game, but i mean who is it that can afford 2 1080p hdtvs, that doesn' t have a pc to do all the extra crap the ps3 could possibly run on a second screen?? I' m still gonna get one when it comes out in " november" (yes i suppose i am being optimistic) or whenever. I like the HDD being required, but if they don' t supply it with the system then they are whores. 120fps, dual hdmi, 7 controlers, 4d and all that is like things i' ll pretend i never heard, because frankley i dont care.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 18, 2006 05:56
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber Sony can take as long as they like becuase they are sony. They are above the competition. And the ps3 is going to be the next no.1 console again hitting the 100milllion mark in a short 5 years again becuase, simply, they are sony. Ugh! Don' t give me that shit, ...PS3 isn' t going to be as successful as either PS1 or PS2. You just wait until E3 and then you' ll get the picture! If Sony were all that, PSX would have been a major success...
Terry Bogard
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 18, 2006 06:19
Sony CAN' T take as long as they want because like Nintendo did with Sega, if they underestimate the competition and don' t rush to meet them head on then they run the risk of losing a lot of marketshare. Even though I' ve never been a fan of Sony I' ve always given them credit for not just sitting back and thinking that they can' t be beaten. When the Dreamcast came, Sony didn' t scoff at it, they actually got nervous and rushed the announcement of the PS2 in March 1999 and hustled to get it onto Japanese shelves exactly one year later. Sony WAS a good student of the industry, they witnessed the mistakes of Nintendo and Sega and tried to avoid making them. However, with the PS3 some solid cracks are starting to form on that armor of theirs. And with Nintendo and Microsoft chomping at their heels with lower-priced next-gen alternatives, it' s going to be VERY interesting how things play out in the next-generation wars. It looks like it' s going to get BRUTAL.. Even though the PS3 is bound to be successful, I still see Sony in sort of a tough spot. The headstart they had on the current competition this generation is GONE. Their consumer friendly $299 price point is also GONE. If they go low with the PS3 price, they get f**ked, as it' ll probably make the Xbox' s 1 billion dollar a year loss seem like chump change. They go high as many speculate, the consumer gets f**ked.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 17 Mar 06 22:29:33 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 20, 2006 14:18
quote: ORIGINAL: Silentbomber Sony can take as long as they like becuase they are sony. They are above the competition. And the ps3 is going to be the next no.1 console again hitting the 100milllion mark in a short 5 years again becuase, simply, they are sony. Right, and atari was atari, and people thought they too were bullet-proof, but people are fickle when it comes to entertainment, the ps3 might(and most likely will be) very expensive. And if the machine is expensive, people are less likely to want to spring for a bundle of games. 3D0 made this mistake. Terry Bogard : Sony CAN' T take as long as they want because like Nintendo did with Sega, if they underestimate the competition and don' t rush to meet them head on then they run the risk of losing a lot of marketshare. Amen to this, even if sony is dominating in all tried and true fields, there are fields sony will never want to try because it' s a risk. And people like games that do something differant, like the sims, it' s sold more copies then the loads of doom clones on the market. As much as we all hate to admit it, it' s the 80s allover again.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 21, 2006 00:32
I' m so glad the majority of this site have their heads screwed on the right way! I can remember towards the end of the megadrive, no one thought Sega could put a foot wrong, and I mean, no-one. It was a no-brainer for them as far as all of my mates were concerned.. the fanboys for the MD (if they existed then) were even worse. Im not saying then was now or vice versa, but I remember how quickly Sega messed up content provisions, and how quickly the black unit lost to the cheaper, more flimsy " inferior" unit.. and the saturn sold for £100 more... So surely Sony don' t believe their own hype? I think for a typicical Sony type launch, this is VERY daring for them! Initial sales dont always equal platform survival either! Course it will be a success, but as Terry say' s they have always been watchful of the market, and applying big business principles to what was a rather innocent time back with the PS. Anyone who things Sony will be the biggest forever is insane, and very shortsighted! After all this, can you see them going the same way with the PS4? Good god, I' ll build myself a hype-resitant shelter and live underground for a few years. I remember the DC launch in Japan, I got mine over a year ahead of uk launch, and even now some DC games stund up against PS2 ones. That console was killed by hype. I can remember 5 year old' s in game saying the PS2 was better when they hadn' t even finalised the specs. Lets all be British about this, give everyone a chance, and make our minds up AFTER the first round - not before! Dam this speculation, it' s so addictive. Mental note to self - take " hype-bunker(tm)" idea seriously.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 21, 2006 02:27
A quick look at the guys running the gaming aspect of all three companies explains a lot... J Allard Satoru Iwata ...and the biggest idiot in the industry himself, ...Ken " It' ll be expensive" Kutaragi... I wonder if Ken actually ever plays games...
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 21, 2006 06:50
I had some pics when J.allard was fat and had hair on both side of the head if you know what i mean :P and wore old disgusting pike shirts or customes,he really changed his look for the 360.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 21, 2006 06:57
Like... I see what you' re getting at, but J Allard has always been cool! My point is that KK is a business man and i doubt he sits and plays games. I HATE HIM!!! I want to see KK and JA fight to the death!
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 21, 2006 13:21
The thing about j is, i' ve seen him at halo contests in the seattle area, not signing autographs or hanging with his entourage.. But getting his ass kicked in slayer, he may not be a great halo player, but he uses the product, just like what Majikdra6on said. And that makes him tons better then anyone else in this industry.
Vx Chemical
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RE: predictions for the ps3
Mar 21, 2006 18:01
Now a fight between J and KK wouldnt be good, if KK should go out and win. but if the contestants get the companies latest consoles in hand, KK would have PSP for a weapon and J would have a 360, :P