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Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 23:34
ya ok bored now anyway This last post you have made is much better and less insulting, and I do realise I was making a lot of sweeping statements purely because I can, and I do apologise for a lot of the things I said. But I gotta say one more thing cause i cant resist ^^ And thats the fact that Baldurs gate on the consoles was terribe compared to the PC versions. Morrowind xbox was nice, but lacked the modabilty that the PC version had, there is over 4000 downloadable mods for it. And knights of the old republic looked worse on the x box. And as for fallout I wasnt aware it was ever released for a console, unless we were talking about brotherhood of steel, but that was terrible. I too am masively hyped about Oblivion  more so than any other game at the moment. I doubt there will be much difference between the 360 and PC versions. Expect us PC owners will likely get patches and expansion packs and user mods. But a lot of people arnt intrested in that anway. And of course ill be able to run it at higher resoulotions with AA, and AF etc. But ill grant you that your 360 will look just as good, at least for 6 mounths or so ^^ I think the point I was trying to make is that console rpgs are generaly dumbed down and harder to control, having to navigate menus, equip items, click on things, drag things etc is a lot easier with a mouse. But of course a good game is a good game. But pffft, I' ll give up now! Happy in the knowledge I have the superior gaming platform!   Muahaha
< Message edited by CrimsonBlade -- 1 Mar 06 15:32:27 >
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 01:56
What a pointless discussion this has been. I hope it ends soon.
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 05:23
Yeah it ended after crimson bought Xbox 360 - he wasn' t an idiot after all Happy in the knowledge I have the superior gaming platform! Muahaha
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 28 Feb 06 21:30:46 >
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 06:07
lol Ive heard loads of people say they are not happy with there 360s and that theres no good games out I got no idea myself but thought I would share that ^^
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 06:12
Yeah it ended after crimson bought Xbox 360 - he wasn' t an idiot after all LOL!!! Ha, well i' m happy with mine and happy with CoD2 and DoA4 at 60fps, along with most of the other games. Still, Ghost Recon 3, Oblivion, Fight Night Round 3 and Far Cry Predator are out this month so it' s all good!
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 06:17
I think you' ve realised by now that nobody will tell you you' re an idiot if you present your opinions in a mature way. I' ve had a discussion with Vx about PC RPGS not so long before and it looked completely different - I' ve tried Planetscape after that , and now I' m checking Baldurs Gate 2 (since my PC days ended after Diablo 1 , and I rarely play on my PC these days) As for 360 - I don' t think it' s the ultimate system to own today (since gameplay is much more important to me than graphics) but some games that are coming (and some that are already here) are amazing and it' s a really good system (and that' s just the begining). One more thing - what are those mistakes I make? It isn' t my native language and If you point something out it will only help me improve on it. Seriously ,please quote them for me and explain - I would really appreciate this (no sarcasm here)
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 28 Feb 06 22:18:44 >
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 06:35
The reason to buy a 360 now is to play;" Gears of war,Resident evil5,Too human,Alan wake,Mass effect,Sonic and mayby even Halo3. All these titles above are supposed to come 2006. I do realise that if you have to many games and not enough money at the moment,its not like wrong to wait for the 360 to go down in price,it make much sense,but tehre is many reason why to buy a 360 now too. OFc you might say,well why not buy it later this year when all these titles are out and the price is lower to comepete vs Ps3,and well thats your choice. the reason why i bought 360 is for the most wanted game of the year,the game i wait for the most and is coming in 2006,is.... .... guess... nah not oblivion,i get that for my pc... guess... Nope,not Top spin 2 that i talked about that also comes this year. Its...TADAAAA Blue Dragon!!! When final fantasy creator Sakaguchi who also been a producer/storywriter/programmer and Final Fantasy musician composer Nobuo who made the worlds best themes melodies in history and music in general. When both these 2 also manage to get Akira,who created dragonballz serie and did art for Chrono trigger and Dragon quest 8. And gonna do a unofficial sequal to their previous title Chrono Trigger,which some people even claim is the best RPG ever made,you cannot stop drowling. I mean a cool story,a cool world,cool characters,and a lot of airships is gonna be included and btw,Sakaguchi promised 40 hours main quest,with the team splitting up on own adventure like in FF9,i cannot stop dreaming.... MUST HAVE IT!! And you lucky bastards at kikizo,never asked enough of Blue dragon,and nor asked for some music made by Nobuo,i swear i kill you if you let that bypass again :P And thank so muchj for the Sakaguchi interview,i hope people realise that Sakaguchi is even bigger then shigeru/Kojima together,he is the best dev out there. I paid my 360+pdz for 660 dollars,i could have paid 1000 dollars for my 360,only to know i would be able to play Blue dragon and Lost odyssey,and MS these fuckers had to make it exclsuie for 360 ;) So well i fall for it,but these titles are gonan be the best games ever done atleast for me. Fuck FF13,they doesnt have FF creator,you guys want another Kitase game? Look what he did with ff8+FF10 when Sakaguchi wasn' t there!!! And btw i do get that FF13 will be good,but kitase...i dont like him. Long live sakaguchi and his lost odyssey and ofc his blue dragon which coming this year.
Game Junkie
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 06:41
Oblivion kills any game, even when its not even out yet.
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- Joined: Feb 22, 2006
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 06:47
omg gansta you have made me post again How the f**k can you call me ignorant when you just admited you havent played a PC game since diablo 1.............which it came out in 1996!!!!! Pfft words fail me And I can understand why you guys want a 360, however if you had a top of the range PC, I really dont think you would Call of duty 2 for example, why would you ever play your 360 version, when you can play it 32 player online on the PC version at 1600x1200 at 100 fps with the VASTILY superior mouse/keyboard controls And anyone who think analog sticks are better for FPS obviously didnt see what happend when PC Quake 3 players hacked Dreamcast servers.
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 06:54
CrimsonBlade Im a dick ...ok...
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 06:56
Bishonen And I love you
< Message edited by CrimsonBlade -- 28 Feb 06 22:56:47 >
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 06:58
None has said COD2 is the better choice,but its there for the 360 consumers,and you know what? I prefer handcontrol over mouse any day,yes i get a lot more precison etc,but i lose the nerv´thrilling feeling with a rumble pack that shakes when i shoot that give a more slow and realistic feeling while playing on my giant TV,then on a pc where i can jump 180 degree and shot a HS,like that is real... I would never lower myself enouhg to buy GRAW for PC.ugh :S And btw i finished COD2 on pc and it was a great game,i played on 1024' 768 high 2xAA and the 360 version played it at 60 fps with a lot better graphic,even on standard tv it looked much much better. And btw i got a p4 3ghz 1 gb ram,and paid 660 dollars for my xbox360+kits+ pdz You say i couldn' t afford a decent 3dcard? I could even have bought a X1900XT 512 mb,and 512 more ram,so dont come with that crap,that pc gamers always use. you dont hear me say we got the best games over at consoles do you? Pc market is dying,and Console is winning,i get that its hurtful,but not our problem. Bye!
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 28 Feb 06 23:01:10 >
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 07:01
No word on mistakes is really dissapointing to me :( Oh and here we go again LOL How the f**k can you call me ignorant when you just admited you havent played a PC game since diablo 1.............which it came out in 1996!!!!! Oh that' s easy - cause I didn' t say that all PC games suck - that would be ignorance (especially since I didn' t play PC games since 1996 with a few exceptions). Mouse and keyboard -much more precise and unmatched against a regular controller - but noone plays Mouse Vs controller matches - so it doesn' t matter and for single player - it' s just cool to play with buttons , triggers and analog walking control for some sneaking and other things - I guess you still won' t get it so I don' t know why I bother - I guess I thought you' re starting to make sense. Anyway ...how old are you crimson? You sound like you' re 10
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 28 Feb 06 23:07:15 >
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- Joined: Feb 22, 2006
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 07:02
ok fair enough Quez, never really thought about that I tend to play most of my games multiplayer, so for that competative edge I would never give up my mouse But sure for singleplayers I can see its nice to have the rumble effect However I would argue that you can just plug your 360 controler into your PC ^^
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 07:03
CrimsonBlade quote: Bishonen And I love you ...where did i post that?....
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 28 Feb 06 23:10:54 >
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 07:03
Funny you should call me 10, I was gonna say the same thing about you
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 07:06
Now why would i play on a 19TFT sitting in a comp chair,using a hand controller,when the rest use a mouse? Also the crosshair would be optimate for a Mouse not a handcontroller,its often a bit bigger to Consoles. I would probably get owned as youself said :P Btw,welcome to the forums,even if you havn' t really created the best introduction for yourself i welcome you,kikizo needs to get new people with diffrent opionions.
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 28 Feb 06 23:07:56 >
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 07:09
Funny you should call me 10, I was gonna say the same thing about you well your " original" comebacks won' t make you look older than 10 that' s for sure
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- Joined: Mar 01, 2006
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 07:12
Well GaNgSta, (still laughing at that name, you cant be more than 12, so this may just be wasted on you). You are a walking, gibbering example of a hypocrite. Never have i seen the over and miss use of a word soo much , lets just this clear up, that you apparantly have no idea of the meaning of the word ' ignorant' , or you wouldnt be using it in this case. Crimson clearly knows a hella of alot more about gaming in general then you do, and his opinion in my eyes is of far more value then that of a 10 year (ie . you) As far as i can see from this thread crimson made a legitamate original thread, you disagreed with him, called him ignorant and had a bit of a hissy fit. Unfortunately for you, crimson has formed a far more coherant and convincing arguement, both for the quality and quantity of rpgs on the pc. Not only that he has convinced me, beyond any doubt, that pcs all round kick consoles ass' . Not to say consoles dont have good points, but the gameplay on them just doesnt match up in most areas to that of an average pc. I have an x-box 360 and tbh dont rate them highly. How can you even consider playing a FPS on them, its infuriating that anyone can think a controller for an x-box comes anywhere near to a mouse and keyboard for control and accuracy, and ease of use. Tell you what if u think differently play me at cs , u can use your x-box controller and i will use my mouse, and i will also only use pistols to even it up a little... Majidragon, you want to kick his ass, very honourable dishing out threats over the internet. I bet the prospect of going to Middlesbrough is anough to put any1 off taking you up on that. Everyone is entitled to thier own opinions is just that gangstas is uninformed/misguided, bordering on the ridiculous, sorry did i mention you argue like a pre-pubescent teen and not a very nice one at that...
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Mar 01, 2006 07:14
Thx Quez ^^ But ya I guess it would be a bit silly, but the option is there Plus you could always use it for the single player! And gangsta It wasnt a " comeback"
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