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Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
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Vx Chemical
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 27, 2006 02:34
I played several hours of FFVII, and iv seen other FF games played as well, i didnt find it fun- People say FF7 is the best rpg ever. I hoping it will be topped soon!
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 27, 2006 02:40
Some people prefer Volkswagen before Ferrari, some prefer Britney Spears before Mozart, Moscow before New York, Satan before Buddha, Stereo before Surround sound and some people prefer PC RPGs before Console RPGs. In other words, some people just have what you could call bad taste. But it' s their loss so I don' t care.
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 27, 2006 03:13
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 27, 2006 20:04
lol you didnt seem to be able to come up with a good response to my post, other than to call me an idiot and a fool a couple of times Look, I have owned a SNES a NES, a n64 and a gamecube. Ive lived in houses where there have been, dreamcasts, saturns, playstations, ps2 and xboxs. I know my consoles, and I can happily and confidently say I have never found an RPG on any of them that even comes close to those that I listed for the PC. Any of my console owning friends, who have then moved in with me have since realised that consoles suck compared to the PC Only console worth owning would be a Gamecube, at least with that you can get games that are simply not avaliable on any other format. Whilst with the ps2 and xbox you just get bastardised versions of PC games. I dont mean to sound like a dickhead, but I honestly belive Console suck, I do understand that there easy to use, you can all cram around a telly, and there cheap. But for PURE gaming a PC will beat it hands down. Go play all the RPGs in my list, then go try find a comparable console game. Then get back to me
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 27, 2006 20:21
Some people prefer Volkswagen before Ferrari, some prefer Britney Spears before Mozart, Moscow before New York, Satan before Buddha, Stereo before Surround sound and some people prefer PC RPGs before Console RPGs. In other words, some people just have what you could call bad taste. But it' s their loss so I don' t care. I cant honestly belive your calling a PC a VW and a Conosle a Ferrari lol Out of intrest what console do you own? But look, ill give you all some slack, ok when I say all consoles suck, i dont really mean it. Like i say I have owned /had access to many consoles, and of course there are SOME good games on them. But I could right you an essay on how PCs own them hands down. I mean fair enough if you are all importing your console games from Japan where they do have some nice RPGs. But even then I doubt you all speak Japanesse Tell me what consoles you own guys, and give me a list of your favourites RPGS (as this was the orginal point of the thread) be a lot more intresting.
< Message edited by CrimsonBlade -- 27 Feb 06 12:35:40 >
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- Joined: Feb 22, 2006
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 27, 2006 20:30
When I was 10 or so I owned a NES I was a HUGE Nintendo fan so when the SNES came out I brought it right a way. I had a large collection of games for it and really loved it. Then the N64 was announced and the PS was bout to come out. Because I was young I was a die-hard Nintendo fan, and belived the PS sucked, I still do, I think it churned out cheap arcade style games that were nothing on the old Snes and Megadrive games. But soon after buying a N64 I discovered the PC, and i have never looked back. Nintendo has pretty much died, which just leaves the Playstation2 , which I really hate, I can only think of a handfull of good games for it. Or the X box, which IS just an old PC, but with inferior controls, worse graphics and worse sound (thats non debatle) So please correct me, and tell me about how I am wrong, im not being sarcastic but am genuinely intrested.
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 00:59
First of all, this is really a matter of taste which makes this discussion very difficult. Secondly, in a forum like this it' s easy to believe that an opinion of few is an opinion of many. So maybe there are 10x more people who like PC RPGs even though there are 20x more people in the forum saying the opposite. Now, I don' t understand this, are we discussing PC gaming VS Console gaming in general, or just the RPGs on respective machines?
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 27 Feb 06 17:00:12 >
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 03:47
Consoles blow, there a poor man' s PC, poor controls not suited to anything other than an " action rpg" poor graphics and poor games. Oh and now he wants to " Discuss" things ... Man you' ve proven to be 100% ignorant - why would you expect reasonable arguments from anyone? Sure I called you an IDIOT , just like I call the toilet paper - a toilet paper. I don' t really care what you think since you really don' t know shit. I cant honestly belive your calling a PC a VW and a Conosle a Ferrari what Crimson meant is that he' s a fuckin IDIOT and his ignorance can only be topped by his unbound stupidity yet he still tries to make sense Yeah it' s an old dialect of a nearly extinct race of narrowminded ,blind PC gamers who refuse to accept the world for what it is ...the consoles world where PC' s are used for reading reviews and news about videogames (like Oblivion,Half Life 2 , Prey,Quake 4 and many other exPC HITs plus all those gorgeous ,sweet and amazing console games).
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 1 Mar 06 21:56:14 >
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- Joined: Feb 22, 2006
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 06:00
all i can say is......wow Im sorry i have upset you so much for you to flame me with such passion ^^ Not quite sure what you are trying to argue, once again you seem incapable of posting anything but flames rather than a constructive argument. Your last sentance complety lost me. If you could please re word it a little bit. But seen as you seem to have got all angry ill start from the beggining again and try to be less argumentative Here is my list of top ten rpgs (non western) 1. Ultima 7 part 2 2. Ultima Underworld 1-2 3. Baldurs gate 1-2 4. Gothic 2 5. System Shock 1-2 6. Fallout 1-2 7. Morrowind 8. kotr 9. Planescape torrment And on a side not, all the games on my list are on PC which I belive to be better beacuse of .... 1) PC has superior sound 2) PC has superior graphics 3) Greater variety of games, RTS, indie games, MMOGs etc etc, the like you would rarely get on a console 4) PC games get patches/updates 5) Modding community alows great comunity updates to games for free 6) HUGE back cataolge of games 7) Ability to play emulated console games 8) Superior control set up for RTS and FPS style game 9) Not only can I play games i can watch porn, play music, browse the web But of course all this comes at a price, which is why I made the rather aggrigated comment that a " console is a poor mans pc" which I still stand by And now if you would be so kind as to re read my posts, and tell me your favourite RPGs and/or the consoless you own and why it is superior to my PC, without flaming me Btw do you even know what ignorant means ^^
< Message edited by CrimsonBlade -- 27 Feb 06 22:14:17 >
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 06:25
Crimson i would suggest just shutting up now. Before you try and impose YOUR opinion on others, please bear in mind that it is just that. An OPINION!!! I don' t give a damn what YOU think especially when you spout this kind of garbage... and of course there are SOME good games on them But I could right you an essay on how PCs own them hands down Nintendo has pretty much died which just leaves the Playstation2 , which I really hate, I can only think of a handfull of good games for it I know my consoles, and I can happily and confidently say I have never found an RPG on any of them that even comes close to those that I listed for the PC. I honestly belive Console suck The number of console gamers far outweigh the number of PC-only gamers here at Kikizo and this really isn' t the place for PC vs Console arguments. If that' s what you want to do the go do it elsewhere, Gamespot for example... I get the impression that you' re British. If that' s so and you' re ever in the Middlesbrough area let me know and i' ll meet you, kick your ass and shove your essay up your ass!
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 06:25
That' s just amazing to hear from a guy who haven' t posted a single constructive thing :) Ignorance? heh saying that PC gaming is dying is not really ignorance - it' s a fact. " Consoles is were it' s at now" Sid Meier at DICE (you do know who Meier is? and what DICE is ?) I' ve never said that PC doesn' t have good games - all I Said is that all of the good ones are ,or will be on 360 with at least as good graphics (most of them much better) and the best controller possible(except maybe the Revolution controller). Add to that all the great games you have no idea about from Japanese creators. Say you said you loved Nintendo and didn' t play PS cause you hated it? Wow that' s constructive. I guess you' ve never heard people saying that Final Fantasy VII is the best RPG game ever made heh - and it even got ported to PC - it got scores between 9 and 10 out of 10 from PC editors. You are a dumb ignorant idiot - you had fanboys attitude with Nintendo and now it' s PC ..oh well...I can' t really find any excuse for not calling you an IDIOT again You really are a fool if you think that PC is a competitive gaming platform to consoles. Your last sentance complety lost me.If you could please re word it a little bit. Ask your momma to read it to you slowly and then explain even slower :) I' m not going to reply to any of your nonsense anymore ...that ignorance is your problem dude - it made you skip some amazing games. Over and OUT
< Message edited by ]gangsta[ -- 27 Feb 06 22:40:15 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 06:27
Crimson i would suggest just shutting up now. Before you try and impose YOUR opinion on others, please bear in mind that it is just that. An OPINION!!! I don' t give a damn what YOU think especially when you spout this kind of garbage... and of course there are SOME good games on them But I could right you an essay on how PCs own them hands down Nintendo has pretty much died which just leaves the Playstation2 , which I really hate, I can only think of a handfull of good games for it I know my consoles, and I can happily and confidently say I have never found an RPG on any of them that even comes close to those that I listed for the PC. I honestly belive Console suck The number of console gamers far outweigh the number of PC-only gamers here at Kikizo and this really isn' t the place for PC vs Console arguments. If that' s what you want to do the go do it elsewhere, Gamespot for example... I get the impression that you' re British. If that' s so and you' re ever in the Middlesbrough area let me know and i' ll meet you, kick your teeth out and shove your essay up your ass!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 27 Feb 06 22:56:12 >
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 07:03
Console has the best controls out there,sure mouse is much better for a fps,but still. Graphic wise,well how many pc games can be developed for a 3x3.2 ghz 512 ram 512 mb 3dcard? As req at this moment?! None. The best games if you ask me has always been on console,a lot of us console gamers also have a great pc,and see the plus with it,but we also feel that the true game enjoyments comes from our gaming machines. While pc market is dying,console is winning,thats how it is now. And i can see why,products that might struggle,they cant optimate for a hardware,you always have to upragde your pc and might encounter many problems too. While pc gamers wait for half life 3,for another 4 years,i probably play gears of war,halo3,blue dragon,resident evil 5,n99 and graw this year :) Oh btw,About oblivon,at gamespot they said the graphic was the same as with the best pc out there,but the 360 played at faster pace. Ouch!!
< Message edited by QuezcatoL -- 27 Feb 06 23:04:05 >
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- Joined: Feb 22, 2006
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 08:17
To Majikdra6on and of course there are SOME good games on them Are you denying there are some good console games? But I could right you an essay on how PCs own them hands down I could.....whats your point? Nintendo has pretty much died This is to a large extent true, do you belive the n64 and gamecube has sold as well as its rivals? which just leaves the Playstation2 , which I really hate, I can only think of a handfull of good games for it Yep thats my opinion, I never tried to enforce it on people, and I invited people to discuss this. quote: I know my consoles, and I can happily and confidently say I have never found an RPG on any of them that even comes close to those that I listed for the PC. Again this is my opinion, not sure why you think its garbage. I know many people who would say the same thing. But fine you dont have to agree with me. Bear in mind I have played a huge amount of console and PC RPGS so I feel I am in a fair position to form my OWN opinions. And if you read me previous posts I even listed some console RPGs as my favioute. I also in my previous posts tried to stop this console flame war and invite some constructive arguments about RPGs, you seem to have chosen to ignore this. And as for kicking my arse, thats a real mature additude, and not to mention very scary. Plz try and acctaully read my post, and list your faviourite RPGs, and the reasson you like consoles. Rather than making stupid hollow threats AND NOW Lets start with Gangsta, who also seems to have ignored my previous post. That' s just amazing to hear from a guy who haven' t posted a single constructive thing :) Comming from the guy who has ONLY called me a fool and an idiot, ignored most of my posts, and cant seem to write english and doesnt know what ignorant means. " Consoles is were it' s at now" Sid Meier at DICE (you do know who Meier is? and what DICE is ?) Ok so I should admit consoles are better than PCs because Sid Meier said that? Wow ya what an argument you put up Say you said you loved Nintendo and didn' t play PS cause you hated it? I obivously played playstations then formed the opinion I hated it, I really hate them? Am I not aloud to? I have played a HUGE ammount of PS and PS2 games, I think the majority of them are rubbish compared to rival consoles. I guess you' ve never heard people saying that Final Fantasy VII is the best RPG game ever made heh - and it even got ported to PC - it got scores between 9 and 10 out of 10 from PC editors Yes I have heard it many times, and in fact i have played nearly all the FF series. I personaly am not a great fan of FF7, I think it was overhyped. But well done on giving me one Console rpg, I gave you a nice list of 10 PC rpgs. And wow it got 9 out of 10? so did about 1000 other games You are a dumb ignorant idiot - you had fanboys attitude with Nintendo and now it' s PC ..oh well...I can' t really find any excuse for not calling you an IDIOT again Again you have to resort to mindless insults because you lack any real argument, you have failed to read my previous post You really are a fool if you think that PC is a competitive gaming platform to consoles Isnt this a bit hypocritical of you? m not going to reply to any of your nonsense anymore ...that ignorance is your problem dude - it made you skip some amazing games. You seem to really like the word ignorant. Sorry this has been such a long reply and I dont really expect you guys to take the time to read it. Im sure you will just ignore all my replys and continue to flame me. Please read my previous post and stop flaming me. Instead list your favourite RPGS like this thread intended and give some sensible reasons as to why you prefere console gaming. Im eagerly awaiting your replys. Lets hope you acctaully answer me this time.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 08:47
Dude i' m THE LAST person you wanna go arguing with...
and of course there are SOME good games on them Are you denying there are some good console games? No, i' m saying your comments are stupid.
Nintendo has pretty much died Nintendo has pretty much died This is to a large extent true, do you belive the n64 and gamecube has sold as well as its rivals? Nintendo is the only console manufacturer that continually makes a profit, ...and i know that you' re purposefully avoiding mentioning DS sales because that would invalidate your silly little comment. stupid hollow threats Oh i was being deadly serious. Feel free to take me up on my " hollow threat" ... Then you say... cant seem to write english and yet YOU type... I not aloud to? ...glad to see YOU are so good at English too! I think the majority of them are rubbish compared to rival consoles. I think 95 million Playstation 2 owners would probably disagree! Ok, so if you' re PC is uber-badass and technically superior to any console on the market, including Xbox 360, post some photos of it and show us your gaming rig. But of course all this comes at a price, which is why I made the rather aggrigated comment that a " console is a poor mans pc" which I still stand by It must be really something. I can' t wait to see it!
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 09:09
Nintendo sit on 15 billion dollars,and even if their income has been lesser,they still doesnt have a economic problem...
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RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 18:47
Dude i' m THE LAST person you wanna go arguing with... Whys that? Because you will come beat me up irl? Or you with own me with words? So far I have seen no evidence of either. Nintendo is the only console manufacturer that continually makes a profit, ...and i know that you' re purposefully avoiding mentioning DS sales because that would invalidate your silly little comment. Ya fair enough, I dont really deny that, but you seem to have avoided my question. Do you think that the n64 and Gamecube are as popular and sucsefull as the Playstation and X-Box? Im not really intrested in thier hand held consoles. My arguments are aimed at consoles that sit under your telly. And I think you will find that Nintendo made huge mistakes post SNES days. Oh i was being deadly serious. Feel free to take me up on my " hollow threat" In that case you are more sad than I thoughtt. " Ill beat him up cause he said cosnoles suck!!" Please, grow up. quote: I think 95 million Playstation 2 owners would probably disagree. Yep I stated this was my opinion. Millions of people watch Friends and American Football, and Eastenders. Doesnt mean they are right quote:I not aloud to? Great, you found one typo in 7 long threads, and you couldnt figure out what I was really trying to say? Whilst ganstas text was totaly unreadable. Nintendo sit on 15 billion dollars,and even if their income has been lesser,they still doesnt have a economic problem... Thanks for not acctaully flaming me Quexcatol, your posts seem to have been quite constructive. However Id argue what I said to Majikdra6on that whilst Nintendo do still have large resource, I really dont think anyone can deny they are not leaders in the console market like they were once were. Ok, so if you' re PC is uber-badass and technically superior to any console on the market, including Xbox 360, post some photos of it and show us your gaming rig My PC is prob on par with the Xbox 360, but the point is I can upgrade my PC, so whilst the 360 will be stuck at its current performance for 4-6 years. I shall be able upgrade my pc within the year. But once again Majikdra6on you have totaly ignored my previous post, please stay on thread, either post some RPGs that you like, or write a constructive argument as to why you prefer consoles to PCs rather than making pointless, and frankly chidish attempts at trying to flame me. Eagerly awaiting more " quotes"
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 19:43
do you belive the n64 and gamecube has sold as well as its rivals? I haven' t avoided anything. You' re talking marketshare and while Nintendo lost ground with Gamecube, GBASP and DS more than made up for it. I have said for a long time that Microsoft don' t consider the fact that they' ve lost money on every single console they' ve manufactured, shipped or sold as a faliure but rather simply buying marketshare. But to say Nintendo have pretty much died is just pathetic. You' re talking about the company that owns Pokemon and has a very cheaply produced handheld that' s crushing a more sophisticated rival. Like i said, Nintendo are the only one who continually makes a profit. No N64 and Gamecube haven' t been as commercially successful as Sony or Microsoft but they' re not the only products Nintendo has on the market are they?! Im not really intrested in thier hand held consoles. My arguments are aimed at consoles that sit under your telly. And I think you will find that Nintendo made huge mistakes post SNES days. No, what you said was... Nintendo has pretty much died ...and thats a rediculous comment! Millions of people watch Friends and American Football, and Eastenders. Doesnt mean they are right Right? Wrong? It' s an opinion and you' re asking people to argue about it! Great, you found one typo in 7 long threads, and you couldnt figure out what I was really trying to say? Whilst ganstas text was totaly unreadable. There are 2 typos in that sentance alone. My point is that by mocking people who' s native language isn' t English you' re making one step closer getting yourself banned. My PC is prob on par with the Xbox 360 REALLY?! That' s strange because there isn' t a graphics card on the market that can match it. You' d also have to have a 9+ GHz processor which i highly doubt. the 360 will be stuck at its current performance for 4-6 years Dumbass, don' t you know anything about console architecture? Would you say that PS2' s performance has stayed the same since it' s launch?! Would it be so tasking to show us your super-computer of a PC? This machine that' s on par with 360? post some RPGs that you like, or write a constructive argument as to why you prefer consoles to PCs The only thing worse than an idiot is an idiot stuck on loop. You gonna get all Holden Caulfield on me now?!
< Message edited by Majikdra6on -- 28 Feb 06 13:07:13 >
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- Joined: Feb 22, 2006
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 21:31
Im suprised you think its pathetic that I said Nintendo has pretty much died. Ill agree that maybe it was a bit of a sweeping statement. But I still belive it to be true to a large extent. In my opinion Nintentndo HAS pretty much died, they havent had a competative console out since the SNES. Like I have said in a previous post I do own a console and that is a Gamecube, of which I belive it to be the best of the present generation of consoles, simply because I can get games for it that simply are not avaliable for any other format. However I and a lot of older gamers were huge fans of Nintendo back in there prime when they launched the NES and SNES, but unfortunatly they made very bad bussness decisions and I feel they have aimed there consoles and games at a really young audience that has alienated a lot of gamers. There are 2 typos in that sentance alone. My point is that by mocking people who' s native language isn' t English you' re making one step closer getting yourself banned.. When did I mock him? I simply pointed out that I couldnt understand what it was that he had written, which I cant. Dumbass, don' t you know anything about console architecture? Would you say that PS2' s performance has stayed the same since it' s launch?! You just cant resist flaming me can you  If you think your 360 can keep up to speed with a regulay updated PC i think YOUR the dumbass, also " The difference between theoretical performance and real-world performance on the CPU level is growing fast. On, say, a regular Xbox, you can get very large fractions of theoretical performance with not a whole lot of effort. The PlayStation 2 was always a mess with the multiple processors on there, but the new generations, with Cell or the Xbox 360, make it much, much worse. They can quote these incredibly high numbers of giga-flops or tera-flops or whatever, but in reality, when you do a straightforward development process on them, they’re significantly slower than a modern high-end PC." -PCGAMER- The only thing worse than an idiot is an idiot stuck on loop. You gonna get all Holden Caulfield on me now?! The only reasson im stuck in a loop is because every time you reply to me you insist on going through and quoting me rather than acctaully comming back with a sensible reply Once again, seen as you seem to be so incapable of reading what I type Ill post it again. Here is my list of top ten rpgs (non western) 1. Ultima 7 part 2 2. Ultima Underworld 1-2 3. Baldurs gate 1-2 4. Gothic 2 5. System Shock 1-2 6. Fallout 1-2 7. Morrowind 8. kotr 9. Planescape torrment And here is a list of reassons why I belive PCs to be superior to consoles. 1) PC has superior sound 2) PC has superior graphics 3) Greater variety of games, RTS, indie games, MMOGs etc etc, the like you would rarely get on a console 4) PC games get patches/updates 5) Modding community alows great comunity updates to games for free 6) HUGE back cataolge of games 7) Ability to play emulated console games 8) Superior control set up for RTS and FPS style game 9) Not only can I play games i can watch porn, play music, browse the web Please feel free to add nothing to this discussion and flame me some more
< Message edited by CrimsonBlade -- 28 Feb 06 13:45:00 >
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Favorite RPG' s (Non japaneese games only)
Feb 28, 2006 22:13
Dude, you were talking about YOUR PC now not your PC in 3 years when you' ve upgraded it several times. See... My PC is prob on par with the Xbox 360 Your PC is NOT on par with Xbox 360 right now and it won' t be until the tail end of next year when the technology used in 360 also become available as a commercial product for PC owners. Nor will your PC be on par with PS3 when THAT launches because while your GPU may be comparable the CELL chip in Sony' s unit will walk all over your PC. That is, until Sony start sticking it in VAIO' s and the like. I' m not slating PC' s, far from it but i' m certainly not going to compare the two regarding games because it' s a simple matter of opinion. You won' t get some types of game on a PC and you won' t get some types of game on a console. It' s childish to start saying shit like... But I could right you an essay on how PCs own them hands down All that does is give us the impression that you' re here to argue with people and impose you own views whilst dismissing other peoples. When did I mock him? I simply pointed out that I couldnt understand what it was that he had written, which I cant Well the rest of us can and we have been able to do so for as long as we' ve known him. Perhaps it' s you that has some kind of communication problem? Perhaps you simply want to try and make him feel small? Let me ask you this, ...can you speak another language, and if so can you hold an indepth conversation with someone who speaks that language natively? And here is a list of reassons why I belive PCs to be superior to consoles We don' t care. It was YOU who started this whole PC' s are better than console thing. You are entitled to think whatever you please but so are we. Why are you arguing? See now your PC RPG preference is an opinion (Doesn' t really matter on how many RPG' s it' s based and if you have played JRPGs - it is your opinion for the day) What Gangsta said mirrors my own viewe. Whether you mean to or not you' re coming accross as trying to impose your own views as straight up fact. See this... But for PURE gaming a PC will beat it hands down. Is stupid. and this... Go play all the RPGs in my list, then go try find a comparable console game. Then get back to me Is childish. I mean what makes a good RPG?! Who are YOU to say that RPG' s on console suck?! For ME it' s about the experience. I don' t care how technical or indepth the system is, i don' t care about how complex the level/abilities system is. All i want is to take the role of an interesting character in an interesting world and follow an interesting storyline. Games like FFVII, Grandia II, Xenogears, Suikoden series, Wild Arms, the Breath of Fire games, Parasite Eve and The Legend of Zelda games can quite easily give me. I can play your Baldur' s Gate, Morrowind, Knights of the Old Republic and Fallout games on my consoles too so your list isn' t exactly exclusive to PC' s. Personally i think Oblivion is gonna kick most RPG' s asses, but that' s my opinion and i' m entitled to it. I also think it' s going to look superior on my 360 than on your PC, but that' s me speculating... Now, can we please stop arguing and play nice? Lets let everyone form their own opinions and not force our onto others. NOTE: It would also be nice if you would participate in the other threads too, we need all the users we can get and i' m sure you could bring some productive comments our way
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