R.I.P Solid Snake.....

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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 03:45

Post if I' m wrong...again.

..what about if your right?.. ...can i post then?...

...the full translated(ish) article reads:

" the DNA of Snake he is ill, but it will not die in MGS4"

We visited Hideo Kojima in its office of Roppongi to chat on its last videojuego.

By: Nacho Ortiz
Like epilogue to Tokyo Game Show , last Wednesday we visited the offices of Konami Corporation in the elitist district of Roppongi in the Japanese capital. Hideo Kojima, creator of the multimillionaire series of videojuegos of action and espionage, received to us in its offices and next to him we maintained distendida to char the one that was centered in its last work, Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots , developing for PlayStation 3

The question forced, after the alarm created by the first screens kept awake by Famitsu and the video of the TGS, was centered in the health of Snake , asi that we began asking if the premature oldness of the fireproof protagonist obeys to some type of disease. " Snake is a clone, and for that reason his DNA it is deteriorated and it aged much more quickly that the rest of humans. In addition, I have wanted to reflect in him the effects caused by the combat and the wearing down caused by an existence passed in the battlefield" . Although the medication hero precise to maintain his integrity, like vió in trailer with an injectable one, Snake will not die in this fourth chapter of the saga.

On the other hand, Raiden , a personage with whom the European public has not empatizado too much, will be able to be appraised from a different perspective. " Often we judged to people before knowing it completely. The personality of Raiden will finish showing in MGS4; much more mature and tanned, and it will do that many that criticized by their decisions or immaturity to him in MGS2 will have to retractar themselves and to empatizar with him " .

The MGS4 scene is the future transferred 10 years in from the events of Sons of Liberty, and the incognito of the famous one eslogan " does not please to Hide " obeys to that the surroundings are an urban and devastated battlefield, without site hiding. " In previous titles been we have forced to reflect with coherence the arms of the time, but in MGS4 when acclimated being in the future, we are going to be able to use plus our imagination to design new arms" . With respect to these, in the interview it was confirmed that there will be more than 200 possibilities of assembly of new arms, since like vió in the video, Snake will be able to mount and to disassemble weapons at will to create other new ones.

In order to conclude, we asked Kojima-saint about just presented/displayed control of Nintendo Revolution , to which it responded to be to us " very surprised and deluded " with the new technology, with which " anyone can play " and confessed to have several ideas that are taking form, but that as it is logical cannot keep awake. In days, we will publish the complete interview.

...Mofos!!... ...how come random eurotrash know more about MG4 than any one else??...

...cool nevertheless....

...the bit about more than 200 weapon variations is just plain AWESOME!!!....

...hope you read the bold bit in the middle majik....
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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 03:52
It' s funny how Kojima-san was translated to Kojima-saint. But then again maybe he is a saint. San Kojima
He makes great videojuegos anyway.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 5 Feb 06 19:53:05 >

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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 03:58
I did, and you' ve evidently mis-understood. It was reported by Famitsu to be 10 years later after they interpreted " X years after Big Shell" to mean 10, but were corrected and told by Konami that X wasn' t actually 10.

How long after Big Shell MGS4 is set hasn' t been announced. Kojima hasn' t said it' s 10 years, he' s said nothing of the sort. NOBODY else knows how long it is, so why would you believe a shoddy translation of " some random eurotrash" as you say over what' s official?!

10 years is too long.

The rest of it however sound interesting and the 200+ weapon variations thing is intriguing, but again, it' s not been stated anywhere else so why believe it?

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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 04:15
...didn' t you click on Die_whatever' s link?.... ...it' s genuine dude...

it' s not been stated anywhere else so why believe it?

..it HAS been stated else were... ..check out Kojima-san' s last major interview at Game Informers ...you' ll need to subscribe in order to view it, but according to 1up Kojima-san states exactly the same thing....

....if it comes out of Kojima-san' s mouth, then it' s official in my book:

" In previous titles been we have forced to reflect with coherence the arms of the time, but in MGS4 when acclimated being in the future, we are going to be able to use plus our imagination to design new arms"

...that' s all the evidence i need....
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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 04:25
Ok, so link to where 1up have the same info, because i can' t find it.

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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 04:27

...here' s the link again but via google' s okish translation...



...that link is screwing with my browser....


..about 1up... ...give me a sec...
< Message edited by Bishonen -- 23 Aug 06 0:30:53 >
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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 04:32
Link doesn' t work.

Right, i found wher it' s stated on 1up that it' s set 10 years after, it' s not a quote, it' s information taken from a gameinformer interview in December. That' s before he said X didn' t represent 10.

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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 05:02
....f*ck... ..the site blows you out to the home page...

...you' ll need to click on " generos" in the orange column on the left hand side, then click " Kojima announces its Talk Show Online" under " THE LAST NEWS ADVENTURE GAMES"

..scroll down, and under ' more information' click Metal Gear Solid 4 (PS3)... ...under the header " The New' s" click " To see all related news" and then " the DNA of Snake he is ill, but it will not die in MGS4" to get a reasonably good translation of the article...

..stick to this example as more logical approaches don' t seem to work...

...anyway about the time frame; Otocon' s ageing, futuristic ' Lady Leg' tanks, 200+ weapon variations and the quote' s in my above posts still convince me of the 10 years or so argument....

...and surely cellular degradation can' t age a person that much in 3 years?

...anyhow 100% clarification should hopefully happen at E3...

< Message edited by Bishonen -- 5 Feb 06 21:03:11 >
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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 05:06
Ok dude, you' ve convinced me. 10 years it is!

I guess we get to sit through an hour long intro that details the previous decade then. That' ll be nice...

We' ll still see Big Boss return though, probably.

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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 06:43
Kojima is a bad man letting Solid Snake die... screw him!

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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 20:50

ORIGINAL: Naked Snake

Kojima is a bad man letting Solid Snake die... screw him!

Snake isn' t gonna die dumbass!

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RE: R.I.P Solid Snake..... - Feb 06, 2006 21:29
even if he lets him die, its his character, and thus his choice ;) Obiwan died in starwars ;)

Look at the silly monkey

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