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 Inside here only PS3 fans no 360!
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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 03, 2005 18:37
Oh dear. I am not a Microsoft fanboy but when I see people using piss poor arguments to backup their " I hate Microsoft" fetish it really makes me laugh.

because they release buggy stuff that' s why, remember how Win98 gave nightmares to pc users, even xp now well it' s so much better than win98 thank god that' s the least thing but still it' s far from perfect...

Ok, I' ll be the first to admit that Windows isn' t perfect. Neither is any other piece of software on the market. A lot of people complain about Microsoft' s OS stability problems, stating Linux/Unix is better. Those people also dont realise or choose to forget that Microsoft as an OS company is just now becomming mature. When Unix was released it had a lot more problems than windows ever did. The difference between them now is that Unix has had more time to fix its problems.

If you look at the errors per lines of code relationship you' ll actually find that MS products are one of the lowest in the industry. (this relates to known and fixed errors prior product release - meaning their coding level is a lot higher to begin with).

The main reason why we see so many hacks and virii exploiting Windows is simply because it' s the most commonly used OS. If Mac OSX or Linux were the most predominant OS' s today, we' d see the same thing happen to them.

just look at Internet explorer isn' t it a shitty browser ooooh yes ... just have a look at opera and firefox both are free..

I mostly agree with you here. Internet Explorer is where I think Microsoft dropped the ball. I am using Firefox at the moment and I absolutely love it. The actual performance of Internet explorer is great and renders pages better than Firefox and Opera. However, the introduction of ActiveX controls didn' t seem very smart to me. I could see where Microsoft was coming from but they did it in the worst way possible - allowing almost anyone to have direct access to your computer.

Again, the main reason why we see so many problems resulting from the use of IE is because it' s the most commonly used web browser. If you' re going to write a virus, you want to get the maximum effect. If you check the Firefox changelog from version to version you' ll see that they' re fixing security holes and exploits just as regularly as Microsoft does with IE.

and for you much they sell their windows well expensive that' s because they monopolize the market , no serious competition

Never had any problem affording Microsoft products here. If you can afford a $3000 PC and buy games for $50 then I am sure you can afford to buy Windows XP for $100. For Microsoft office, just get the Student version for $120. They don' t ask you for any student verification.

Microsoft is the biggest because they provided what people wanted. It' s as simple as that. Basic everyday functions which people do on their PCs are things which people expect the OS to give them capability for. The capacity to de-integrate has only ever been the real issue, and that process is now a quite simple one for people who choose to use third-party tools rather than the included ones. They did it well, they got big, stop sniffling about it!
Terry Bogard

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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 03, 2005 18:49
Internet Explorer has one important advantage over Firefox, it successfully streams Kikizo' s videos!!!1!

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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 04, 2005 05:03
*stroking shiny new 2Ghz DP Apple G5* sleek, sexy, virus free beauty.....

..... Bill Gates can kiss Steve Jobs' apple green a$$....

...hey Bogman, how about getting your web-masters to make your videos available to Safari users?.... and what' s with the site??, it like takes half an hour to load a page......

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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 04, 2005 14:25
Everyone who thinks that 360 will outsell and outperform PS3 has to be out of their mind. PS3 simply burries 360 will all its new and killer features, never before seen in a gaming console. Will it be more expensive, of course, a better system will has more expensive right. Just think about the 1080p output. even though 1080p is still expensive and in small demand, but imagine in couple of years when 1080p TVs will be on every shelf of every electronics store, PS3 will be there to take advantage of that 360 won' t. Besides having 2 video output with the same quality from one PS3, to that' s something unbelievable, you would need 2 360 to enjoy 2 player gaming like the PS3. what about 7 bluetooth controllers (which is a standard), i love football and settting up a monday night football game with 6 of my buddies for the whole season will be the most amazing thing ever. Not to mention the new eyetoy2. i mean doens' t matter if the PS3 will cost an extra 100-200 bucks, honestly just think about how long does it take you to save up an extra bill. I' m so confident that the overall gaming experience of 360 will not top PS3, and that' s just in the beggining, im not even talking about couple years down the road. 2-3 years later PS3 will be considered the top gaming console in the world no doubt!!!

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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 04, 2005 14:56
making an OS is not as easy as making any other program, first off. second, winxp is pretty good if u ask me. Next year we' ll be seeing Windows Vista (Longhorn originally), which is gonna be much better and a year after that we' ll see the new WinFS system, which will make browsing ur computer much much faster and give u many many more options, basically ur pc will work faster with that wndows file system.

I can stream videos with firefox here. took me a while to configure the multimedia settings and all, but i got it working. Try using FasterFox, it' s en extension that makes firefox surf websites faster, and it works, I have it.

Minde0511, how can u really say what you are saying. Yes ps3 is the market leader as of now, but you never know what might happen lately. The ps3 has dual outputs, but who' s gonna have 2 hdtvs set in one room, both supporting 1080p naturally. You' d have to be rich, and most gamers aren' t. You can connect 7 controllers, but how is that gonna look on a game where the more users u have the more the screen splits. how good are the games gonna look on a 7-split screen tv? for other games, like madden or something, then yeah, it' s a good innovation.

Will the ps3 be able to play pc games? NO, no way. the architecture is diff, diff processor, i dunno if current OS can support cell. remember, it took them a while before they were actually able to emulate a mac OS in the original Xbox, and that didn' t have all the features, and the Xbox is the only console closest to a pc, and the ps3 is something far from it.

Quezcatol, we have known about 360 games for a while, and if ur really a xbox fanboy u would' ve known this. If u want somekind of a list of the upcoming games for the 360, go to 1up' s website and they have it, not updated, as i' ve seen and know about more titles to be released on the 360, than that list says.

About the eyetoy thing. Don' t forget, 360 will have a camera, so I' m sure they can use that as an eyetoy.

Sony I think will put a lower price on the ps3 and lose money. I think that if they actually wanted to make some profit, they would have to price the ps3 a little too high, since it spent much more money on the ps3 than MS did on the 360. I don' t really know how they are doing economically, so it all depends on that. After all, console companies don' t make most of their profit, if not all of their profit, from the consoles, but they make the money from the games that are sold for that console. I also think ps3 will dominate this gen, but the next one, the ps4 might actually lose. To whom? that will be hard to tell as of now, but we' ll know later on.

**Update: I just read that CNN Money had published an article saying that Sony CEO Howard Stringer commented on the ps3 price to be between 300-400 dollars, and then apparently it removed the quotation since Stringer has not made any comments on the price so far. This probabily says that the ps3 will cost more than $500. Good websites to visit for this kind of info are ps3scene and
< Message edited by KiLLeR -- 5 Dec 05 6:16:41 >
Vx Chemical

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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 07, 2005 01:43
Since this thread is so much off topic, ill push it a bit further.

No offence Minde, but spreading hopeless proganda in this forum isnt really going to work, people seem fairly intelligent.

None of us really knows what the PS3 will be able to do, whether or not it will be more powerful than the Xbox 360. No games they have shown so far cant be made on the box as well, even MGS 4. Also remember, Sony says PS3 will run on a 10 year cycle, which means in 5 years, MS will release another Console, which will be faster and more advanced than the PS3, and thus burry it in the dust for the next 5 years to come.

I dont think Xbox360 will sell better than PS3, but i think it will outshine it, it will selll well simply because people buy Playstation, because they' v always had playstation!

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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 07, 2005 03:07
Vx chemical , you ask minde to not spread faulse info basing on speculations but that' s what you did by the end of your message ... xbox360 will outshine PS3 ???
are u sure of that or is it another speculation ??

i agree with you lot of people will buy PS3 just because they had PS2 or PS1 but hey were these bad consoles, of course not ?? they will buy PS3 simply because sony didn' t disapointe people , playstation brand has awesome games do that console didn' t reach the top just because of its name , what kind of silly thought is that?? it' s because it has very good games that' s why it is now the leader ok??

also there is higher probability that PS3 will be at least as powerful as xbox360, sony is not stupid enough to release its console almost one year later (may be) and has less power or may be something equivalent ... that didn' t happen through the history why should it happen now???

the only ace card that xbox truly has is its x box live feature and i' m sure sony will implement something more or less equivalent

its the PS3 price that might make a major difference ...
Gaius IV

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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 07, 2005 03:31

Playstation never really had competition untill xbox appeared, but that was even way later when it had already sold millions. Nobody really wanted an xbox cause lets face it they are pretty much the same only each console had certain exclusive titles.
Now in the last year there have been more xbox consoles sold than ps2. why? cause most people already have ps2s.

Now microsoft have released their next gen console. a year earlier than ps3. This will hurt sony because by the time ps3 comes out in europe...dec probably with maybe 10 launch titles, the 360 would' ve had probably 100 titles already with the same quality graphics as a ps3. Plus the 360 price will be reduced. If you ask me microsoft have a good chance. I myself will not be buying a ps3 since final fantasy XIII, Dragon quest, resident evil 5, soul calibur IV are likely to see a x360 release too. But if I do buy a ps3 it would only be for Metal Gears solid.
Vx Chemical

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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 07, 2005 05:21

Vx chemical , you ask minde to not spread faulse info basing on speculations but that' s what you did by the end of your message ... xbox360 will outshine PS3 ???
are u sure of that or is it another speculation ??

I clearly stated it was what i think. I think the repetoir of games in the xbox library is better than that of the playstation.

Regarding something similar than the live service, Sony has already stated that online services is up to the developers and not them.

I do think the PS3 will be a powerful console, and i didnt say i thought it would be less powerfull than Xbox, but little is known of the cell cpu, other than that its hell to code for, where is the XNA tools for the Xbox are heaven. And even Nvidia stated at one point that their GPU was less advanced than the GPU which is in the Xbox.

The PS2 outsold the xbox because it got on the market first, and because of Sony' s market advantage with the PS1, not because it had better games.

It all boils down to a matter of opinion, and what type of games you like. I like western games!

These are all my opinions, as iv stated before, but still its too late to say which console is best, and which will win the war!

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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 11, 2005 15:08
Kutaragi wants games to be displayed in 120 FPS and 1080p - now that' s what HE said - the man who proved his " honesty" many times.Wait for it to come out if you want to know what it can do.

I don' t think 360 will beat PS3 but it may gain a better market share than X (PS is a HUUUUGE brand)).

I wouldn' t rule out Nintendo as easily as most of you but that' s just me.

I don' t think that OS that is used the most can have more bugs found in it - quite the opposite.If your OS is creating problems for many users it is easy to update it and repair some gliches (especially when you have a reporting option).

It' s not that it' s pushed so hard all over the wolrd that the bugs come out - the individual experience is what counts.

So if from 100 WinXP users 100 had at least one crash and some minor bugs and with MacOS 50 from 100 never had a problem - that means someone didn' t care enough and that someone is MS.

I totally agree that MicroSofts monopoly is the worst scenario.Having that said Sony is terrible as well - PS2' s are a great example of that.No monopoly is good.
Games are evolving thanks to competition.It will be even better for us when the market share is 50/50 (PS3/X360) - (Nintendo can also be 50% in that scenario-sice they aim for the " next to PS3/Xbox360" thing)

MS will help gamers a lot - it will make Sony care again - like with PSX when they fought for people and not the other way around.

That' s what I hope at least ...No one knows what will happen.

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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 12, 2005 10:08
give me exemples of horrible things that sony did with its ps2

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RE: Inside here only PS3 fans no 360! - Dec 12, 2005 10:49
-Cheap components and short life of avarage PS2
-Dated technology (right from the start - less RAM than DC and much worse than GCN but still more expensive)
-False system performance statements
-Terrible games at launch

It has become a fantastic system over last 1-2 years - but it sold very good thanks to the PlayStation BRAND and hype (based on lies)- so many systems sold forced Devs to make games for it and eventually to make it a succesful system that it is today.
And yes it is the best system when it comes to games right now , cause graphics ain' t everything -plus some very pretty games come out lately.That said it' s not another PSX.
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