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360, so its been accepted then?
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Terry Bogard
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 03, 2005 08:32
I agree that floppies can still be useful. I carry around an external floppy drive with my laptop.. Reason being, when I' m doing writing assignments on my laptop while on my way to work, also saving them to floppy makes it easy for me to very quickly plop that sucker into one of the many computers here at work and quickly print out some documents.... Floppies are still more standard than the other bigger better options out there I would think, meaning that I' m least likely to encounter compatibility/device recognition/what-ever-problems with a ' working' floppy than external plug n' play devices (sounds a bit redundant, is there even such a thing as Internal plug n play?). You know it' s bound to happen some day in the most weirdest of circumstances - You' ve got your work saved to your trusty memory stick/USB device, you head to a Library or someone' s house and need to access one of your saved documents only to discover that the Library or your *slow-to-embrace-new-technologies* Friend is still sporting some ancient a$$ computer that isn' t even USB-compatible and having that stuff saved to a floppy will be a life saver in those RARE (but bound to happen to the most unfortunate of souls) circumstances, lol..
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 03, 2005 16:45
After the ... research I' ve done, it appears you' re right I am always right.
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- Joined: May 31, 2005
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 03, 2005 18:25
Thats right! Joe' s aways right!
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 05, 2005 08:08
Ummm.. Joe, you are aware you have some sort of groupe?
Chee Saw
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 05, 2005 12:05
I would like to know what YOU guys would name a new console!
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 05, 2005 16:59
Silentbomber: Yes, a rather disturbed individual, I might add.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 05, 2005 17:21
hmm weird.. Got an error message and it still posted it.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 6 Jun 05 1:23:39 >
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 05, 2005 17:22
I would like to know what YOU guys would name a new console! The Nintendo Chee Saw AWESOME name isn' t it??
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 08:14
...lets see. ... was there any game system that had a decent name? .... suppose the dreamcast i liked.
Joe Redifer
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- Joined: May 24, 2004
- Location: Denver, CO
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 08:48
I liked: Neo Geo Sega Saturn Super Nintendo (cheesey and simple, yes... but good) PC Engine (don' t know why) TurboDuo (just sounds cool) Mega CD (hated the name change to Sega CD) Playstation and I kind of like " Revolution"
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 09:05
I would like to know what YOU guys would name a new console! Nintendo 361. It' s better than all other systems to date for obvious reasons.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 17:34
The Nintendo Observer Block or NOB for short.
Timothy Cobbs
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 18:55
 [image][ color=#00FF00]The xbox 360 is no longer a box anymore and when it was just xbox it wasn' t really a box then the most box like system has been the gamecube. But on the fact that it is vertical is no big deal because you could set it on the side if you want but the vertical also makes fit next to all your other stuff like dvd player and vcr, it may not look as good but it still gives you the hard core gameing fun for wich we all desire
< Message edited by Timothy Cobbs -- 7 Jun 05 2:57:33 >
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- Joined: Jun 13, 2003
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 18:58
Xbox Pro. (sound professional don' t it? like an add-on card for the PC). Max Revolution. Playstation Max.
Timothy Cobbs
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- Joined: Jun 06, 2005
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 19:00
here are some names I rather have it be named xbox OMega or xbox unlimited. something that sounds very high tech and top-dogish, but not something that tells you it sounds like it should be a sphere
Timothy Cobbs
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 19:02
xbox pro sounds kinda like a sports item something a little less sophisticated but still not so corny as xbox 360
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- Joined: May 31, 2005
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 19:37
i think the xboxfoshizzle would be good. It kinda sounds corny buts also streetwise (no what im sayin homie/GUnit?
Chee Saw
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 07, 2005 03:30
ORIGINAL: Timothy Cobbs here are some names I rather have it be named xbox OMega or xbox unlimited. something that sounds very high tech and top-dogish, but not something that tells you it sounds like it should be a sphere I think if they named it the Xbox Unlimited they' d get more flak than they are now, for the 360. The Xbox Omega sounds cool, but omega means " the end" so, since there will most likely be a third Xbox, they' d probably think that was inappropriate, too. I' m going with: The " Xbox 69" or The " F***SonyBox" Now I' ll just ramble. I miss the days of exclusives. Remember when ALL the games on a system were exclusive? You want to play Space Harrier, Choplifter, Black Belt, or Shinobi, you gotta have a Sega Master System. You want Castlevania, Rush N' Attack, Legend of Kage, or Zelda it was NES. Was it Mortal Kombat that started all this " cross platform" crap? Oh yeah, the " Nintendo Chee Saw" is now the official name. Recognize.
Timothy Cobbs
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- Joined: Jun 06, 2005
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 07, 2005 03:48
  you know it could always be name Maximus Xbox
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- Joined: Jun 13, 2003
RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 07, 2005 07:38
Box ' O' Fun
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