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360, so its been accepted then?
May 31, 2005 16:39
I remember only a few moons ago, that everybody was crizteing how the name of ' xbox 360' was the worst they ever heard of, and how the design just looked stupid. Now i never hear a thing and its like the complete opposite! 360 now has become accpeted and nobody has ever given a second thought to it [that is, untill the ad campiagns come out for it ;)] No talk about how the oversized power button is just a gimik to ' pimp' your 360 with totally ' rad' covers. But i suppose the ps3 and revoloution have clouded the 360 somewhat.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
May 31, 2005 16:59
Xbox360 is still and always will be a stupid name thought up by retarded people.
Terry Bogard
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
May 31, 2005 17:07
And as stupid of a name it is, there' s nothing we can do about it as it' s pretty much set in stone at this point. So rather than harp on and on about it till we' re blue in the face we' ve decided to save our b' tching for the games!;)
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
May 31, 2005 17:35
Exactly. Video game systems rarely have good names. Let' s look at the history of bad system names: -TurboGrafx-16 -Nintendo 64 -Sega Dreamcast (kind of cheesey, but not actually bad) -Sharp X68000 -PC Engine (though nowhere as bad as TG-16) -ShuttleGrafx (WTF?) -CoreGrafx -SuperGrafx -Sega Mega Drive (what the hell?) -Playstation 2 (boring) -Playstation 3 (even more boring) -Xbox (cheesey) -FM Towns Marty -Amiga CD-32 (The Brits should never try to make a system ever) -N-Gage (N-credibly stupid) -Konix Multisystem (Multisystem sounds OK, but " Konix" ? No wonder the world hates them) We' ll accept Xbox360 just as we accepted those. The design of the console is OK, but I don' t understand what is up with this whole " We need to have it stand vertically" fad. And that' s just what it is... a fad.
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 1 Jun 05 1:39:07 >
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
May 31, 2005 20:14
Joe! Some of those names aren' t bad. Changing the name of the PC Engine to the TurboGrafx was stupid, as was ending the names of all the addons in Grafx. FM Towns Marty sounds like a particuarly chavy person. However the Mega Drive is a far superior name to the Genesis. Nintendo 64 is a decent name seeing as all home Nintendo hardware had in the past had a prominent role for the Nintendo name. Dreamcast was pretty good IMO - it was the first hardware platform that could comfortably do realistic 3D and hence in a way did have the power to cast your dreams. Then again at the end of the day are there any worse names than the Gizmondo or the Wonderswan?
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
May 31, 2005 21:11
However the Mega Drive is a far superior name to the Genesis. No it isn' t. It sounds like a car engine. It' s better than Xbox360. I actually like the Japanese Mega Drive logo. The one they made for the EU market is pretty nasty. Did you hear that France said " no" to a EU constitution?
< Message edited by Joe Redifer -- 1 Jun 05 5:11:36 >
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 01, 2005 01:59
Whilst it may be outdated now, back in the early 1990' s Mega Drive was a cracking name. It' s better than naming a console after an average band. Re: France and the EU Constitution It is slightly surprising that France voted no as they are one of the most pro Europe countries. Then again most political commentators were of the opinion that it was a protest vote against their president and their struggling economy where unemployment is at around 10%. Although tbh, an EU Constitiution which basically forms an United States of Europe and takes away many powers of nation states is never going to get that far. If Britain ever get a vote (which we have been promised) there' s no chance that we' ll vote yes.
< Message edited by Gossi_the_dog -- 1 Jun 05 17:27:20 >
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 01, 2005 07:26
Terry Bogard
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 01, 2005 15:11
LOL, glad to see I' m not the only person that thinks the Xbox 360 looks like a friggin Dell Computer
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 01, 2005 15:13
I like how the 360 looks. It' s definately not the best design ever and I like the revolutions look better but it' s still pretty damn sweet.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 01, 2005 18:50
I can' t believe computers still come with floppy drives. What the hell? Any computer with a floppy drive is OUT OF DATE! I' m surprised they don' t still come with tape drives. That' s PC technology for ya... refuses to advance. The Genesis wasn' t named after the lite rock band, it was named after the first book in the Bible of the ONE TRUE RELIGION! The Genesis was created by God (my God, not yours. My God is better than yours. Yours sucks. My religion is right and yours is wrong. You will burn in hell.)
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 02, 2005 03:10
floppys are useful joe... if u wanna take that one word document somewhere and they don' t have net access. takes 2 seconds to write to and it fits in ur pocket. i don' t use floppys anymore to be honest, but i imagine alot of people do. especially in work places, alot of computers in offices don' t have cd drives
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 02, 2005 12:17
Flash drives/memory keys/USB sticks.... whatever you want to call them. THose are God' s gift to computers/file transfer/word processing. I love my magic stick. (DO NOT take that the wrong way)
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 02, 2005 14:02
that is very interesting Rikka...... Hey, this forum is all about the sharing.
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 02, 2005 15:19
Flash drives are much quicker and quieter than floppies as well. Not to mention smaller. At my last office we used a simple flash key drive for those kinds of things.
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 02, 2005 15:34
Not to mention cheap as cabbage soup. You can get a 1.5 GB flash drive for 80 bucks canadian now. If the Computer industry was smart, they' d be paying close attention to how large these flash drives are getting. I think Windows XP requires something like 4GB of space to install. Computer desginers should get together with OS designers and design an OS that you install on a Flash device. Instant boot up, absolutely no time to turn on yor computer. Programs and the like would all stillbe installed on a hard drive, but the OS on a flash key. If things got easy enough they could even make the flash device removable so you could change OS at a whim. Need to play games through windows?? Bang. Need to do some programing and want to use Linux, plug it in, bang!
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 2 Jun 05 23:38:05 >
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 02, 2005 15:41
Yeah, flash is where it' s at. for a while there were rumors that 360 would have a massive flash drive rather than a hard drive. Flash drives are very convinient. I wish I could find my alienware one that I lost. I' m so pissed it' s gone!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 02, 2005 16:11
Your Flash OS thought is a good one, but Flash drives are too slow. It would take much longer to boot up from a flash drive because they are about 1/8th the speed of a real hard drive at their fasest. I' m sure they' ll get quicker. A Flash OS would also need to be able to write in order to be updated, etc.
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 02, 2005 20:13
I can boot from USB 2.0 devices with my motherboard. I could instal windows onto an mp3 player then boot from that. But I think I' ll just stick to my hard drive.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 03, 2005 06:58
That' s interesting Joe, I always thought that flash memory was faster. After the small amount of research I' ve done, it appears you' re right and they are too slow. Too bad, once they get the data transfer rates up it sure would be handy. And I don' t see why you wouldn' t be able to write to it, you can write to flash normally. they' d just have to make sure they leave enough extra room for any concievable large updates that may be required in the future.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 3 Jun 05 14:59:38 >
Terry Bogard
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 03, 2005 08:32
I agree that floppies can still be useful. I carry around an external floppy drive with my laptop.. Reason being, when I' m doing writing assignments on my laptop while on my way to work, also saving them to floppy makes it easy for me to very quickly plop that sucker into one of the many computers here at work and quickly print out some documents.... Floppies are still more standard than the other bigger better options out there I would think, meaning that I' m least likely to encounter compatibility/device recognition/what-ever-problems with a ' working' floppy than external plug n' play devices (sounds a bit redundant, is there even such a thing as Internal plug n play?). You know it' s bound to happen some day in the most weirdest of circumstances - You' ve got your work saved to your trusty memory stick/USB device, you head to a Library or someone' s house and need to access one of your saved documents only to discover that the Library or your *slow-to-embrace-new-technologies* Friend is still sporting some ancient a$$ computer that isn' t even USB-compatible and having that stuff saved to a floppy will be a life saver in those RARE (but bound to happen to the most unfortunate of souls) circumstances, lol..
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 03, 2005 16:45
After the ... research I' ve done, it appears you' re right I am always right.
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 03, 2005 18:25
Thats right! Joe' s aways right!
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 05, 2005 08:08
Ummm.. Joe, you are aware you have some sort of groupe?
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Chee Saw
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 05, 2005 12:05
I would like to know what YOU guys would name a new console!
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 05, 2005 16:59
Silentbomber: Yes, a rather disturbed individual, I might add.
Terry Bogard
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 05, 2005 17:21
hmm weird.. Got an error message and it still posted it.
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 6 Jun 05 1:23:39 >
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
Terry Bogard
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 05, 2005 17:22
I would like to know what YOU guys would name a new console! The Nintendo Chee Saw AWESOME name isn' t it??
Terry Bogard - currently the most Unhelpful member of the Kikizo forums.
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 08:14
...lets see. ... was there any game system that had a decent name? .... suppose the dreamcast i liked.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Joe Redifer
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 08:48
I liked: Neo Geo Sega Saturn Super Nintendo (cheesey and simple, yes... but good) PC Engine (don' t know why) TurboDuo (just sounds cool) Mega CD (hated the name change to Sega CD) Playstation and I kind of like " Revolution"
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 09:05
I would like to know what YOU guys would name a new console! Nintendo 361. It' s better than all other systems to date for obvious reasons.
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 17:34
The Nintendo Observer Block or NOB for short.
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
Timothy Cobbs
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 18:55
 [image][ color=#00FF00]The xbox 360 is no longer a box anymore and when it was just xbox it wasn' t really a box then the most box like system has been the gamecube. But on the fact that it is vertical is no big deal because you could set it on the side if you want but the vertical also makes fit next to all your other stuff like dvd player and vcr, it may not look as good but it still gives you the hard core gameing fun for wich we all desire
< Message edited by Timothy Cobbs -- 7 Jun 05 2:57:33 >
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 18:58
Xbox Pro. (sound professional don' t it? like an add-on card for the PC). Max Revolution. Playstation Max.
Timothy Cobbs
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 19:00
here are some names I rather have it be named xbox OMega or xbox unlimited. something that sounds very high tech and top-dogish, but not something that tells you it sounds like it should be a sphere
Timothy Cobbs
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 19:02
xbox pro sounds kinda like a sports item something a little less sophisticated but still not so corny as xbox 360
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 06, 2005 19:37
i think the xboxfoshizzle would be good. It kinda sounds corny buts also streetwise (no what im sayin homie/GUnit?
Chee Saw
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 07, 2005 03:30
ORIGINAL: Timothy Cobbs here are some names I rather have it be named xbox OMega or xbox unlimited. something that sounds very high tech and top-dogish, but not something that tells you it sounds like it should be a sphere I think if they named it the Xbox Unlimited they' d get more flak than they are now, for the 360. The Xbox Omega sounds cool, but omega means " the end" so, since there will most likely be a third Xbox, they' d probably think that was inappropriate, too. I' m going with: The " Xbox 69" or The " F***SonyBox" Now I' ll just ramble. I miss the days of exclusives. Remember when ALL the games on a system were exclusive? You want to play Space Harrier, Choplifter, Black Belt, or Shinobi, you gotta have a Sega Master System. You want Castlevania, Rush N' Attack, Legend of Kage, or Zelda it was NES. Was it Mortal Kombat that started all this " cross platform" crap? Oh yeah, the " Nintendo Chee Saw" is now the official name. Recognize.
Timothy Cobbs
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 07, 2005 03:48
  you know it could always be name Maximus Xbox
I am a proud member of any gaming community that allow the best of bests and the worst of worsts but no hard feelings towards anyone.
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RE: 360, so its been accepted then?
Jun 07, 2005 07:38
Box ' O' Fun