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Mass X
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- Location: Plymouth, MN
Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 05, 2005 14:28
Recently I' ve noticed that not just the forums are on the move with plenty of new users, but also the headlines on the homepage are coming in at a steady up to date pace. Even keeping up with many of the other big sites out there. YaY!  I may just have to mark this as the priority site for gaming news soon.* Great work Adam and all the Kikizo Staff! *I dont mean that in a mean way
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- Joined: Apr 05, 2005
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 05, 2005 14:34
after another monthly game prize arn' t you. Just kidding. I agree kikizo rocks
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- Joined: Oct 31, 2004
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 05, 2005 16:23
speaking of being after another free game.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 05, 2005 19:49
naaaah I dont even think you can win twice. Im just noting that the site it on the upside of things latly.
Adam Doree
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- Location: Leicester Square
Apr 05, 2005 20:46
We try our best. But believe me when I say that Kikizo is merely embryonic compared to what it is to become. There' s a lot of interesting shit happening. But in the meantime we are glad that the forums are picking up slightly, and all the while the main site itself is doing very well at the moment. :) We' ll be working out the winners for the last four months VERY shortly. It is actually pretty time consuming working out who deserves the to be the winner for the month. Which is why after this set of winners I want to give the duty of deciding who wins to someone else - probably a respected forum user (perhaps a previous winner). We could have a system where the winner for one month chooses the winner for the next, or something.
Joe Redifer
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RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 05, 2005 22:32
Would the chooser be allowed to choose themselves? If I were the chooser I' d be say: " And the winner of the month is..... ME! All the rest of you were slacking off! Did you honestly think that any of your posts could ever compete with the astounding writing quality and superbly crafted humor found in each and every one of my posts? I think not! In fact, I think I' ll take 2 games this month. That is all."
Adam Doree
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- Joined: Feb 19, 2003
- Location: Leicester Square
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 06, 2005 05:25
Would the chooser be allowed to choose themselves? No.
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 06, 2005 07:34
probably a respected forum user (perhaps a previous winner) That could work out pretty good. As long as this doesnt happen. Say ohhhhhhh some random guy, let' s call him Moe Redifer, no, Joe Bedifer wins one month, create alternate account, post 90 posts, give to self, rinse wash repeat.
< Message edited by mxpx182 -- 6 Apr 05 9:34:55 >
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- Joined: Dec 07, 2004
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 06, 2005 07:49
or you know, like this: april winner - mxpx182 may winner - mxpx183 june winner - mxpx184 july winner - mxpx185 july winner - mxpx186 etc, etc, etc
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- Joined: Apr 05, 2005
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 06, 2005 08:51
Anyway back on topic (kikizo' s awesomeness) in my short stay i' ve found this place so much better than the bigger games sites like IGN. It' s 56k friendly too which it a bonus for me. also doesn' t begg for donations or ask for a subscription. The forum isn' t full of fanboys/tards and the mods arn' t power crazy (I just got a 3 day temp ban on another forum :(). It' s all these things added together that makes kikizo a damn near perfect games site. thank you
< Message edited by Owain -- 6 Apr 05 16:53:12 >
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 06, 2005 10:59
Until Kikizo, I visited the usual...IGN, GameFAQs, XBOX365. None of those have a forums area that is comfortable like Kikizo' s. And, the news area has gone through some big changes in both style and presentation. Kudos to you, Adam (and staff)!!! Kikizo is my site of choice!!! Like the idea about previous month' s winner picking next month' s winner... Adam, you might want to have the previous winner submit their top three (in priority order) to you. That way, if there' s an issue with the top choice, Adam can have the final decision. Or, something like that...
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- Joined: Dec 01, 2004
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 06, 2005 15:27
Adam, you might want to have the previous winner submit their top three (in priority order) to you. That way, if there' s an issue with the top choice, Adam can have the final decision. Or, something like that... DaRoosh gets the shiny platinum hard hat for idea of the month. Seriously, that' s actually a pretty good idea. Gives it a very large comunity feel.
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- Joined: Jun 23, 2004
- Location: NS, Canada (living in Rhode Island)
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 06, 2005 16:08
I' ve tried a number of other forums, but most were just too busy, too vulgar, too unfriendly or just too damn complicated -- Kikizo is " most excellent" !
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- Joined: Feb 07, 2004
- Location: Canada
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 06, 2005 18:51
I agree. I love this place. This is the longest i have actively participated in a forum like this. Thanks Adam, and all of you. What a great group
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 06, 2005 18:53
GROUP HUG!!!!!!1!!!
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 06, 2005 19:15
Ima start cryin man its its its soooo beautiful!!! I WUVS YOU GUYZZ...
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2003
- Location: Where ever you need me.
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 06, 2005 22:16
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- Joined: Aug 17, 2004
- Location: Saint Louis
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 07, 2005 07:58
Of course, lotusson...you make Kikizo the best darn forums site in the whole wide world. Well, if nothing else, you sure help to make this one of the most interesting forum websites. Viva La Kikizo!!!
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- Joined: Jul 23, 2004
- Location: Leeds, England
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 07, 2005 14:53
Maybe there could be some kind of voting system for winner of the game. Like we e-mail Adam with reasons why you think somebody should win. But you can only vote if you' ve been posting for a month and staff members votes can count with more impact that us regular lot. ' Tis a thought.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Kikizo on the up and GO!
Apr 07, 2005 15:28
These are the days to treish[sp?] guys, as Adam said " Kikizo is merely embryonic compared to what it is to become" These are the Golden Days of these Forums, When everybody knows each other and everybody has a great time on the forums. But as the Site gets bigger we will be awash with new members and basicly spamers. Nothing wrong with the new members but we will lose our Function as a Good Forum, Sure the old members will know each other but the spirit of these forums may be lost. As Sharon said " but most were just too busy, too vulgar, too unfriendly or just too damn complicated -- Kikizo is " most excellent" ! " [ i must agree with the last statement though] When Kikizo gets 3000+ members, this place is going to look different. But anyway it dosent matter! we are here to stay and enjoy it! Kikizo does indeed rock.
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