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Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
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Terry Bogard
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 08:15
Am I the only one that thinks the new driving sucks complete ass compared to the original? I find it slow, clunky, and honestly, unrealistic. Cars don' t actually turn that poorly, or brake that slowly. Are you saying that they turned it into Grand Theft Turismo? *ducks thrown objects*
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- Joined: Nov 17, 2007
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 08:49
Nah dude, ...there' s not much love for Gran Turismo here. We' re more... Burnout than anything.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 09:05
Jack disagrees with all of you that didn' t get their game at launch
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 09:49
I dont mind the driving. There are some cars that handle better than others. Ok you cant take a 90 degree corner flat out, but you just have to brake a little earlier. You still get a nice sense of speed on a straight, and some cars do some awesome handbrake turns if you get it right. Theres one that looks like a Dodge Charger is awesome for wheel spinning handbrake turns.
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 10:01
I find it slow, clunky, and honestly, unrealistic. Cars don' t actually turn that poorly, or brake that slowly. Once you master the hand brake it' s a non-issue. Try tapping it when you round corners. It makes it much easier.
Mass X
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 11:45
Find the Comet. You can get it from Brucie after the race. That thing handles extremely good. So far I find very little to hate about this game except the beginning missions are all pretty much tutorials ...lots and lots of tutorials. But they aren' t bad most of the time so yeah. This game gots me hooked and will for sometime. Spent hours last night on free roam MP doing nothing but wasting time and i loved it. Ghost was there. lol fucker cut the back of my helicopter off with his heli. Spun out for a bit til I tried bailing over the water only to miss. I also ran over that one chick um chickbitch er chicakpoo (Jess) she snuck into my game some how so I made sure to merc her a few good times then she left...owell lol.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 11:51
Ghost was there. lol ***er cut the back of my helicopter off with his heli. Spun out for a bit til I tried bailing over the water only to miss. lol That happened to me too. If you lose your tail and try to bail the Heli will tip faster than the rate which you fall. The result is the you get sliced up by the main rotors.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 11:52
I also ran over that one chick um chickbitch er chicakpoo (Jess) she snuck into my game some how so I made sure to merc her a few good times then she left...owell lol. Aww, Come on dude, Make Love, Not war! You should head over to her house, apologize, and offer to make love.......not war! 
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 1 May 08 4:26:31 >
Mass X
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 11:57
Oh but it was all good fun I' m sure she enjoyed the one hit kill she got on me while I was driving. But no I tried making peace, thats a no go. Its all laughs too me now. Besides I like what I got going right now. SO people what is the craziest shit thus far youve seen or done in GTA 4? That way those who are not picking it up any time soon can know what they are missing out on. My craziest thing so far was when I was heading full speed toward a ramp and bailed just before hitting. INstead of just falling the side I rolled head over heals up the ramp flew several hundred feet right into Id say a 5 or 6 story drop. Now this would' ve meant death if not for the pool I managed to land in. I love this stuff. So many random moments.
< Message edited by Mass X -- 1 May 08 4:11:07 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 12:23
In single player I went drinking with Rom, which is kickass. They way they implemented the drunken state is worth a laugh. The controls are unresponsive, everything is blurry and the conversation is even more entertaining than usual. Anyways, we were falling on our asses every few steps. Walking up stairs while drunk is impossible. Finally, I was able to get around the building but I actually forgot (myself as in John not Niko) where I parked the car  . I try to cross the street to jack a parked car when suddenly I get hit by a bus! The game is filled with shit like this. More to come.
< Message edited by agent ghost -- 1 May 08 4:23:52 >
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 12:42
I caved in and bought it today and played for about 2 hours or so. But now I' m going out of town and won' t be able to play it until Monday so now I' m going to be having GTA withdraw symptoms.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 13:02
I was doing the first car jacking mission for Brucie and the last things I expected was that I was gonna get a 2 wanted star. So I am running away like a little bitch and I didn' t see this fence and I drive head first at full speed. I went off the windshield, into a crevice overlooking the beach and landed on some rocks. Coolest death yet
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- Joined: Jan 01, 2006
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 17:03
Does it have 2 players offline?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 17:34
I was doing a mission where you have to tail a drug dealer on foot. Standard shit,... not too close, not too far... and my fuc.king phone went off! Roman wanted to know if i was up for playing pool. The muppet. I cancelled the call as soon as i clocked that it wasn' t related to the mission and the guy i was tailing got spooked and took off. I had to restart the mission.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 18:02
I was doing a mission where you have to tail a drug dealer on foot. Standard shit,... not too close, not too far... and my fuc.king phone went off! Roman wanted to know if i was up for playing pool. The muppet. I cancelled the call as soon as i clocked that it wasn' t related to the mission and the guy i was tailing got spooked and took off. I had to restart the mission. i had that call as well, but i had the option of running after him and finishing the mission
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 18:35
Oh so it was scripted? Meh [:' (] Still kinda cool, ...caught me off guard, but i thought it was just another random phonecall at an inopportune moment. Oh well... Did anybody else managed to carjack a Jew yet?
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 01, 2008 22:50
I still don' t have GTA, I was going to get it today but have decided to wait as I have exams coming up...
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 00:48
I know. I' m just barely refusing myself access to my 360. I' ve actually pulled off the power button board so I can' t start the beast up on impulse. If my GPA didn' t hang in the balance of the next four weeks, I wouldn' t leave my room. Did anybody else managed to carjack a Jew yet? I carjacked a lady with a Jewish Bronx accent. Does that count? Edit: I' ve only gotten an hour or two in with the game, but the craziest thing I' ve done thusfar is jump the interstate in a POS junker, while escaping from the cops. I have my suspicions that was scripted though. I' ve done quite a few things that made me bust up laughing. First time I step out of the flat after the tutorial section, my ride' s gone, so I figure " what the hell, I' ll just grab a new one" . I walk up to a car, pull open the door and toss the guy out of the car. Only once I' m in do I realize that he' s got a buddy in the vehicle, and I' m stuck in traffic! I get pulled out of the car, and beaten to death by the two men... absolutely classic. The first time I got sent to the pay & spray was equally funny. I needed a new ride, as my current was horrendously beaten up from jumping the interstate, so I hop out of my car, and meticulously search the area around the pay ' n spray for cops. I don' t see any, so I turn my camera around, and begin to explain to my brother how cool the hijacking system is now, and how badass you feel when you do it. I finally go to break the window, I hear that satisfying crunch. ...Followed by a " Wheeeooooowwww- whop-whop" . ...Squad car right behind me.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 1 May 08 16:58:31 >
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 03:57
I' m a little bummed that you can' t go bowling or play pool or darts with your friends online. Seems like it would be a fun way to take a break in between the mayhem. And it seems that your vehicle will just disappear if you get out of it for a few minutes... we first noticed that when me and a friend went looking for helicopters and then flew to the Statue of Happiness. When we were done, our choppers were gone. Fortunately there' s a boat there and we just shifted into some water-based lunacy. Otherwise, the controls have improved some. I' ve been enjoying the online co-op missions a bit more than the deathmatches... but free roam is just a great option.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 04:11
 I didn' t see it if you didn' t.
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