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Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 04:26
The pic is a little blurry. Care to elaborate as to what happened there?
Mass X
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 04:44
Know those signs that say Caution Wet Cement or what ever. While I got drunk and fell in one and woke up like so... Actually I crashed the bike and it was wedged weird so I tried ot get on and ended up upside down and in the ground.
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 04:52
Looks weird... Just one of the many graphic faults in the game but it' s foregivable
Mass X
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 05:13
Wasn' t easy. Honestly tho I' ve experienced very few bugs so far. Only ones that I can realy think of is just a few minor clipping errors. I did get slwodown once while seeing how many benches and people I could destroy whilst being chased by a 3 star group of cops. Maybe I' m just more tolerable of it all... Anyhow another instance today. Some people really dont like their car stolen in this game. I got the perosn out got in and was driving off when I noticed that the person refused to let go of the car door. Dragged him a good bit til final lost his grip and rolled under the tires.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 05:31
Awesome!!! The " random" stuff you guys have posted makes me all the more excited for tomorrow as I will be picking up my copy.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 05:43
A guy hit me with his car, he ran over my foot, so i pulled out my SMG and pointed at him, he raised his arms in defence, and i shot him, his head hit the wheel and the horn went off,,, the cops came and arrested me
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 05:46
ORIGINAL: Mass X Anyhow another instance today. Some people really dont like their car stolen in this game. I got the perosn out got in and was driving off when I noticed that the person refused to let go of the car door. Dragged him a good bit til final lost his grip and rolled under the tires. I love when that happens. I had two guys start kicking the shit out of me when I jacked their car. I manged to jump in the car and they clung on. They had to have held on for a least a mile before the first one finally let go. The other one I scraped off by skimming a fire hydrant. Made my day.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 05:49
Did anybody else managed to carjack a Jew yet? I leave the cars and take the Jews. They' re stuffed in my closet. I' m keeping them to do my taxes.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 06:51
The smoke effects are nice when you screech the tires, doing donuts for example... the smoke actually wraps around the tire.
< Message edited by Zoy -- 1 May 08 22:51:42 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 07:11
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 07:28
this game is absolutly fantastic , i' m like 5 hours in the game may be less and i' m very impressed, from the dialogue (it' s the usual great work in any gta ), to the diversifying gameplay, to the shows, they even have a TV nd you can watch a comedy show, and technicaly the game is mind blowing it looks amazing considering the scale... only things that bothered me so far is the soundtrack that is not top notch as previous GTA , at least so far because i still have so many stations to listen to. and the control is still a bit clumsy , all in all that game is truly a masterpiece so far, and it arrives right after i finished Lost odyssey.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 07:32
A guy hit me with his car, he ran over my foot, so i pulled out my SMG and pointed at him, he raised his arms in defence, and i shot him, his head hit the wheel and the horn went off,,, the cops came and arrested me i was soo impreessed when that happened , i was on a mission , shot the guy from behind while we both driving, i killed him his head hit the horn on the wheel and it went on, classic.
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 02, 2008 08:49
After playing more of it I take back what I said about the graphics. They' re pretty good most of the time. At some parts in they' re pretty bad but at other parts in the game they' re very good. I can forgive the low detail textures for not having to load at random spots in the city.
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 03, 2008 13:57
OMFGLMFAO I was rofling so hard while riding in the cab listening to this judge talkshow thing on the radio. Then later on there was this hillarious Rush Limbaugh talkshow parrody. LMFAO the game is so fn' funny. I' ve had 5 literal rofls while playing already.
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RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 03, 2008 23:48
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical I' m not getting it. Never really liked GTA. Fail to see how it' s such a good game it always gets me bored after a while. So yeah I' m not picking it up. mmm you only have a wii dont you  Yeah I do, still even if I did have the money to buy all the other consoles...I' d still be playing mario kart over gta. It somehow just doesn' t appeal to me. And I' m even liking the game less because everyone just keeps giving it a 10 which really annoys me.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 04, 2008 05:08
Yeah I do, still even if I did have the money to buy all the other consoles...I' d still be playing mario kart over gta. It somehow just doesn' t appeal to me. And I' m even liking the game less because everyone just keeps giving it a 10 which really annoys me. Thats just plain silly! GTA is way more fun than Mario Kart. Its very different from the other GTA titles, it has more meaning, the characters have personality you want to learn who Niko is and why he is doing what he is doing.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 04, 2008 05:20
Ehh... apples and oranges. How can you really compare the two titles? It' s clearly an issue of taste. Not everyone is comfortable playing with lowlife characters. I myself am trying to get through the game with a minimum of senseless killing... which is easier said than done! Freakin' pedestrians getting in the way... But Niko is an interesting character, and I' ve read at least one writer saying that Niko expressing that he wants to move on with his life and not kill anymore had some effect on the way he chose to play the game. Maybe it' s disingenuous of the game designers, because being a killer is required to some extent. But it also paints a portrait of people trapped in a bad situation and trying to get out.
Mass X
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- Joined: Mar 22, 2004
- Location: Plymouth, MN
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 04, 2008 15:58
Wanna know what a PWNStar can do? Hopefully I can get my Kikizo tag changed soon to Johnny Jiron - PWNStar
< Message edited by Mass X -- 4 May 08 7:59:49 >
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- Joined: Dec 03, 2006
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 05, 2008 16:41
Favorite wipeout in which I fly from the car happened earlier. Remember that warehouse that you clear out the drug dealers in, for you first " Manny" mission? Anyways, I was driving full speed down the road running from 4 stars. The cops try and pull the pit manouver, but two of them tried it at the same time from both sides. Needless to say, it keeps me stuck going straight, without being able to turn. I plow hoodfirst into the wall at full speed in my Porsche and fly through the windshield, through the warehouse swinging door and into a pile of boxes. When I come out, the other cops have managed to crash and head butt the walls on either side of the door, conveniently taking care of themselves. Was such a funny set of circumstances that worked out perfectly. Other than the smoky ruin that was my purty red Porsche.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Am I the only person not picking up GTA IV today?
May 15, 2008 06:55
quote: Did anybody else managed to carjack a Jew yet? Hit the poor bastard after I getaway-drove the bank robbers... I stopped everything just so I could get out and snap pics for Nitro. Does that make me an asshole by proxy?
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