You' re psychotic.
From you, I don' t quite consider that an insult.
Why would you put your faith in a fuc.ker who just killed 10,000 people?
I believe, believing in any kind of god makes you a weaker person.
Enligthenment comes when you let go of that need!
No offence meant to anyone.
How so? It' s not a physical dependence, what enlightenment do I need to gain, and how does that make me a better person? There' s nothing I can do now physically, that I can' t do as an atheist. It' s a conscious decision, and it' s mine to make. I' m not crippled by my faith whatsoever.
OK, so why not follow the earliest version? Wouldn' t that be the least currupt? Clearly the earliest dogmas are the ones that have been altered the least. If you can' t trust the ealiest version. Why would you trust anything afterwards that even you agree was man written?
Well, it was all man-written. Everything in the Bible was written by men, over the course of thousands of years ago, so, the earlier being the Old Testament. So, why am I not Jewish? Simple.
I like the idea of bacon and condoms.
The morality of the theory is the only point that can be a purely rational discussion with no need for empirical evidence. It' s the only area where we can have a complete discussion without loose ends. It also seems to be the area where Christians are least likely to talk about.
Ok. If you really want to, why not?
So, my first question, do you believe that any of the words of Jesus, not necessarily in their entirety, have some sort of value to a civilized society? There are plenty of atheists who, while not agreeing with his divinity, agree that Jesus existed, and wasn' t a liar, a nutjob, or a con-man. Are you one of them?
They have to, no politician would stand a chance without admitting to being a Christian with a family.
Stalin did alright for his time.
Their electability aside, my point was that Christianity doesn' t affiliate itself with one political belief. Democrats, Republicans, Libertarians, Fascists, even Communists, they all have Christian members.
Conservatives are more traditionally fundamentally Christian, but there are plenty of non-religious conservatives, and plenty of conservative Christians, who are really bad people. There can be correlation, without causation.
The only one a believe is Huckabee.
Huckabee is a tool.
Religion is just like a drug trade, except the other guy does not have his package to exchage. However, he promisses that when you die, you have a big package waiting for you, but only if you trust him and keep bringing him packages every Sunday.
You talk about the financial corruption present in religion. Let' s see some numbers. Show me some examples of metric assloads of money being embezzled through churches. Until then, it' s rhetoric, and nothing more.
I can show you figures from a local church, a Catholic church, no less, the denomination that is stereotypically described as dark shadowy men rolling in the benjamins, showing that millions of dollars this year were spent on feeding those who were down on their luck, without obligation. The people in the community paid no money, and were not required to go to church, or even to affiliate themselves with Christianity before receiving food and clothing from this church. I' ve got more evidence personally that churches do works of good, than of bad.
The purpose is to survive. That' s what a lifeform does. Just like a plant, a frog, a lion. It' s ***ing simple.
If our purpose in life is merely to survive, why do we have cognitive ability so much greater than the organisms around us? You can say that we require them to survive, but there are certain things we are able to do, that really have no bearing on survival? Playing the flute? Doing algebra? The ability to do both of those stems from a higher mental capacity not required in the basic predator/prey survival model.
If finches and apes are just barely beginning to use tools, (barely, in the sense of hundreds of thousands of years, in earth' s sense) and they have survived thousands of years coexisting with human beings, why aren' t we just as simple mentally?
How are you not a pussy by your own standards again? You' re afraid of an invisible man living in the clouds. You don' t even have the guts to get laid, because you think the invisible man wants you to get married first. lol
I would think you of all people would understand the benefits of abstinence. Do you think I (and I believe Rampage as well) follow these sort of rules without reason? No.
I can' t support a kid, and can' t afford to take that risk in my life. I wouldn' t put my girlfriend in that position, and I wouldn' t sleep around behind her back, regardless of if I were a Christian, so sex is off the list for me until I can support a kid. If I want to bring somebody into the world, I want to do it with a long-time partner, who I know will be there when the child is being raised.
Aren' t your parents separated Ghost? Don' t tell me that' s not hard as a kid, loving both of your parents, and knowing they at best, are distant with each other, at worst, despise each other. That' s not even counting the subject of kids who just don' t know who their father is, because daddy and mommy had a one-night-stand, and mommy got knocked up.
What if you' re just wrong. Do you think you' re wasting your life? Do you think god would want you to waste your life and not have any fun?
The same question can be turned around to you. What if
you' re wrong. I don' t like scare-tactics evangelization. It doesn' t work, but do you ever consider that?
I can' t speak for Rampage, but I certainly don' t consider my life a waste right now, I mean, really. Your biggest argument in the last couple of months is that we' re not getting any. I don' t pity you. I think you enjoy life, and do what you want, but in my life, sex certainly isn' t my measure of happiness. What else can' t I do as a Christian, that I would do otherwise?
I pity people who have been born into religious families. Look at Eddie... he has to go to church every week... no choice in the matter until he' s whatever age, and then if he doesn' t go it' ll likely be frowned upon.
I couldn' t care less about being frowned upon. I love my family, but I don' t get along with any of them, short of my bat-shit insane grandparents, their son (my dad) and my brother. Everybody else believes I' ll be eternally damned for leaving the Catholic Church anyhow, I have nothing to prove to them, at this point, and the people who I do feel I have an obligation to prove something to couldn' t be more diverse. My grandparents are Christmas and Easter Methodists, my father is a libertarian Catholic, and my brother just doesn' t give two shits about religion at this point in his life.
The guy is already and adult as far as i' m concerned. When i was his age i had my own place. These concepts and ideals that they live by are completely alien to me.
If nothing else, I take you considering me as an adult a sincere compliment. It is alien to a lot of people, but that same idea works in reverse. The idea of parents letting their kids swear, or openly talk about sex in their house is odd to me, because I wasn' t raised that way (not that I have anything against sex discussions, or swearing, far from it). The idea of parents buying things for their kids, outside of the holidays is odd to me, because my family never worked that way. The idea of a family vacation? It' s weird to me, because if I' m going on a vacation, the point is to get away from my family. All of these are things that either you, or other forum members have made comment on about their lives, and it' s alien to me. Finding that odd, isn' t really all that odd to me (that wasn' t a pun, I just have no better way of wording it).