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World' s greatest sandwich
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Agent Ghost
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 05:57
Fair enough. At least I can relate to this much. The idea that we don' t know everything along with the quest to unravel mysteries of the Universe is one of the appeals I have towards atheism. So far science has taken us pretty far, that' s where my loyalty is. Although I can' t really say that atheism appeals to me, the way that religion satisfies you. I' d love to be immortal and believe there is purpose in life. However, I gravitate towards atheism because religion hasn' t been able to prove that humanity is special enough for any of this. " Great claims require great evidence." I know the Universe or life itself does not care about my emotions on the matter, using logic and empirical evidence is the only way I know how to answer these questions. Even if that means I' ll never have an answer. No. I' ve never eaten a bacon bagette sandwich either. Canadian bacon can hardly be considered bacon (it kicks too much ass). I' ll send you some.
< Message edited by agent ghost -- 12 Apr 08 21:59:21 >
Vx Chemical
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 07:04
No. I' ve never eaten a bacon bagette sandwich either. I dont mean to be disrespectful or anything! But can i ask why? I know the book says it, but isnt it kinda silly refraining from eating something because a high standing spiritual leader got a bad bacon sandwich and decided it was bad?
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 08:00
I suppose at the end of the day most people are just looking for answers, doesn' t matter what denomination you ascribe to. Canadian bacon can hardly be considered bacon (it kicks too much ass). I' ll send you some. Heh, ok look forward to receiving meat in the post. Mmm, postal meat. I dont mean to be disrespectful or anything! But can i ask why? Well its like I said, I haven' t really bothered to figure out why really. I believe in pretty much the rest of it, so I guess I thought it' d be silly to miss out one thing.  I have to confess I need to do more reading on the subject.
< Message edited by choupolo -- 13 Apr 08 0:03:56 >
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 08:01
canadian bacon ruins too many pizzas
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 08:15
I' m sceptical of what Americans call canadian bacon. Meat in Canada isn' t the same as it is in the US. We have food restrictions. Everyone I know who says they went to the States say the meat isn' t edible, way too fatty. Especially true with fast food restaurants.
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 09:30
Uh we have food restrictions here too. Ever heard of the US FDA? Fast food is a lot different from a steak at a respectable restaurant. Even fast foad meat has a broad range of quality depending on where you go. I' ve never gone to canada and eaten meat there but I don' t see how you could say the meat here isn' t edible. There is an extremely broad range of meat here. But anyways, canadian bacon here is a pizza topping that is pretty much just a thin slice of ham. Bacon in the US is a thin strip that is half fat and half meat. US Bacon Canadian Bacon
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 09:41
What canadians call bacon=US bacon " Canadian bacon" in the US=ham I don' t know why you guys call it Canadian bacon when it' s clearly ham.
< Message edited by agent ghost -- 13 Apr 08 1:43:43 >
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 09:57
yeah we only call it canadian bacon when it is on pizza. Otherwise we call it ham.
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 14, 2008 02:20
No. I' ve never eaten a bacon bagette sandwich either. With all respect to your Islamic faith, I' m kidnapping you, starving you, and feeding you nothing but bacon. american meat quality, yadda yadda yadda Meat here is fine, it' s the inept people who cook it that are to blame. With enough trimming, tenderizing and seasoning, you can make any piece of meat edible.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 14, 2008 05:38
I dont know about you guys but that sandwhich he made looked terrible, the meat was very undercooked.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 14, 2008 06:00
I dont know about you guys but that sandwhich he made looked terrible, the meat was very undercooked.
It looks pretty greasy as well. [:' (]
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 14, 2008 08:00
It offends the faith of Gordon Ramsey and Ainsley Harriott. With all respect to your Islamic faith, I' m kidnapping you, starving you, and feeding you nothing but bacon. You meanie! Ehem... I mean come get some foo' .
Agent Ghost
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 14, 2008 12:45
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 15, 2008 01:01
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- Location: Manchester, England
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 15, 2008 09:25
Heh, now faced with the choice of the above two I would definitely choose Agents! I' m sure its one of the exceptions - if faced with Ainsley Harriott asking for a blowjob... I' m sure you could pretty much get away with anything to avoid that!
< Message edited by choupolo -- 15 Apr 08 1:29:42 >
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 15, 2008 09:28
A wise choice my friend. They say pigs are cleaner than humans, I bet they taste better too.
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- Joined: Jan 10, 2005
- Location: Minneapolis
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 15, 2008 16:28
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost A wise choice my friend. They say pigs are cleaner than humans, I bet they taste better too. O.o I think they' re wrong.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 17, 2008 06:29
Bacteria wise mud is often pretty clean. At least compared to a human being it is. For example, bitting your finger nails is dirtier than licking the toitlet seat. Look at it this way. In order to come in contact with bacteria you have to travel. The more you travel the more contact you get. Think of all the food we eat and how much that travels. Then think of all the other humans we come in contact with. Humans are filthy. I' m no germaphobe though, I just find it amuzing that we' re so disgusting
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- Location: Minneapolis
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 17, 2008 08:26
Some I suppose. I have pretty good hygene and consider myself cleaner than a pig.
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- Joined: Dec 02, 2005
- Location: Manchester, England
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 17, 2008 08:47
I bet thats not just mud though. Quoted from Happy Gilmore: " I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast" " Euugh, you eat shit??"
< Message edited by choupolo -- 17 Apr 08 0:48:46 >
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