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World' s greatest sandwich
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Agent Ghost
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World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 11, 2008 05:51
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 11, 2008 06:01
I' m Christian, but the insult to Christianity was probably the funniest one.. Th' sandwich has me dribble too.... All that meat.
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 11, 2008 07:49
Huh, well, I disagree, but he actually knows what he' s talking about, and that' s a damn-tasty looking sandwich! I mean, dang.... that thing looks delicious.
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 11, 2008 08:11
Well, I found it the funniest because it was desperate, and it was even more hilarious because I am happy that fate allowed me to back such a religion... Man, imagine the exclusion of certain meats from our diet... I mean sheesh!
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 11, 2008 08:16
I' m eating a sandwich right now.
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 11, 2008 09:11
lol I was wondering how he was gonna get Christianity. He could have easily gotten catholics by making it on thursday or something.
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 11, 2008 09:23
Huh? That' s Fridays buddy, and it' s only 4 or 5 Fridays a year at that. Anywhoo, He couldn' t find anything to nail Christians with in the food category because biblically speaking, Christians don' t have a single dietary restriction, short of not eating yourself to death.
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 11, 2008 14:59
Well he couldn' t get christianity with cannibalism either. Most sects believe they' re actually eating jesus' s flesh and drinking his blood. lawl gross
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 11, 2008 19:56
Grade A sandwich. Ugh, that made my hungry...
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 12, 2008 00:21
Heh, thats a lot of meat! The guy is a bit of a nut job in his other videos. Funny how someone can be religiously atheist.
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 12, 2008 00:43
Most sects believe they' re actually eating jesus' s flesh and drinking his blood. lawl gross Nope, again, just the Catholics, Orthodox, and a very select few protestant denominations.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 12, 2008 13:09
Heh, thats a lot of meat! The guy is a bit of a nut job in his other videos. Funny how someone can be religiously atheist. Yeah the guy is off his meds. But who said atheism has to be passive? The problem with religions are the claims they make. Not every atheist has issues with the fanaticism.
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 12, 2008 21:37
Its funny, one of my best friends is almost a ' raving atheist' , and we disagree completely on each others views, but we still get along great. At the end of the day its each to their own as long as noone is shitting on anyone else. Besides we have some pretty interesting conversations. The claims in themselves aren' t really a problem if they only affect the person that believes them. To be honest, I' ve never eaten bacon and whatnot, but I still need to find out why. I have to confess its one of the only things about my religion that I' ve just followed blindly, since I dont really feel I' m missing out too much!
Agent Ghost
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 12, 2008 22:32
I' ll tell you why. In the time and place Islam was created, as well as certain other religions. Certain animals were relatively rare. The top people writting these laws wanted to ensure there was enough pork or whatever for themselves. A common theme in religion is the whole minimalist philosophy. The idea that you shouldn' t consume too much. In Christianity Greed and Gluttony are sins. The top people pulling this out of their ass, were telling people to take less and give more. Well guess who was collecting the taxes before the Kings. It was the Clergy. The Clergy had really high tax rates, and offered no services. Buddists are the worst offenders in this regard. The whole religion is about giving all your possessions to the religious lords. Buddist For a group of individuls who preach about minimalism, they sure do like their gold. More gold All you need to do is look at the religious heads of any religion and you' ll see that something is ***ed up. Religion- Take from the poor and give to the rich.
< Message edited by agent ghost -- 12 Apr 08 17:19:59 >
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 00:14
Heh, thats a cynical take on it, even for me! I' m willing to accept that a lot of the hadith and advice passed on from that time can be circumstantial though. As I say I cant argue with you since I haven' t done enough research on it myself, but most of what I' ve read has been based on health related matters.
Agent Ghost
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 01:12
Well good advice is not dependant on religion. Religion can be a vehicle for trends and mindsets but religion isn' t the cause for these changes. A lubricant at best. I haven' t read a all of the Quran so I don' t know what medical benefits you' re talking about, unless you had pshychological stuff in mind. In any case, I' d much rather depend on modern medicin especially psychology to tend to my needs, as opposed to any book that is hundreds of years outdated. Moving on to morality, religion borrows common sense and calls it their own. And that' s only if they aren' t completely bullshitting us. For example in Christianity, thou shall not steal. Well that' s just common sense. That' s a landmark in morality, and if you need the promise of heaven to know not to steal then you have a very poor sense of morality. One of the faults of religion is that they give you the mindset that you should be rewarded for making good moral judgements. The irony is that it' s a false promise (from an Athiest point of view). What I' m saying is that you can' t make a good moral judgement for the wrong reasons. You certainly can' t make a good moral judgement if it' s purely objective. Which I consider the biggest offence of religion. There are times when it would be amoral not to steal. It' s not the action that matters. It' s the consequences of the actions. Moraility is supposed to be a system of measuring the consequences of your actions, rather than a list of actions that are forbidden. It' s very short sighted to measure morality by the action the way religions do. This is when you give a simple law without any room to interpret or gauge circumstances. For example " thou shal not kill" . It' s a generaly accepted that killing is bad. It' s an obvious strike against performance of our species by directely opposing survival. However, what if it was in self defence? What if the person you want to kill is an evil dictator? Sometimes morality conflicts with itself, and you have to measure the lesser of two evils What if you need to steal a loaf of bread to feel your kids? Would that not be better than watching them starve to death. The rules in Christianity are either insufficient (by not allowing subjective reasoning), or they' re just wrong completely. Like " Neither shall you desire your neighbor' s house, or field, or male or female slave, or ox, or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor." SLAVERY Holy Shit! Then I would talk about the whole invisible sky daddy and how ridiculous that is. But I' d rather focus on why religion has it' s morality all wrong. Much of Islam seems to be overt superstition. A lot of it is guidlines to life, we have much better material for that today. In some cases, you see strong signs of oppression in the laws. Ignorance is the root of religion. You can' t even start a religion today because peope are too smart, and information is accessible. Look at Scientology, people laugh at them. The only reason Islam and others still stand is because they have history and culture attached to them. These two things are important. Wheather there is a god or not, I can tell you with 100% certainty that the Quran and the Bible are both full of shit. If you read it and you have to convince yourself against your better judgement that it might make sense, that' s your bullshit detector going off. Can' t eat meat? We' re omnivores for f.ucks sake! Look at our teeth. Maybe 5% wisdom, 80% stupidity and 15% lies.
< Message edited by agent ghost -- 12 Apr 08 17:38:04 >
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 01:26
Hillarious  In some odd way that made me hungry
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- Location: Manchester, England
RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 02:34
I know where you' re coming from Agent. My friend thinks much the same way. Sure a lot of the good principles are just common sense. The main thing about religion that appeals to me though, isn' t the rules and principles like meat eating and whatnot, its the assertion that we dont know everything about the universe we live in. Science and medicine are vastly intricate and logical and give us a huge insight into who we are, its what I' ve spent most of my life studying. But the more I studied it the more questions it raised. Truth is medicine doesn' t have the cure to everything, and science doesn' t know whats smaller than quarks and jaguars or whats past the edge of the universe. Who knows maybe logic doesn' t even exist outside of our known 10 dimensions. The overall message I got from the Quran after finishing reading it was, look, you dont know everything and you never will, just keep an open mind, seek knowledge and be tolerant to others. It says stuff like theres no compulsion to Islam, and rules like meat eating etc can be broken if needs be. It actually does say kill but only in self defence, and if you' re not in danger sort things out amicably. Those basic principles are common sense yes, but they also underline Islam (which means peace), but unfortunately all you see on the news are Muslims who haven' t clue about this. And thats the image they portray of Islam. People think what kinda f.ucked up religion makes people act like that? And its fair enough. But the majority of Muslims I know, think and act like I do. I' m not a perfect Muslim of course, but I' d like to think I put out a decent image of what I believe in.
Vx Chemical
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 02:47
I' m not a perfect Muslim of course, but I' d like to think I put out a decent image of what I believe in. Do eat pork?
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RE: World' s greatest sandwich
Apr 13, 2008 02:49
No. I' ve never eaten a bacon bagette sandwich either.
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