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Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 10:37
Well as it has been said I am a virgin(and an ugly fat dude, but whatever) and I don' t really see sex as a goal or something to strive for right now. I am not even really actively looking for a girlfriend my life is harder enough without some girl to make it more complicated. I am not necessarily saying that I won' t do it until I am married, but I am not going to do it until it feels right and it is with someone I might spend the rest of my life with.
Mass X
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 10:40
I don' t deny the urges but I am picky as hell as to who I' m with. Save for that one drunken night with Daniele... I also don' t go out on the prowl looking for sex. If it happens it happens if it doesnt then meh owell. I think Jess killed it for me. Not that the sex was bad oh far from but the breakup sort of killed the whole idea for me. Not sure why. Just lost a lot of those urges. Real lame considering I have some really hot fuckn friends and some who are quite interested in me...DAMN YOU JESSSSSS!!!!
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 10:49
Also stopping taping chicks a$$es maikayd its a little wierd(I think you meant tapping  )
< Message edited by Torr -- 3 Mar 08 2:50:19 >
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 19:24
ORIGINAL: Torr Well as it has been said I am a virgin(and an ugly fat dude, but whatever) and I don' t really see sex as a goal or something to strive for right now. I am not even really actively looking for a girlfriend my life is harder enough without some girl to make it more complicated. I am not necessarily saying that I won' t do it until I am married, but I am not going to do it until it feels right and it is with someone I might spend the rest of my life with. The chances of you getting laid without some sort of monetary transaction taking place are, ...unlike youself, ...pretty slim. I' m not sure you' re in a position to be so picky Ofcourse - i' m just fuc.king with you, so don' t go slashing your wrists or anything. The only person i wouldn' t mind seeing seriously harm themself is Mass It' s like i said... there are chemical solutions to your needs when the " need" arises. Rohypnol works wonders! Buuuuuuuuuut seriously, ...you must get sexual urges. Too much masturbation will make you go blind so it' s sometimes safer to get a woman involved in these things.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 22:19
Are you guys just talking about penetrative sex... or do you refrain from all form of sexual contact save for... kissing? Making out. It stops there. you must get sexual urges. Too much masturbation will make you go blind so it' s sometimes safer to get a woman involved in these things. Yeah, well it also turns your tongue black, and gives you hairy palms... I' m wondering if I rubbed the goatee three times a day I could fill it out a bit more...
Mass X
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 23:44
The only person i wouldn' t mind seeing seriously harm themself is Mass Pain is pleasure waggle wgalle dshfs bloggy bloo bloo    especially when the person doing you tattoos is fuckn cute as hell.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 00:45
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 04:10
Hey, I do respect that some people chose to " save themselves" for that one special person. However, this is not natural and I don' t care what anyone tries to say. Why do we have these natural urges? Come on, tell me. Why are we told that they ARE natural urges, but it is best to hold them in and not give in to these urges? Because a combination of society and religion have managed to brainwash individuals into thinking that sex in general is bad. Whether it be because of STD' s or because you are going to hell if you have sex before marriage, sex is frowned upon. Just look at TV and movies. You can have all of the bloody violence you want in a movie or on TV, but the moment you think about showing a sex scene in primetime television, the parental groups and sensors are all over you. Killing People = Good Having Sex = Bad Bottomline is the fact that trying to supress the most basic of urges we have as humans is not natural, and harmful to yourself. Maybe if the Roman Catholic Church would realize that it really isn' t such a bad thing for a Priest to marry and have a family, we wouldn' t have had so many cases of rape. Maybe if society educated people a little better on safe sex, we wouldn' t have so many pent up people trying to supress the urge only to one day snap and become a rapist?
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 04:28
Wow... that was an over generalized post. Are you saying I' m going to become a rapist?
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 04:35
Heh, ...Rampage the Rapist!
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- Location: Florida
RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 04:39
ORIGINAL: Nitro Heh, ...Rampage the Rapist of Insanely Hot Women! Fixed!
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 04:41
Welcome to the dark side.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 05:06
Rape is good........................... Who' s for founding a country where rape is legal? ............. on second thought, i think the country would be in lack of females.. .................... on third thought, we all know they like it.. .............................. im really not that weird. [image]http://www.bigbangcomics.com/images/dr_weird.jpg [/image]
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 10:52
Is cool to make your own decisions. Shows you know what you want. Or that you live by some sort of values. Of course, you can always choose to rape or kill someone. Not very ethical, but I guess you still know what you want, in a sick sort of way. Unless you have little voices in your head telling you to do it, then it counts as your choice. Choices are good and bad, and they show what kind of person you are. And WTF am I talking about??? I am really tired, so I' ll let you guys make sense of whatever it is I' ve just written
< Message edited by chimura -- 4 Mar 08 2:58:23 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 11:06
maybe sex is just not important for some people. I was older than rampage when I lost mine - I was off doing other things; I never once considered it abnormal that I wasn' t doing it. I wouldn' t say it' s abnormal. If that' s what you want then its not even our business. I was just teasing Eddie, and I thought he was 18. It' s not unusual for a 16 year old to be a virgin. It' s not unusual for virgins to make bullshit excuses either... The only reason I respect for choosing not to have sex is the fear of pregnancy. That' s a good reason. Especially when I look around and see people in their teens and early twenties have kids and have that *** up their lives completely. Sometimes I get the impression that some people glorify sex too much. They try to save themselves for that special person. That what cracks me up. There is no special person, human beings are not special. We' re just animals, try to get one with a nice ass. You can wait a long time waiting for that special person. Meanwhile, the more you wait the higher your standards get. Before you know it, not only have you glorified sex but you have glorified women. You might be setting yourself up for a big dissapointment, assuming you ever get any. Dick, Wank, Dong, Johnson, Weiner, John Thomas, Schlong, Mangina, Rooster, Willy The albino weasel, Herman the one-eyed german. Better? yes, twig and berries is a turn off.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 4 Mar 08 3:10:44 >
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 11:20
What, the rest of those phrases turn you on?
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 11:29
What, the rest of those phrases turn you on? No, but I would rather be bisexual than a virgin, and that' s just out of principle.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 11:48
Wow... to each his own.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 12:43
What Agent is trying to say is that he wants to be your first.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 12:59
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