So, what' s the connotation?
There is none. Junk' s just another word for the twig & berries.
I' m pretty sure it isn' t human or animal nature to just beat the fuc.k out of other males, least i' ve never seen a gorilla mug a chimp on the National Geographic channel.
Chimps have established alpha males in their community. If an alpha male challenges one of the lesser males, the lesser male stands down nine times out of ten, unless it tries to take the alpha male. One beats the f.uck out of the other. One becomes the alpha, the other obtains the status of beta, and the order' s restored.
Look at a pack of wolves. They' re a better example. In a pack of wolves there' s an alpha male, and an alpha female. The alpha male
always eats first, and is usually the only one to mate. It' s animal nature to fight for the top slot. We do the same thing as human, but more commonly with words, or politics, though sometimes with violence.
You can blame my hegemonic masculinity i guess.
It just seems a little abnormal. I mean, you' re suppressing your natural urges... i just don' t get why. Is this a religious thing?
A component of it is religious, but not all of it. I' d explain the religious component, but you' ve already got a basic grasp on my belief system, so I' ll save breath and skip it.
I' ve seen relationships that begin with sex, or are based around sex. My friends are all horny stereotypical guys, who as nice people as they are, are constantly looking for the next chick to tap, (or
a chick to tap in some cases). I also see their relationships. They don' t last. I mean, quite frankly, can you say that any of your relationships have been better off, or have lasted longer because you were having sex? Society makes it appear that you can' t have a close loving relationship with someone unless you screw regularly.
Is it really that alien a concept to only want to have sex with a person you want to spend the rest of your life with?
*ignoring the date-rape joke. I don' t find it funny.
But on serious note I respect your choices and all but there is nutting wrong with getting close to the ladies and taping that ass every now and then.
I' ve been over this before. I' m not into the goth/bondage thing.
Try and stay strong as long as you can. But its all about being human and experiencing that one on one time with the lady of your choice. I hope that you are like 16 or something and not a 40 year old virgin.
Wait... so you respect my choice to wait.... and you' re trying to get me to have sex. Did your logic train get bombed on the way out of the station here, or what?
And yes, I' m 16, but I frankly don' t see how that' s relevant. I wasn' t necessarily keen on letting on to my age, because your credibility takes a massive dive, and people view you far differently when they realize you' re a literate well spoken teenager, and not a moderately intelligent adult..
You need to hit that ass just one time at least once do it for me please.
If you were my friend I would get you drunk and put you in the bed with a sexy women and let it go from there.
Right... but I find most alcohol disgusting, and I' ve got a family history of violent alcoholics. You couldn' t pay me all the money in the world to touch the stuff, no less get wasted.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 2 Mar 08 22:56:07 >