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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 10:37
Well as it has been said I am a virgin(and an ugly fat dude, but whatever) and I don' t really see sex as a goal or something to strive for right now. I am not even really actively looking for a girlfriend my life is harder enough without some girl to make it more complicated. I am not necessarily saying that I won' t do it until I am married, but I am not going to do it until it feels right and it is with someone I might spend the rest of my life with.
Mass X
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 10:40
I don' t deny the urges but I am picky as hell as to who I' m with. Save for that one drunken night with Daniele... I also don' t go out on the prowl looking for sex. If it happens it happens if it doesnt then meh owell. I think Jess killed it for me. Not that the sex was bad oh far from but the breakup sort of killed the whole idea for me. Not sure why. Just lost a lot of those urges. Real lame considering I have some really hot fuckn friends and some who are quite interested in me...DAMN YOU JESSSSSS!!!!
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 10:49
Also stopping taping chicks a$$es maikayd its a little wierd(I think you meant tapping  )
< Message edited by Torr -- 3 Mar 08 2:50:19 >
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 19:24
ORIGINAL: Torr Well as it has been said I am a virgin(and an ugly fat dude, but whatever) and I don' t really see sex as a goal or something to strive for right now. I am not even really actively looking for a girlfriend my life is harder enough without some girl to make it more complicated. I am not necessarily saying that I won' t do it until I am married, but I am not going to do it until it feels right and it is with someone I might spend the rest of my life with. The chances of you getting laid without some sort of monetary transaction taking place are, ...unlike youself, ...pretty slim. I' m not sure you' re in a position to be so picky Ofcourse - i' m just fuc.king with you, so don' t go slashing your wrists or anything. The only person i wouldn' t mind seeing seriously harm themself is Mass It' s like i said... there are chemical solutions to your needs when the " need" arises. Rohypnol works wonders! Buuuuuuuuuut seriously, must get sexual urges. Too much masturbation will make you go blind so it' s sometimes safer to get a woman involved in these things.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 22:19
Are you guys just talking about penetrative sex... or do you refrain from all form of sexual contact save for... kissing? Making out. It stops there. you must get sexual urges. Too much masturbation will make you go blind so it' s sometimes safer to get a woman involved in these things. Yeah, well it also turns your tongue black, and gives you hairy palms... I' m wondering if I rubbed the goatee three times a day I could fill it out a bit more...
Mass X
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 03, 2008 23:44
The only person i wouldn' t mind seeing seriously harm themself is Mass Pain is pleasure waggle wgalle dshfs bloggy bloo bloo    especially when the person doing you tattoos is fuckn cute as hell.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 00:45
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 04:10
Hey, I do respect that some people chose to " save themselves" for that one special person. However, this is not natural and I don' t care what anyone tries to say. Why do we have these natural urges? Come on, tell me. Why are we told that they ARE natural urges, but it is best to hold them in and not give in to these urges? Because a combination of society and religion have managed to brainwash individuals into thinking that sex in general is bad. Whether it be because of STD' s or because you are going to hell if you have sex before marriage, sex is frowned upon. Just look at TV and movies. You can have all of the bloody violence you want in a movie or on TV, but the moment you think about showing a sex scene in primetime television, the parental groups and sensors are all over you. Killing People = Good Having Sex = Bad Bottomline is the fact that trying to supress the most basic of urges we have as humans is not natural, and harmful to yourself. Maybe if the Roman Catholic Church would realize that it really isn' t such a bad thing for a Priest to marry and have a family, we wouldn' t have had so many cases of rape. Maybe if society educated people a little better on safe sex, we wouldn' t have so many pent up people trying to supress the urge only to one day snap and become a rapist?
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 04:28
Wow... that was an over generalized post. Are you saying I' m going to become a rapist?
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 04:35
Heh, ...Rampage the Rapist!
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 04:39
ORIGINAL: Nitro Heh, ...Rampage the Rapist of Insanely Hot Women! Fixed!
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 04:41
Welcome to the dark side.
Vx Chemical
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 05:06
Rape is good........................... Who' s for founding a country where rape is legal? ............. on second thought, i think the country would be in lack of females.. .................... on third thought, we all know they like it.. .............................. im really not that weird. [image] [/image]
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 10:52
Is cool to make your own decisions. Shows you know what you want. Or that you live by some sort of values. Of course, you can always choose to rape or kill someone. Not very ethical, but I guess you still know what you want, in a sick sort of way. Unless you have little voices in your head telling you to do it, then it counts as your choice. Choices are good and bad, and they show what kind of person you are. And WTF am I talking about??? I am really tired, so I' ll let you guys make sense of whatever it is I' ve just written
< Message edited by chimura -- 4 Mar 08 2:58:23 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 11:06
maybe sex is just not important for some people. I was older than rampage when I lost mine - I was off doing other things; I never once considered it abnormal that I wasn' t doing it. I wouldn' t say it' s abnormal. If that' s what you want then its not even our business. I was just teasing Eddie, and I thought he was 18. It' s not unusual for a 16 year old to be a virgin. It' s not unusual for virgins to make bullshit excuses either... The only reason I respect for choosing not to have sex is the fear of pregnancy. That' s a good reason. Especially when I look around and see people in their teens and early twenties have kids and have that *** up their lives completely. Sometimes I get the impression that some people glorify sex too much. They try to save themselves for that special person. That what cracks me up. There is no special person, human beings are not special. We' re just animals, try to get one with a nice ass. You can wait a long time waiting for that special person. Meanwhile, the more you wait the higher your standards get. Before you know it, not only have you glorified sex but you have glorified women. You might be setting yourself up for a big dissapointment, assuming you ever get any. Dick, Wank, Dong, Johnson, Weiner, John Thomas, Schlong, Mangina, Rooster, Willy The albino weasel, Herman the one-eyed german. Better? yes, twig and berries is a turn off.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 4 Mar 08 3:10:44 >
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 11:20
What, the rest of those phrases turn you on?
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
Agent Ghost
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 11:29
What, the rest of those phrases turn you on? No, but I would rather be bisexual than a virgin, and that' s just out of principle.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 11:48
Wow... to each his own.
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 12:43
What Agent is trying to say is that he wants to be your first.
"If you knew how good I am you would think I'm modest."
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 12:59
XBL Gamertag: Rampage99 " Basically, pollute the air all you want, your just speeding up the inevitable. Our future generations are f*cked as it is and there' s really nothing we can do about it. Have a nice day  "
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 14:42
I wouldn' t say it' s abnormal. If that' s what you want then its not even our business. I was just teasing Eddie, and I thought he was 18. It' s not unusual for a 16 year old to be a virgin. It' s not unusual for virgins to make bullshit excuses either... The only reason I respect for choosing not to have sex is the fear of pregnancy. That' s a good reason. Especially when I look around and see people in their teens and early twenties have kids and have that *** up their lives completely. Sometimes I get the impression that some people glorify sex too much. They try to save themselves for that special person. That what cracks me up. There is no special person, human beings are not special. We' re just animals, try to get one with a nice ass. You can wait a long time waiting for that special person. Meanwhile, the more you wait the higher your standards get. Before you know it, not only have you glorified sex but you have glorified women. You might be setting yourself up for a big dissapointment, assuming you ever get any. I agree with you mostly. Sex is extremely glorified. Many people see it as the ultimate act of love for another person. And I just think that' s balls. It certainly is a very intimate, very personal action, and when been done with that " special person" , it certainly has more meaning to it. But I can think of many things that are more of an ultimate act of love than sex. As far as religious views on sex, where you should only have sex with the one you decide to spend the rest of your life with (the whole business of denying a life by using condoms or pregnancy prevention methods aside), while I think is a nice concept, and I certainly admire some of the people that do decide to wait for that person, I just don' t see it as sinful, which is something you are taught in Sunday School. Pre-marital sex is bad and all of that BS. When you have sex as a sport, or charge money for it, yes I see it as something that not only degrades you, but also the person to whom you are paying, whom most likely is doing that because there is nothing else for her (and in some cases he) to do to live. But when sex flows out of passion, something that at the moment you might believe is the right thing, or with a person with whom you have been for some time and you wanna take that next step, I don' t see it as sinful. I just can' t think of God condemning someone because he/she followed her passions/heart into doing something that is not doing harm to anyone. With what I don' t agree Agent, is the special person part. Sure, most males are looking for some righteous piece of booty, but at the same time, there are people that just come and turn your world upside down, makes you feel things that you just can' t feel for many others. I don' t think there is " one" special person, but those who have the power to rock your socks off and create powerful and honest feelings (none of that lust bullcrap) are certainly special, to you at least.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 15:59
I understand where Agent is coming from. I pretty much did what he' s saying, and built up my first sexual encounter in my mind. When it happened I realized two things: 1) I didn' t know what the f.uck I was doing! 2) It wasn' t the mind-blowing event that I had thought it would be. Now, I' m not saying I don' t love sex. Trust me, with my last girlfriend I had sex EVERY F.ING CHANCE I GOT! We were only together for about a month and a half, but DAMN I tapped that ass! Then again, she was hot, so... but anyways... Basically, all I' m saying is that Agent is right. There will come a time where you will build the act up SO much in you head and be supremely disappointed. But, once you actually learn what you' re doing (and hopefully she does too), and find an intense emotional connection, then yeah, it will be great. Oh, and I hope you guys aren' t the kind of dudes that say they' ll never go down on a woman! Because, trust me on this, you will NOT keep a girl if you don' t do that! Hell, if you learn to do it well enough you can' t even KICK a girl out!
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 16:29
Oh, and I hope you guys aren' t the kind of dudes that say they' ll never go down on a woman! Because, trust me on this, you will NOT keep a girl if you don' t do that! Hell, if you learn to do it well enough you can' t even KICK a girl out! I' ve yet to try this, but I' ve read tons of stuff saying a lot of girls actually prefer this over the penetration stuff Jeje, I sounded really dirty, didn' t I?
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 16:33
Stop it you two... you' re making Eddie blush
Vx Chemical
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 17:45
My first time i was 15, the girl was 14 i think, i was very very very very very drunk, she was the size of a small whale, had needle marks on her thighs for her diabeetes. I come to while pounding her on a bathroom floor doggy style (more like arkward thrusting). And thought to myself, what the fuck is this, i imediatly pulled out, got up, unlocked the door, and left her there.. my friends tell me about it every so often, so i shouldnt forget. but then agian, its our mantra to tell the most embarresing situations to eachother, so we can get a good laugh.
Mass X
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 04, 2008 23:18
Anya was my first (sorry Jess I lied you were like the 3rd 4th or 5th one hehehehe I' m a bastard) and what a lame disaster it was. Her " oh this feels good but it hurts." me " yeah" her " feels real goood" me " yeah ok but slow the hell down I aint used to this Ahhhh slower damn!" and then it was pathetically over. And we continued a very physical relationship without sex. Then she missed a period and then all hell broke loose and then all was relieved when results were negative. Now danielle is where I got the practice done in that area. What a ho btw but that story is for another time.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 05, 2008 02:31
My first time was when I was 17, I had just started college for like 2 weeks. One of the girls I met in my department, a Junior I had to follow around during my commencement week, I really liked and so, at a party, well, we got down to business. Actually, she got down to business, as she a f-ucking master. I was just trembling with nervousness and forgot all the sh!t I had ever read about sex, and she kind of had too... well... grab me by the hand and teach me how to walk, jeje. Whenever I talk to her, she always makes fun of me. But I must say, it was a satisfying experienced, yet nothing like I had ever imagined
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 05, 2008 05:27
The only reason I respect for choosing not to have sex is the fear of pregnancy. That' s a good reason. Especially when I look around and see people in their teens and early twenties have kids and have that *** up their lives completely.
Speaking of kids Agent, did you ever find out if that womans kid was yours?
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 05, 2008 06:23
It wasn' t. Stop it you two... you' re making Eddie blush My poow fwagile adowecent eaws can' t handle this abomination of a convewsation.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 05, 2008 06:49
Change is inevitable. Except from a vending machine. Viva La Revolution! erm, I mean Viva La Wii!
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 05, 2008 07:15
although I' ve now just ruined it by posting, the reply count for this thread was coincidentally 69.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 05, 2008 08:53
Agent Ghost
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 05, 2008 13:13
Speaking of kids Agent, did you ever find out if that womans kid was yours? Shiiit, if it was mine I would have had a fucking meldown. I must have lost 15 pounds just waiting for the paternity results. I couldn' t sleep or eat fuck all. I' m back in shape now with slightly more positive outlook on life. It' s not going to stop me from being a cynical asshole though. As an update she did find the father. I don' t know much more than that as I haven' t kept in touch. With what I don' t agree Agent, is the special person part. Sure, most males are looking for some righteous piece of booty, but at the same time, there are people that just come and turn your world upside down, makes you feel things that you just can' t feel for many others. I don' t think there is " one" special person, but those who have the power to rock your socks off and create powerful and honest feelings (none of that lust bullcrap) are certainly special, to you at least. The thing is, I' m not saying you can' t find a person that means something. There' s nothing wrong with long term relationships, it' s a good thing. But I just keep that seperate from sex. I just don' t understand why you would want to save yourself for that one person. There are three things that don' t sit right about this. One, you don' t know how long you would have to wait, you might wake up one day and be a 50 year old virgin. Second premise, if she is that special someone, do you really want to be a noob when it' s finally time? Unless you won' t settle for a person who isn' t a virgin as well, in which case you will be a 50 year old virgin. Finally it seems like you' re missing out on a lot to preserve something that has absalutely zero value. Trying to preserve your virginity for that special someone is like refusing to open a box of pizza because you want to save the box. I don' t buy the idea that IF you meet someone that means a lot to you, your relationship would be tarnished if you' re not a virgin. The again, you' re probably looking for someone with the same values as yourself.
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 05, 2008 13:33
Another complication of waiting that I think might arise is, what if you die before having sex? No one knows when their time will be up and it would be a shame to go out being a virgin
Agent Ghost
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RE: Company Tries to Trademark " Pwnage"
Mar 09, 2008 12:53