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Chee Saw
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- Joined: May 12, 2005
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 15:19
My problem is that I just watched the new NG2 video before watching these! It seems ok, I guess. If the combat isn' t the main focus, then I' ll reserve judgment ' til I can play the game. If it IS the focus, then R.I.P.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 17:40
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Looks awful. The only problem I see is that the environments look sparce and empty. Otherwise the game looks pretty good. You can at least admit it looks above average. No. Great environments, great art direction, great fuc.king concept. But shitty execution. It looks like a last-gen game in next-gen skin. The animations are diabolical both in the cutscenes and during gameplay. The models in general are relatively low poly, the lighting sucks and the dodgy collision detection and retarded controls make the combat look worse than it probably is. It looks generic, and it looks messy. Even the characters are cliched and boring. I have zero interest in this game. I love the concept, and the co-op sounds like it could be quite good fun in short bursts... but this has lost more of it' s appeal each time i' ve seen a newer build.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
- Location: Los Angeles , CA
RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 22:33
I agree the animations and collision detection are really sub-par , maybe the sequel will fix these problems  . Did you guys check out the ' Equipment and runes' video . That is the what this game is all about . LOOT and CUSTOMIZATION . Damn i need the demo , hopefully rampage got some hands on with the game so that we can get some 1st hand impressions . I am a blind fanboy of the game , i admit it , but a game with a large scope like too human cannot be understood by 15 mins of footage . This is after all a 40 hour+ game we are talking about . We have seen the same damn levels over and over again .
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 03:43
That is all well and good 2pac, but as I stated before this game is going to live and die with it' s story. If the story doesn' t pull you in, then there is little left that this game has to offer that we haven' t already seen and done better. If you want to go ahead and say that because of the loot and customization in Too Human, you can look past the fact that this is looking like a technical mess, then you might as well say that Two Worlds is a great game because of the loot and customization it has to offer. I am sorry if I can' t get behind a game I was hyped for that so far has done nothing to keep me hyped, but has rather disappointed with what SK has shown. Even if SK would have done something small like gave Too Human Devil May Cry like controls rather than the constant pushing of the analog stick, I would be happier. SK has managed to take an awesome concept and shit all over it.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 04:10
Story without gameplay is not gonna save it. Isn' t Lair supposed to have a great story? But we all know how that went
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 05:53
Guys, I think we' ve been here a year earlier. It wasn' t 2 Human, it was Blue Dragon. And it wasn' t 2pac, it was Quez.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 06:49
Guys, I think we' ve been here a year earlier. It wasn' t 2 Human, it was Blue Dragon. And it wasn' t 2pac, it was Quez. quez has good reason to get excited about that game,sakagushi and nobuo and big bucks to finance the game. too human is coming from silicon knight , they developed eternal darkness , quiet good at its time but it' s not a classic, and the decent remake of metal gear ? anything else i should remember ? plus all the problems they had with UE3, so much transfers from one platform to another and the trailer while much better than before , it still lacks the awesomeness of a true AAA gem. anyway i hope i' m wrong about all this, i really want this game to rock, it got potential.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 07:45
Their MGS remake was quite a missed opportunity if you ask me. First, they add the gameplay from MGS2, using the exact same levels from MGS from PS, no changes whatsoever, which means the MGS2 moves, such as hanging, are pretty much useless. The levels in MGS2 where built to make use of these new moves. The ones in MGS, not so much. And the cut-scenes, don' t get me started on those. They made Snake and the rest of the cast look like some sort of super powered beings, which other than Psycho Mantis and perhaps Gray Fox, none of the others could perform the stuff seen in Twin Snakes. Snake jumping on top of an on-coming missile?? Give me a break [:' (]
< Message edited by chimura -- 21 Feb 08 23:45:28 >
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
- Location: Los Angeles , CA
RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 09:53
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane quez has good reason to get excited about that game,sakagushi and nobuo and big bucks to finance the game. So just because a game wasnt made by a sakaguchi or a miyamoto or kojima ,i shouldnt get excited about it ? Great logic there aba . I am going to do a Ha-Ha and point at you when Too human turns out great ( or hide myself in shame if it doesnt) 
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