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2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 20, 2008 22:32
Oh yes !!! I am smiling again and Its because of these , Vid1 Vid2 Vid3
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 20, 2008 23:03
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 20, 2008 23:05
ORIGINAL: QuezcatoL You' re TOO GHANDI. Huh ?
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 20, 2008 23:54
Looks awful.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 00:01
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 00:38
it looks much more polished than before, nothing impressive however but it seems that the story will be entertaining, great settings.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 00:46
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane it looks much more polished than before, nothing impressive however but it seems that the story will be entertaining, great settings. Define impressive .. Its an RPG for crying out loud .. What are you expecting ?
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 00:52
The problem with Too Human is the fact that this game has been delayed for so long, that it now has to face some pretty tough competition and from the vids it unfortunatly looks as though it will fail. Now the gameplay for Too Human is going to be nothing special, as it appears to be nothing more than a whole lot of button mashing. Because of this, and I said it before, the RPG elements, how pretty it looks, and most importantly storyline will have to drive this game. Now from the vids, SK have a game that at best looks to be either a terrific looking XBOX game or a game that looks as though it should have been released at the launch of the 360 (which funny enough it should have been), take your pick. Either way, I will at the very least rent this game. What we really need now is a nice demo on Live for Too Human.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 01:08
ORIGINAL: canadagamer Now the gameplay for Too Human is going to be nothing special, as it appears to be nothing more than a whole lot of button mashing. There you go . That shows why Too Human is receiving all this bashing . Half of the people dont even know what this game is all about . There is no button mashing in Too Human . The combat is solely mapped to the ' right-analog' stick . The focus isnt on the combat . What about oblivion ? The combat in oblivion was real deep wasnt it ? Dennis Dyack keeps stressing its a hunt-gather game (sort of like diablo) with an engaging story line .. What you expect from the game should be based on what exactly the game is trying to do . DMC4 is a freaking button masher but that is what the game is about , its all about the combat so its cool .
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 01:11
i won' t go as fa as saying it looks like a 360 launch game, in fact it looks good, but still not impressive... not impressive in any way, 2pac, it doesn' t give you that feeling as when you first saw metal gear or trailer of god of war 2 or shadow of colossus or gears of wars, devil may cry 4, resident evil 5, GTA 4, final fantasy 13 and even lost odyssey, it doesn' t have that epic feel... i don' t know exactly why but that' s the way it is, i doubt too human will get " great" critics be it from gamers or the media.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 01:14
I beg to differ with u there abs . It isnt the best looking game out there but it certainly is EPIC . The storyline alone will make the game epic . Gamers ? I just read a comment over at gametrailers where a retard compared this to dynasty warriors .. The critics are liking it and it will get a decent if not great score . As far as sales go , i am not sure how it is going to fare . A day one purchase for me . I hope MS india continues the trend and launch the game here in India a couple of days before the world wide release
< Message edited by 2pac -- 20 Feb 08 17:17:32 >
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 01:16
The lighting is really off-putting. It' s ugly as all getup if you ask me.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 01:20
Its not the best looking game but i wouldn' t call it ugly . You guys are looking at the HD version right ?
Agent Ghost
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 02:12
Looks awful. The only problem I see is that the environments look sparce and empty. Otherwise the game looks pretty good. You can at least admit it looks above average.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 02:17
I' ll say this for it... the character customization looks pretty good.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 02:34
What I don' t get is if the combat isn' t one of the main foci, then why show that at the forefront of all their trailers?! I know they probably dont want to divulge any of the story, but if the story is going to be that deep, then a few non-specific cutscenes or interactive story elements shouldn' t hurt. A few scenes where you' re not awkwardly running across flat levels, waving a glowing stick around at least. The RPG stuff we' ve all seen before. Collect stuff, power up etc. I' m gonna reserve my end judgement until it comes out though. .. It' d be fun if the late rapper/gangsta was a secret character though.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 02:45
It wont be impressive to the people who never played games like Diablo,but the same ones can shut up too then.
Even if you break 2 legs from a crab it still runs! What you gotta do is find its weak spot and do massive damage at it.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 02:48
The combat kind of reminds me of Jade Empire... except clumsy. I don' t think it looks like an awful game (considering all the development fiasco and Epic suing going on) but it certainly looks, underwhelming.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 03:05
2pac, what does it matter if you are constantly pushing the analog stick all of the time, or mashing buttons? Not very much. I obviously have not played the game so I won' t completely bash the game, but you have to admit that if they are not able to pull of this epic story we keep hearing about, along with the movie style cinematic camera that you have no control over, it doesn' t leave much left in the game. The RPG elements they have put into this game are nothing knew at all. Most Diablo fans will see this as " been there done that" , that is why SK' s story in Too Human will make it or break it. Hey, I have been looking forward to this game for a long time now, and after watching the vids I can say that it looks disappointing. This is a game that has been in development for almost 10 years, and SK shows us a game that most see as a mediocre title at best so far. Sorry, but that does not bode well for this game and it is a shame because you can see where they want to go with this game but are incapable of doing so, and that falls on the dev. This is indeed an incredibly ambitious title that SK cannot handle.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 03:24
Its not the best looking game but i wouldn' t call it ugly . You guys are looking at the HD version right ? Yeah, I am. There' s nothing necessarily wrong with it on a technical level, but it lacks a distinct style. You can tell a game made by Epic is a game made by Epic. You can tell a game made by Infinity Ward is made by Infinity Ward. You can tell a game made by Bungie is made by Bungie. They have a style to their games. Love them or hate them, they' re quite distinct. The game honestly reminds me of their remake of the original Metal Gear Solid. While it was quite a pretty game, it was missing something. It didn' t retain the original style that Konami put into the game (I' ll elaborate if needed, but most people who played both extensively know what I mean). Not only are the graphics not amazing, but the gameplay doesn' t look like it brings much to the table. Run, shoot, slash, we' ve seen all these before, with similar weapons and similar moves. As for their new control scheme? It' s good to hear that a nifty new controller makes a game new and innovative. Someone should probably write Nintendo though, they' re a year or so late in that dept.
You' re TOO GHANDI. Huh ?
Indian joke.
< Message edited by eddie_the_hated -- 20 Feb 08 19:26:01 >
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 15:19
My problem is that I just watched the new NG2 video before watching these! It seems ok, I guess. If the combat isn' t the main focus, then I' ll reserve judgment ' til I can play the game. If it IS the focus, then R.I.P.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 17:40
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Looks awful. The only problem I see is that the environments look sparce and empty. Otherwise the game looks pretty good. You can at least admit it looks above average. No. Great environments, great art direction, great fuc.king concept. But shitty execution. It looks like a last-gen game in next-gen skin. The animations are diabolical both in the cutscenes and during gameplay. The models in general are relatively low poly, the lighting sucks and the dodgy collision detection and retarded controls make the combat look worse than it probably is. It looks generic, and it looks messy. Even the characters are cliched and boring. I have zero interest in this game. I love the concept, and the co-op sounds like it could be quite good fun in short bursts... but this has lost more of it' s appeal each time i' ve seen a newer build.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 21, 2008 22:33
I agree the animations and collision detection are really sub-par , maybe the sequel will fix these problems  . Did you guys check out the ' Equipment and runes' video . That is the what this game is all about . LOOT and CUSTOMIZATION . Damn i need the demo , hopefully rampage got some hands on with the game so that we can get some 1st hand impressions . I am a blind fanboy of the game , i admit it , but a game with a large scope like too human cannot be understood by 15 mins of footage . This is after all a 40 hour+ game we are talking about . We have seen the same damn levels over and over again .
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 03:43
That is all well and good 2pac, but as I stated before this game is going to live and die with it' s story. If the story doesn' t pull you in, then there is little left that this game has to offer that we haven' t already seen and done better. If you want to go ahead and say that because of the loot and customization in Too Human, you can look past the fact that this is looking like a technical mess, then you might as well say that Two Worlds is a great game because of the loot and customization it has to offer. I am sorry if I can' t get behind a game I was hyped for that so far has done nothing to keep me hyped, but has rather disappointed with what SK has shown. Even if SK would have done something small like gave Too Human Devil May Cry like controls rather than the constant pushing of the analog stick, I would be happier. SK has managed to take an awesome concept and shit all over it.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 04:10
Story without gameplay is not gonna save it. Isn' t Lair supposed to have a great story? But we all know how that went
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 05:53
Guys, I think we' ve been here a year earlier. It wasn' t 2 Human, it was Blue Dragon. And it wasn' t 2pac, it was Quez.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 06:49
Guys, I think we' ve been here a year earlier. It wasn' t 2 Human, it was Blue Dragon. And it wasn' t 2pac, it was Quez. quez has good reason to get excited about that game,sakagushi and nobuo and big bucks to finance the game. too human is coming from silicon knight , they developed eternal darkness , quiet good at its time but it' s not a classic, and the decent remake of metal gear ? anything else i should remember ? plus all the problems they had with UE3, so much transfers from one platform to another and the trailer while much better than before , it still lacks the awesomeness of a true AAA gem. anyway i hope i' m wrong about all this, i really want this game to rock, it got potential.
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 07:45
Their MGS remake was quite a missed opportunity if you ask me. First, they add the gameplay from MGS2, using the exact same levels from MGS from PS, no changes whatsoever, which means the MGS2 moves, such as hanging, are pretty much useless. The levels in MGS2 where built to make use of these new moves. The ones in MGS, not so much. And the cut-scenes, don' t get me started on those. They made Snake and the rest of the cast look like some sort of super powered beings, which other than Psycho Mantis and perhaps Gray Fox, none of the others could perform the stuff seen in Twin Snakes. Snake jumping on top of an on-coming missile?? Give me a break [:' (]
< Message edited by chimura -- 21 Feb 08 23:45:28 >
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RE: 2 HUMAN !!!
Feb 22, 2008 09:53
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane quez has good reason to get excited about that game,sakagushi and nobuo and big bucks to finance the game. So just because a game wasnt made by a sakaguchi or a miyamoto or kojima ,i shouldnt get excited about it ? Great logic there aba . I am going to do a Ha-Ha and point at you when Too human turns out great ( or hide myself in shame if it doesnt) 