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DMC4 demo up on both PSN & LIVE - overview on page 2
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Mass X
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RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 24, 2008 09:13
...the 360 allows custom soundtracks for all of its games tho...
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 24, 2008 09:36
I didn' t know that.  I just never used it before, that' s why. I was thinking of PS3 too also
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: DMC4 demo up on HK/JP PSN...
Jan 24, 2008 18:55
It' s up motherfuckers! Somebody download it and give me informations!
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RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 24, 2008 21:41
I just finished both. First is 10 min level of the first level (probably) and quite fun. Second is against some ice enemies + a boss. Im done... I want a cookie...or rather half of one.
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 25, 2008 02:13
It' s cool kinda of slow well its not as fast as the other dmc. The game rocks I just don' t like playing with the new dude I miss having two guns thats for sure. But the game is pretty cool. The Japanese demo is in all english it' s about 600mb.
< Message edited by mikayd2 -- 24 Jan 08 18:14:25 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 25, 2008 02:14
I am downloading from the HK store as I write this. Boy, I am excited! Ok, only played the first, gotta go: -Looks and sounds fantastic, can' t complain there -You have control over the camera now, which I don' t think we ever did before -While running for a while, you' ll start running faster. -I didn' t notice anything slow really, like mikayd. Maybe cause I haven' t played the other 3 in a while. As far as Nero, he has some lame one-liners in battle, but he is pretty much a carbon copy of Dante when sword skills and shooting are concerned. He has an equivalent for all of Dante' s sword attacks, be it the one that he lift' s off people from the ground or the supersonic stab. But his Devil Bringer gives him his uniqueness. Is really cool to be able to pull your enemies to you while in mid-air to continue the bashing and stuff. Other than throwing and bringing enemies to you, the first demo didn' t offer any other skills, but I am looking forward to what else is in store for it. And I am looking forward to playing as Dante too  ! Overall, I think is going to be a great game worthy of the DMC name.
< Message edited by chimura -- 24 Jan 08 18:58:53 >
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 25, 2008 04:39
Downloading now!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 29, 2008 08:02
Demo' s up on live for those of us without PS3s! Impressions tomorrow?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 29, 2008 19:07
I' ve spent the last 5 or 6 days jumping back and forth between Burnout Paradise and the Devil May Cry 4 demo on PS3. There are certain 3rd party games that as long as there are no huge technical differences I will buy on PS3 over 360. Burnout Paradise is one of those games and Devil May Cry 4 is another. I bought Burnout last week and I’ve already ordered Devil may Cry and will hopefully have it on day one. I' m not doing a Burnout impressions thread - doesn' t matter why - but it' d be cool if somebody else did... Eddie maybe??? Devil May Cry however... I won' t be downloading the 360 demo because I already know which version I’m buying. I couldn' t force myself to play Devil May Cry using the 360 pad - it' d be awful. It was originally built around the Dual Shock 2 and it shows. It just feels right, and whether it' s the buttons or the sticks or whatever... it' s just the right pad for that game. I actually preferred Sigma over Black in the end because of the pad. That' s probably some sort of Heresy. I' m a little confused as to why the demo consists of two parts. One timed and one not. I' m confused because the part that isn' t timed is the end section of the timed demo. I' m guessing that they wanted the people that are shit at the game to at least be able to fight Berial, without having to tear through the first section. I would much rather they had given us a 15 minute demo instead of a 10 minute demo... or just not had a timer at all. Regardless, the Fortuna section is set up as a Secret Mission where you need to kill as many Scarecrows as possible in the time limit. In the demo you only play as Nero, whereas in the retail version you play as Nero for the first 10 levels and Dante for the last 10 levels - so maybe Capcom should have had a Nero section and a Dante section in the demo? I know they want people to focus on the new guy but Devil May Cry has and will always be about Dante so... Nero plays differently to Dante. He doesn' t have the different play styles and his moves aren' t as acrobatic. Most of the commands and actions are the same as previous Devil may Cry games (jump, slash, shoot, , charge shot, canceling, rebounding, locking, evading w/invincible frames meaning you can' t be damaged etc...) His Devil Bringer arm however is new addition and has several uses, most notably when locked onto an enemy, the ability to snatch them afar. It can be performed in the air too which allows you to go straight into an Arial Rave or alike. It' s not a combo starter, but it' s pretty useful. The arm can be used when not locked on too and the action varies by enemy type. You uppercut Scarecrows and spin-throw Frosts. Since those are the only two non-boss enemy types in the demo... it' s unclear as to whether it' s a different action for every enemy. Nero’s other new addition is the Exceed mechanic, accessed by tapping L2 repeatedly. It charges a 3 level gauge on the left hand side of the screen, ...the higher the gauge doesn' t mean the higher the attack power though - it means how many times you can perform an EX attack. A fully charged gauge will allow you to perform 3 EX attacks. The problem for most players will be the fact that while charging the gauge you' re frozen on the spot and unable to attack. Not really a problem in the demo, but the retail version' s difficulty will be higher and most other enemies won' t stand around and let you charge like the Scarecrows will. However, better players will be able to ' Just Frame' the EX gauge which is a technique whereby you perform a slash and then tap L2 in the correct animation frame which rewards you with a fully charged gauge. You can use this in your combos too as long as you get the right frame. If you miss it during a combo, you' ll cancel out of it completely. It' s not easy and requires a lot of practice. In the demo your abilities are limited so performing more advanced moves is a no no, but it' s definitely worth checking out even if you can' t actually get a proper idea as to the scope and depth of the combat system. Graphically the game is gorgeous. The PS3 version has some ever so slight aliasing and slightly less detailed textures (according to the guys over at GAF and the Gametrailers comparison video). The visuals are supposed to be 99% identical and differences are only really noticeable in the cinematics so it' s a non-issue really. The framerate in both versions is 60fps and the gameplays (as far as I’m concerned) better with the Dual Shock 3 so the 360 version isn' t an option for me. The character modeling is great, but the Scarecrows look a little less detailed than I’d hoped for. Some of the interior environmental textures are very RE4, you' ll see what I mean... but the game as a whole looks fantastic and the lighting is heavenly. During gameplay it' s a better looking game than Heavenly Sword, though not by a great deal. Most of the visual impact comes from the art direction which as always is second to none. The sparks look good too ;P Check out the demo and let me know what you guys think eh!?
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 30, 2008 00:32
I' m not doing a Burnout impressions thread - doesn' t matter why - but it' d be cool if somebody else did... Eddie maybe??? Man I was hoping you did one. I been looking forward to see your review. Eddie I guess your up.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 30, 2008 03:55
Check out the demo and let me know what you guys think eh!? Sounds like you' ve been spending a little too much time with us crazy Canuncks EH!!? LOL Sorry Majik, but that made me laugh out loud here at work at my desk. Good on ya der boy!!!!
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 30, 2008 05:31
ORIGINAL: canadagamer Check out the demo and let me know what you guys think eh!? Sounds like you' ve been spending a little too much time with us crazy Canuncks EH!!? LOL Sorry Majik, but that made me laugh out loud here at work at my desk. Good on ya der boy!!!! Hahahaha! Yeah well, when you fuckers let me in your country...
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 31, 2008 08:48
Man I was hoping you did one. I been looking forward to see your review. Eddie I guess your up. I' m not doing a Burnout impressions thread - doesn' t matter why - but it' d be cool if somebody else did... Eddie maybe??? You got it. I totally missed that, or I would' ve thrown it up with my DMC4 impressions. I' ve had a lot of free time (read as time I should be working, but couldn' t bring myself to actually work). Graphics/Technical The style comparable to the earlier games, --I should only say " comparable to three" , as I haven' t played one or two-- and is easily recognizable as Devil May Cry. The environments are very well detailed, and despite not being able to deviate very far from your set path, the game has a depth to it that most on-a-track titles lose. The best way I can explain it is that it is as if you could continue to explore the surrounding area, and that the environment didn' t just stop when your line of sight ends. As for the environment design itself? Stunning. The The timed portion of the game was reminiscent of the post-war architecture envisioned by Nazi Germany in the 40s, with Greek and Roman influence abound in the style of buildings, gardens, fountains and larger structures. The setting is actually akin to Venice, if with a little more breathing room. There were certain destructible objects in the game, and while hitting them caused totally over the top and unrealistic destruction, it fits perfectly with the game' s style. Nero' s animations are smooth and very stylized, but I do feel that more time could have been spent with his actions in the air. I found myself using the jump button less and less as the demo progressed. The game ran so far as I could tell, at a consistent 60 frames per second. While I do notice framerate changes and can spot them pretty consistently pretty well, someone like Joe would be far better suited to tell you all if they occurred on a regular basis. Either way, I didn' t notice one bit, and if it did it never went below 30 (when I really start to notice). Nothing in particular really stood out as better than something else on the market currently, but the art direction and compilation of all of the different elements was far more cohesive than any game this generation. Sound Not much to say here, I frankly didn' t pay a lot of attention. There are a couple notes to make though.The voice acting isn' t as bad as I thought it would be, although Nero' s exclamations get a little irritating at times, if only because I' m not sure what he' s saying, not being the usual grunt or ki-ai. The music is oddly appealing, but I know next to nothing about it. Anybody tell me if that' s a band used for the game, or if that' s just a trippy soundtrack? Gameplay Nitro' s already covered the actual mechanics themselves, so I won' t delve into what' s already been covered. In a few words, it' s hack & slash gameplay at it' s finest. It' s a more refined God of War, and while it appears they' ve excluded a lot of the more complex gameplay elements, it was just enough to get me thoroughly excited about the full version. The two segments they provided in the demo were different in nature, and despite not understanding why the one was timed, and the other not, I enjoyed them both (though the timed one a little more). Control The game' s controls are tight, far tighter than I expected from the 360' s pad. They may not shine a light on DualShock, but hey, ignorance is bliss right? Bottom Line From what I' ve played, the high expectations of the game have been met, and exceeded. Despite a few nitpickings on my behalf on the aerial combat, this is a must-buy for anybody who enjoys action titles of any variety. ... Stop reading my review. Go play the demo. Do it now.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 31, 2008 08:53
Yeah, do it now! And if you can' t beat Berial... you fucking suck ass!
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 31, 2008 08:57
Huh... well it appears that a few reviewers disagree with my rave critique. Currently only a few reviews have been posted. The Japanese video game magazine Famitsu has rewarded Devil May Cry 4 with a 35/40 (9,9,9,8). Official PlayStation Magazine Australia gave the game 7/10. As for one of the first American reviews, PSM3 gave the game a 80 out of 100. The magazine emphasized the extreme difficulty of the game by stating the following: " Most games these days tend to hold your hand all the way through...Devil May Cry is not like that. It' ll throw a million demons at you because it wants to, put in half a dozen arbitrary fights in a 30-foot stretch of map, force you to survive for ages on a tiny sliver of health... and then give you a D at the end of the level because you weren' t doing enough combos" F*ck em. Go play it anyway.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 31, 2008 09:19
Why are they complaining about the difficulty? Is a f**cking DMC game! Being difficult is a staple of it. Is not some run-of-the-mill hack and slash with sh!tty enemies. The day DMC and NG become easy, is the day I' ll stop playing them... and flip a finger at them.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 31, 2008 13:06
ORIGINAL: Eddie_the_Hated Huh... well it appears that a few reviewers disagree with my rave critique. Currently only a few reviews have been posted. The Japanese video game magazine Famitsu has rewarded Devil May Cry 4 with a 35/40 (9,9,9,8). Official PlayStation Magazine Australia gave the game 7/10. As for one of the first American reviews, PSM3 gave the game a 80 out of 100. The magazine emphasized the extreme difficulty of the game by stating the following: " Most games these days tend to hold your hand all the way through...Devil May Cry is not like that. It' ll throw a million demons at you because it wants to, put in half a dozen arbitrary fights in a 30-foot stretch of map, force you to survive for ages on a tiny sliver of health... and then give you a D at the end of the level because you weren' t doing enough combos" F*ck em. Go play it anyway. Bah. This is why I hate reviewers these days. " Wah! I' m going to mark this game down because it' s too hard to master it within my crammed weekend deadline." I' d hate to think what NG2 is going to get under the same situation.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Jan 31, 2008 13:19
I played DMC 1 and enjoyed the combat mechanics very much. The problem was that it' s one of those linear maze like games where you have to find keys to open doors and collect all kinds of crap at the same time. I hate that shit. I stopped playing a few hours in (the first one) when i couldn' t find some special object to open some door. FUCK! I loathe being lost in a game. I refuse to be a gopher.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Feb 01, 2008 02:34
I just tried the demo and its not friendly for a new comer to the series! There is no introduction in the game, you get to choose to hopefully trial missions. Id like to try maybe the first mission, see some storyline meet some characters add a cinematic or two something to make me intrested in playing the game. What is the storyline in DMC?
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: DMC4 demo should be available Thurs...
Feb 01, 2008 03:38
OK, basically it follows the exploits of Dante, a half-human, half demon who hunts demons for a living. He is the son of the Legendary demon Knight Sparda, who 1000 years ago waged a one man army against the demon world in order to protect humans. He had a human wife, and two twin sons, Dante and Vergil. DMC3, which is the first in the timeline, tells the feud between Dante and Vergil. Vergil wants to open the doors to the underworld so he can claim his father' s power. Dante couldn' t care less about his lineage, because his mother was killed by demons. So DMC3 is basically about how Dante establish himself as the premier demon hunter and also how he comes to terms with both, his heritage and his family. DMC1 takes place after DMC3 and Dante is already an experienced demon hunter. In this game, he is approached by Trish, a powerful demon who tells Dante of Mundus, a super powerful demon whom Sparda defeated and how he has been reborn. In this game you learn a lot about Dante and why he is a demon hunter and such. DMC4, from what has been said, is after DMC1 and it tells the story of Nero, whom belongs to a group called the order of the sword, whom worship Dante' s daddy. But one day, the beginning of the game, Dante comes and slaughters a whole bunch of the members and Nero immediately tries to stop him. At the same time, demons overrun Fortuna, the city where it all takes place and you take control of Nero. Half-way through the game, I am guessing something happens to Nero, and then you pick up the rest of the story as Dante. Kobayashi, the developer has basically said that this is both, a love story between Nero and Kyrie, a girl whom he grew up with and how Nero begins to develop his powers with Dante' s guidance, so is basically as if Dante is a mentor of ways to Nero. And DMC2, takes place after DMC4, but is so bad and irrelevant that it doesn' t matter. In fact, I think I' ve read before that Capcom no longer considers it canon. Hopefully that was helpful. Just so you know, there is a bundle with all three PS2 DMC games out, so if you could get those, then you' ll be set, but that' s pretty much the run down in all the games. I kept it spoiler free, but if you need more in-depth story telling, I' ll be glad to tell you
< Message edited by chimura -- 31 Jan 08 19:41:19 >
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