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YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
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RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 03, 2008 22:13
I really liked the gametrailers award for " graphics of the year" where they excluded Crysis because of " theoretical performance" .
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RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 03, 2008 22:25
ORIGINAL: ginjirou I really liked the gametrailers award for " graphics of the year" where they excluded Crysis because of " theoretical performance" . The mainstream gaming media seems to be terrified of the game. It' s daft because even on ' High' (as opposed to Very High  ) the game still looks better than anything else out there. Hell, even on Medium the game looks better than anything else... Granted there' s almost nobody able to play it on Very High at solid framerates... but the fact that it' ll grow into it' s own engine and look even better running on the next generation of graphics cards shouldn' t be a reason to discount it from these kind of things.
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RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 03, 2008 22:57
I don' t know, a game that' s running on hardware that won' t be common until at least a year in the future... it' s like giving graphics award to a game that' s only been running on experimental hardware that only a handful of people have played. The awards are given to games that are meant for the mass market of videogames. Of course, Crysis isn' t some hidden experiment, it' s out there available to all of us, but the requirements to play it are very uncommon among gamers, so it' s in a grey area. As it is right now the game doesn' t run with good framerates unless you have the latest in PC hardware and I don' t think that' s something you should accept in terms of perfomance.
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RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 03, 2008 23:46
The system requirements aren' t that much greater than Gears of War and STALKER. You can run the game on medium, with great framerates on relatively average hardware, and it still looks better than most other games. Bear in mind that they actually picked Call of Duty 4, which while a nice enough looking game still doesn' t look as nice as Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank. Call of Duty 4 just happens to be available on all systems... If they' re going to talk about " artistic genius" then they' d have been better off giving the award to Super Mario Galaxy or BioShock.
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RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 03, 2008 23:51
Mario Galaxy had artistic values but lacked impressive technology. Of course, for a Wii game it looks good but I guess it wasn' t enough. Bioshock looks good in everyway but I wouldn' t pick it myself. It didn' t do anything wrong but as with the gameplay I missed something that would catch my attention. Bioshock is a polished game but I found it to be very boring, both in gameplay and visuals, despite the very ambitious attempts. I think COD4 was a very good choice. But graphics are hard to judge I guess. I would' ve picked The orange Box or something like that. The source engine... there' s something about it that really draws my eye to what it presents. Half-Life 2 with the chapters is one of the best looking games I' ve seen, perhaps the best in 2007. And you dpon' t need super-advanced hardware to make it look nice either.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 3 Jan 08 15:54:59 >
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RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 04, 2008 00:11
Artistic I would give it tooo... Mario galaxy Eternal Sonata Bioshock Anyone of these deserve it. Technologywise Its not worth talking about its Crysis. But CoD4 with its lower reso and bad texture still looks far better then anything else console wise their textures really blend intogether for a better visual quality then other games out there,even if theirs texture is better in overall.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 04, 2008 00:29
Most overrated title - Halo 3 Best usage of 800 Microsoft Points - Catan Big Disappointment of ' 07 - Brothers in Arms: Hells Highway getting delayed... again. Game with most argument over GOTY placement: Halo 3 Most complete multiplayer experience: Call of Duty 4 Best technical showcase - Crysis Funniest technical f*ck-ups - Crysis Best franchise release - Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction Greatest title that fell off the map - Crackdown Best time doing absolutely nothing constructive - Crackdown Most bad ass moments - Stranglehold Best platforming experience - Super Mario Galaxy Worst 360 GoTY - Vampire Rain
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 04, 2008 01:45
Best engine easily goes to UE3. Cysis has more detailed graphics, but when you set the detail to match UT3 at its highest UT3 gets twice the framerate with the same detail. Thing is, UT3 engine generally looks soo ***ing lifeless after being used to Crysis and its engine But overall, i would give it to UT3 engine as it' s lead the way on all platforms. COD4 use the UT3 engine? It impresses me soo much to see soo much detail and the solid 60fps on a humble 360. Ive always wanted a team to make 60fps first priority and work around that.. 360 COD4 i would give to Technical Achievement
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 3 Jan 08 17:48:16 >
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RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 04, 2008 05:11
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 COD4 use the UT3 engine? Nah.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 04, 2008 05:39
Most overrated title - Halo 3 Let' s take a look at the extensive evaluation of Halo 3 that Eddie has undertaken in forming his opinion: Hater, hate on!
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 04, 2008 06:12
Two things. Crysis is untouchable in terms of graphics compared to any game released to date. It' s simply the best, UT 3 doesn' t even come close either. Performance has nothing to do with graphics, I want to know the fucktard that first brought performance into the discussion of graphics. I' d rip out his spleen, and if I had trouble finding it I' d take something else he would miss. Performance is it' s own discussion entirely. Secondly, with resoponse to Zoy regarding Eddie' s views on H3. He' s a Christian, he doesn' t need evidence to form an opinion.  lulz But seriously Zoy, Halo 3 isn' t that great, it' s good, it' s not great and certainly not excellent. The map designs in single player are meh (although not as bad as Halo 2), and multiplayer is trash compared to COD4. COD4 is all I have to say to destroy Halo 3' s prospects as game of the year. Everyone playing COD4 laughs at how much better it is over H3. It' s a joke when you consider the hype surrounding H3. Still, if you prefer to hold a a MA5C ICWS over an M16, that' s fine I guess. This is " YOUR game of the year" after all.
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RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 04, 2008 06:25
I always thought Halo as a whole was overrated. They' re fun games, but that' s it really.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 04, 2008 07:05
But seriously Zoy, Halo 3 isn' t that great, it' s good, it' s not great and certainly not excellent. The map designs in single player are meh (although not as bad as Halo 2), and multiplayer is trash compared to COD4. COD4 is all I have to say to destroy Halo 3' s prospects as game of the year. Everyone playing COD4 laughs at how much better it is over H3. It' s a joke when you consider the hype surrounding H3. I won' t try to deny that COD4 is great... I haven' t gotten to play it yet, I do intend to, but my friends who have all agree that it' s fantastic. I' m just saying most of the backlash against Halo 3 is regarding the hype surrounding it, and that' s a shame because it is an excellent game. I would have to say that the multiplayer in Halo 3 seems a lot more diverse to me because of the seamless inclusion of a wide variety of land and air vehicles. And just to reiterate, the combination of the Forge, the filesharing of edited maps and gametypes, the multiplayer competitive and co-op, the saved films and the statistical tracking are unmatched by any other game. I won' t spend too much energy defending the single player experience because I don' t care much about any single player FPS experience, it' s all about the multiplayer for me. Still, if you prefer to hold a a MA5C ICWS over an M16, that' s fine I guess. This is " YOUR game of the year" after all. Well, that is an important point -- I do happen to prefer a sci-fi setting to a realistic one. Having had a classmate killed in Iraq, I personally don' t feel too great about playing a game that so realistically references a depiction of that setting (although with fictionalized aspects). Anyway, to restate my original exception to Eddie' s post... Halo 3 might be overhyped, but I think it is not overrated.
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 04, 2008 08:24
Using the Nitro formula By Platform Wii - Super Mario Galaxy PS2 - God of War II PS3 - Uncharted: Drakes Fortune Xbox 360 - BioShock (though I played it on PC i doubt the Xbox version is lesser worthy) PC - Portal Overall Game of the Year Uncharted or Portal for very different reasons. Sub Awards Console Game of the Year - Uncharted: Drakes Fortune Multi-platform Game of the Year - Call of Duty 4 Most Disappointing Game of the Year - Assassins Creed (even though I had no expectations of the game, it still dissapointed me) Most Underrated Game of the Year - Can' t think of any, ' cept I think Uncharted should' ve sold better. Most Overrated Game of the Year - Assassins Creed
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- Joined: Feb 25, 2003
RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 04, 2008 14:53
My game of the year would have to be Orange Box for sure.
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RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 04, 2008 15:16
Orange box doesn' t count because it isn' t a game, it is a bundle. I give HL ep 2 expansion pack (or whatever u wanna call it) OTY Portal gets Puzzle GOTY TF2 is awesome, but I don' t have an award for it. Orange Box obviously gets bundle OTY
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- Joined: Feb 25, 2003
RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 05, 2008 04:44
If you don' t want to count orange box as a game then I guess for me it' d have to be CoD4 with portal as a close second.
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- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 05, 2008 05:13
Let' s take a look at the extensive evaluation of Halo 3 that Eddie has undertaken in forming his opinion: Now, tell me Zoy... how long has it been since I' ve had a working 360, a Live Gold account, functional internet, and a copy of Halo 3 all in the same place? Your conspiracy has been foiled my friend. In truth, I' ve actually played quite a bit of Halo 3. Quite a few hours spent on other' s 360s and accounts in the time my 360 has been down, and quite a bit of time over New-Years. I' m not saying you have to agree with me, or even believe me, but I' ll be more than happy to write up a full review of the campaign & multiplayer for ' ya. The campaign I found to be a string of repetitive " change areas, circle-strafe and jump a lot" combat, with the occasional epic moment strung in to keep interest. The multiplayer is solid, and far more enjoyable than the first two in my opinion, but to be honest, I' m not the biggest fan of the gameplay mechanics. I don' t dislike it necessarily because I' m bad either. Ask anybody who played me in the Beta (Mass, Torr, Quez?), I' m not horrible. (That also says that I was excited enough about the game in the first place to buy Crackdown for the Beta). I especially dislike the 10-15 hit kills, when it' s a packed match, and there' s people left and right. In the time it takes you to wear down someone' s shields and close distance, your magazine is almost exhausted and you have to resort to rifle-butting everyone, or switching to your secondary. Not my style. I never said it was a bad game necessarily. It' s not. I just said it is overrated. Secondly, with resoponse to Zoy regarding Eddie' s views on H3. He' s a Christian, he doesn' t need evidence to form an opinion. lulz You look like evidence.
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- Joined: Jan 06, 2008
RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 06, 2008 22:31
GOTY = Blue Dragon
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RE: YOUR Game Of The Year 2007
Jan 06, 2008 22:41
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