Let' s take a look at the extensive evaluation of Halo 3 that Eddie has undertaken in forming his opinion:
Now, tell me Zoy... how long has it been since I' ve had a working 360, a Live Gold account, functional internet, and a copy of Halo 3 all in the same place?
Your conspiracy has been foiled my friend.
In truth, I' ve actually played quite a bit of Halo 3. Quite a few hours spent on other' s 360s and accounts in the time my 360 has been down, and quite a bit of time over New-Years.
I' m not saying you have to agree with me, or even believe me, but I' ll be more than happy to write up a full review of the campaign & multiplayer for ' ya.
The campaign I found to be a string of repetitive " change areas, circle-strafe and jump a lot" combat, with the occasional epic moment strung in to keep interest.
The multiplayer is solid, and far more enjoyable than the first two in my opinion, but to be honest, I' m not the biggest fan of the gameplay mechanics. I don' t dislike it necessarily because I' m bad either. Ask anybody who played me in the Beta (Mass, Torr, Quez?), I' m not horrible. (That also says that I was excited enough about the game in the first place to buy Crackdown for the Beta).
I especially dislike the 10-15 hit kills, when it' s a packed match, and there' s people left and right. In the time it takes you to wear down someone' s shields and close distance, your magazine is almost exhausted and you have to resort to rifle-butting everyone, or switching to your secondary. Not my style.
I never said it was a bad game necessarily. It' s not. I just said it is overrated.
Secondly, with resoponse to Zoy regarding Eddie' s views on H3. He' s a Christian, he doesn' t need evidence to form an opinion.
You look like evidence.