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new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
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Virtua fighter 5
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 03:15
Tell that to this guy ROFL
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 04:17
what a fag, why does he care? and i' m pushing the word ' he' .
< Message edited by silentbomber -- 2 Jan 08 20:17:55 >
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 05:24
It' s sad how someone can become famous for something like that, making a video crying for Britney. Fame isn' t what it used to be anymore.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 06:16
Fame is overrated now at days. Look no further than Paris Hilton.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 06:26
They made this chip called Falcon, which I think the gist was that it was thinner, hence allowing for less heat build-up. I think that' s what it was, but supposedly it has reduce the number of RRoD. I guess I really shouldn' t complain, as my third one has last me since January, but I have a feeling its on its last legs. I just hope that if I am right, it just dies now, while NG2 is still far off. Sorry, but people not getting the RRoD is a pet-peeve of mine. Crash course in 360 hardware. Bear with me. Original Xbox 360 Motherboard- The heat sinks attached to the CPU and GPU were done so by clamps that warp the motherboard under high heat. This causes a portion of the GPU' s underside to disconnect to the motherboard causing the Xbox to get a red-ring error, and die. This is easily fixable 90% of the time, however Microsoft ignores the problem at hand, and settles for trying to work around it, instead of fix it, which is why repaired 360s almost never stay repaired. Zephyr- This is the motherboard now in use by all Xbox 360s in production. It has an added HDMI port, along with a secondary heat sink (see picture) for the GPU. The heat sink slows down the RRoD process, but certainly does not prevent it. Elites, are statistically likely to fail (About a 50-50 chance, with the odds increasing daily). Falcon- The newest 360 motherboard (New is relative, it first released in the Halo 3 LE boxes). The motherboard has a 65nm CPU, whilst the GPU is still stuck at 90. Falcon doesn' t do a thing to prevent the number of RRoDs. Every 360 on the market is likely to fail until... Jasper- The 360 motherboard with a 65nm GPU is released. Look for some media hype in August when they all realize what it is Microsoft is going to be releasing. That' s also coincidentally the new-years resolution I' m looking most forward to. We' ve got until August to wait, but hopefully this will be the end of Microsoft' s ridiculous Red-Ring fiasco.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 06:47
If my 360 gets a RRoD I will sell the replacement and all my games, buy a PS3 and never buy hardware from Microsoft ever again.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 07:23
...Or you could wait a week & a half, send it out to Microsoft, and get one that' ll last you at least until August.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 08:11
My trust in Microsoft as a company lies in the fate of my current 360. When it breaks, so does my faith in Microsoft. I don' t care if they get me a new better one, that shouldn' t be necessary. No other company has forced such a scenario upon me. I would feel insulted if my 360 got the RRoD. The thought of Microsoft allowing such filth into my hands makes me furious. Will I just gladly accept the filth because they offer to clean it up after they' ve spilt it? No, if the 360 gets the RRoD, my business with Microsoft is over.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 08:33
Uh... Sony did the same thing with the PS2. Everyone I know who has owned a PS2 has had theirs break at some point. I bought mine less than a year ago so after so many revisions of the console mine should be good for the long run. Saying you' ll drop a console after one break is freaking ridiculous. The only console I' ve ever owned that hasn' t hit the crapper is my Genesis. My DC, NES, Gameboy, original Xbox, and 360 have all bitten the dust at some point. I take good care of them too. Hardware will burn out. The 360 does have its questionable build quality but there no reason you should be all pissy about it breaking once... especially when they are willing to replace it. That' s just plain stupid. Now if you have to get more after that there' s a reason to be upset. As I' ve said before, I' m on my 5th 360 and am about to go on my 6th because my latest elite is noisy as shit and the disk tray jams frequently. If anything I should be the one bitching. Calm down.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 08:34
The only reason I am keeping my 360 is Ninja Gaiden 2. Had it been released on PS3, then I could live without a 360. As I' ve said before, I' m on my 5th 360 and am about to go on my 6th because my latest elite is noisy as shit and the disk tray jams frequently. If anything I should be the one bitching. Calm down. You should just force the damn thing to RRoD on you so you can just get it over with. I do agree with you that all consoles have failures, but not 360 like failures. Not even the original disc drive problem with the PS2 compares to this. I don' t hate the 360, I hate the idiots that built it. The fact that none of my previously owned consoles (NES,SNES,N64,PS,PS2 and now PS3) have ever given me any sort of problems (except for the N64, I' ve has all since launch or a month or two after it) only fuels my hatred towards them even more. And the fact that they haven' t created a permanent solution to it either kills me too!
< Message edited by chimura -- 3 Jan 08 0:38:23 >
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 08:45
I' ve never had a console break down on me. I didn' t own a PS2 the first year after its launch because I thought it was crap at first. I bought one later and I guess they fixed the problems they initially had because my PS2 has worked fine so far. So in my book Sony is clean. I won' t judge them based on your experiences, but mine. And all the other consoles worked fine. If my PS2 would' ve broken down, or my PSP for that matter, I would curse Sony or any other company as much as I would curse Microsoft. In any case Sony' s mistakes does not justify Microsoft' s mistakes. They' re both wrong if they think they can ship hardware that makes you " lucky" if your unit doesn' t break. But my 360 isn' t a launch unit anyway and you think they would' ve fixed the problem ASAP. My 360 hasn' t broken down yet, so perhaps I will be lucky and the RRoD will never occur. Perhaps my trust in Microsoft will remain, because I do still have trust in them, I simply fear it will be lost. It' s bad even when I don' t have the RRoD because the fear is always there. Every time it crashes (happens more often than I' d like) or everytime the loading time is unusually long I get this creepy feeling along my spine. A feeling I wouldn' t have if I had played on a Wii or a PS3. So I don' t see why I should just smile like an idiot if my 360 gets the RRoD.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 3 Jan 08 13:59:07 >
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 09:02
As a side note so you know what I' m comparing with, my NES still works perfectly. Just like any other console I' ve bought from Nintendo. Nintendo isn' t God so if they can do it so can Microsoft or Sony or any other company. My Dreamcast got pretty noisy but apart from that it still works perfectly fine.
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 3 Jan 08 1:02:57 >
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 10:25
btw Eddie, nice explanation, helps technical illiterates like me  . Though if the Falcon doesn' t help with the RRoD like people were saying, then what does it actually do  ?
< Message edited by chimura -- 3 Jan 08 2:26:20 >
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 11:04
I will not buy a 360 untill I am happy that it will work without error. and even then I dont think I will get xbox live. Really.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 04, 2008 00:33
Btw, I don' t RRoD anything. I just bring it back to Best Buy and they replace it qwith a brand new console on the spot. Gotta love the Best Buy warranty! If there' s anything good that came from the 360s breaking so much it' s that Best Buy doesn' t even check the console anymore to see if it' s actually broken. When I upgraded to an Elite I traded in a perfectly good console telling them it was have red ring of death issues. They didn' t even open the box to look at it.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 04, 2008 00:41
btw Eddie, nice explanation, helps technical illiterates like me . Though if the Falcon doesn' t help with the RRoD like people were saying, then what does it actually do ? It reduced component costs by a little bit, and cooled down the CPU (which was never a problem in the first place). What did it do in truth? It let Microsoft use the words 60 nanometer a lot more than they should have, and got everybody hyped up about a " working" 360. If there' s anything good that came from the 360s breaking so much it' s that Best Buy doesn' t even check the console anymore to see if it' s actually broken.
Y' know, I' ve been thinking about it. I' m making money off of their failure, so I guess I can' t say that my most anticipated industry resolution is the repair of the 360. Stay broken for all I care!
Vx Chemical
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 04, 2008 01:08
I' ve bought from Nintendo. Nintendo isn' t God so if they can do it so can Microsoft or Sony or any other company. I my Gamecube optical drive died. It was repaired in warranty, that didnt make me loose faith in the company (now that piece of crap called the wii doesnt break down, but its still a piece of crap) Also a button got stuck on my DS. All electronic hardware is at risk of breaking, i dont see why you could loose trust in a company, when they fix the problem for you at no cost to you? If you will skip playing great games (possible including the sequels to your game of the year, mass effect) because your get bitchy (like teenage girls do) then (yes ill throw a term which should be banned) you cant call yourself a real gamer! (there i said it)
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 04, 2008 01:43
Look, everything breakes sooner or later, I know that. But it' s under what circumstances the stuff breakes that matters. If companies lose customers because people like me dislike the stuff having a 50% chance of breaking, then they won' t make the same mistake again. But if people keep buying stuff from them, like you, they' ll probably not make too much of an effort of doing things for the better the next time. I' ll end my business with Microsoft because I want to show not just them but any company that if they try to sell stuff that is very likely to break within a year and then does so, then they should' ve made a better job. Of course the cost of repairing all those broken 360' s is reason enough for them to do better next time but they' ll still take the chance if they can reduce production costs by making a sloppy job. I' m the kind of person who dislike when people don' t do things right. If a product breakes because of a rare problem or some really odd reason then I' ll forgive because the company couldn' t have done much better. Statistically things are bound to happen to a certain percentage of consumers. But when the reason obviously is a bad job from the company' s side then I will not forgive. They did not do their best to satisfy me. I guess I could' ve forgiven them if they wrote " NOTE: 50% chance of breaking" on the 360 boxes when they launched the unit. That would' ve been pretty fun actually.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 04, 2008 02:04
So if by your logic if your 360 dies from anything but the RROD that would be just peachy? I just dont see the logic, MS isnt making you pay for repairs, there arent any problems with the process of exchanging it. I' m pretty sure MS learned their lessons with the 360. I woouldnt punish myself from not having fun because im bitchy (the teen kind)
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 04, 2008 02:33
I' m not bitchy, although I probably sound more bitchy than I' d like. That' s the problem with written text, it' s hard to see what emotions stand behind it. I' m just a consumer that doesn' t take shit.
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