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new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
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new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 01, 2008 22:10
Less FPS Please and Certainly Less FPS that base themselves on Realism. Why is it that Quake 3 still totally rocks my world and the latest FPS don' t? Creativeness has been thrown out the window for Realism, IE If Crysis hadn' t had the creative / made-up Nano suite, i wouldn' t of enjoyed it half as much. Comon devs youve took war games to great heights, how about leaving them aside and developing something alittle more creative. Rocket jumps not realistic but still much more fun and agile than anything there after Sony Fans to admit that the PS3 is a letdown. PS3 is Fucked and is on a downward spiral to failure IMO. For me, PS3 is the Biggest disappointment ever this generation. Most of it' s best games have also come on the 360 in better forms (Orange box, COD4, VF5 ect). The Supposedly Killer AAA titles are nothing but let-downs. The Graphics (and im one who believed they would show their superiority eventually) are not saying much over 360 titles atm. PSN has nothing on Xboxlive, even the internet browser is like 10 times slower than the wii' s ffs. All that is left, is a very good Blueray player. MGS4 Lets admit it, MGS4 will not save the PS3, yes sales will peak for a few weeks but nothing more. It' s a stylised game and only certain people will buy it. I really cant see a bright future for the PS3, I really can' t. By the time it shows abit more potential.. BANG.. the shiny New Xbox will be on the horizon to steel all it' s thunder. Wii and Nintendo to step up their quality control Stop letting so much 3rd party atrocious DROSS being released on the thing. Yes i know every market leader has to have it' s shit games (Ps1, PS2) but I' m sick and tired of Waiting for primary 1st party Nintendo titles every 3-4 months and very few / nothing in between to play. Nintendo seriously Needs to have the balls to say to 3rd parties " No fucking way your releasing that shit on Wii" . Is that hard!? You do that to your own inhouse teams! Nintendo to Buck up Virtual console game Options Is it really that hard to add online modes and leader boards to VC games that would benefit from them? MK64, F-zero x, KOTF 96, SFII turbo, Bomberman 96, Wave Racer at least FFS Nintendo.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 01, 2008 23:29
I was going to say " Starting new threads while under the influence of grade ' A' narcotics is never a good idea" But then i realized that this could be a serious discussion and that you aren' t being an elitist fuckhead like normal... So... I want id Software to get their act together with Tech 5. Epic has had the same kind of success (perhaps even moar!!1!) with UE3.0 that id had with the Quake 2 and 3 engines. The Doom 3 engine was great for a year, but wasn' t as versatile as it should have been and aged very badly. With Epic and Crytek as their main competition, the godfathers of the FPS genre need be far more aggressive this time around. Rage and their new Wolfenstein game need to do what Gears has domne for Epic, and id need to promote and sell the fuck out of their new engine. But most of all, they need to develop their own IP' s as opposed to letting sub-par studios like Splash Damage or Raven Software fuck them up. I want publishers to stop putting out Special and/or Collectors Edition versions of every single game. It' s beyond a joke. When they do release a Collectors Edition, do it properly with a specific number of numbered units, and make it worthwhile... ...a tin box with 5 shitty postcards is bullshit [:' (] I also want more reversible covers. Sounds dumb, but i think reversible covers are cool. More later...
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 02, 2008 01:15
-More focus on good ol' platformers! -No more icon whoring (Mario, Sonic etc.) -Better quality control on Sega games -Send out assassins to " deal" with Jack Thompson
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 02, 2008 03:32
-Send out assassins to " deal" with Jack Thompson I would be satisfied if the press caught him wearing a gimp suit with a " friend" in a motel playing GTA.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 02, 2008 06:25
He probably whacks to GTA and Rockstar in general  . Wouldn' t it be an awesome turn of events if we found out Thompson is secretly in Rockstars payroll as the main advertisement guy for their games? - No half-ass ports on PS3 (this seems to be disappearing, but hopefully it will be obliterated) - No charging for DL that was originally supposed to be in the damn game, but was left out for a reason or other. - No more crappy spin off (Final Fantasy, I am looking your way, Versus and Crisis Core exempt) of successful franchises - No more, and I mean no more MARIO PARTY GAMES! Mario is cool in everything, except his party theme ones.
< Message edited by chimura -- 1 Jan 08 22:32:31 >
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 02, 2008 09:14
-Better quality control on Sega games
Ginji. Just let Sega go. Theres no saving it now.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 02, 2008 09:59
-CD Roms need to DIE! They should have died 7 years ago FFS! Any gamer who doesn' t have a DVD ROM drive, needs to find a new hobby. -Vista needs to work! What a piece of shit. I think I want to upgrade back to XP, half my games don' t even work with Vista. I just bought KOTOR 2, doesn' t work.  I can' t even install Bioshock, Gothic 3 was fucked among many others. Even when games do work they tend to disappear. Then I have the pleasure of reinstalling them again, which really pisses me off when they' re on CD ROM. Can' t even leave to make a snack. Instead I have to park my hairy ass in front of my monitor watching the the game to load onto my HDD. I' ll never buy a windows OS in it' s first two years again. I' ll wait for them to fix all the shit they broke first. Lesson learned. -We should hire a prostitute to beat the crap out of Jack, that would be a nice touch of irony lol. We haven' t even heard form him in a while, but you know he' s going to share his useless opinion on GTA4 when it comes out. I don' t want to kill the guy but I want to make it so that he' s unable to speak.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 02, 2008 10:07
-Better quality control on Sega games At least the Yakuza games are good  . Well, the first one is, though I have high expectations for 2 and 3, which leads me to my Sega resolution: -Instead of publishing every damn bad Sonic game you publish so quickly overseas, you should immediately publish your good games. Such as Yakuza  . As far as Microsoft: -Fix your console! I am going to kill someone if my 360 dies while I am playing Ninja Gaiden 2.
< Message edited by chimura -- 2 Jan 08 2:08:22 >
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 02, 2008 10:22
-Fix your console! I am going to kill someone if my 360 dies while I am playing Ninja Gaiden 2.
Speaking of which, have they done something to the 360 since Summer or something? I haven' t heard as many people complaining about their consoles breaking. I' m on my 4th, which I received back in May.
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 02, 2008 10:59
They made this chip called Falcon, which I think the gist was that it was thinner, hence allowing for less heat build-up. I think that' s what it was, but supposedly it has reduce the number of RRoD. I guess I really shouldn' t complain, as my third one has last me since January, but I have a feeling its on its last legs. I just hope that if I am right, it just dies now, while NG2 is still far off.
< Message edited by chimura -- 2 Jan 08 7:30:15 >
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 02, 2008 14:23
That' s because JT is in the process of getting his license taken away. No need for assassins. Although I have a feeling he' ll still be an announce even without his licence.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 02, 2008 15:29
That' s because JT is in the process of getting his license taken away. Sucks to be him, though he had it coming and should take it like a man
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 02, 2008 21:27
-More focus on good ol' platformers! Amen to that bruva! I' m begining think that either Ninty or Sega is the videogaming equivalent of Britney Spears. They started off all perky and cheerful but now they are just not what they used to be... :| Anywhooo, I wish Rare would at least make another Donkey Kong Country for the DS sometime.
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 01:36
I' m begining think that either Ninty or Sega is the videogaming equivalent of Britney Spears. They started off all perky and cheerful but now they are just not what they used to be... Jesus Christ Krispies. I can' t f***ing believe you just compared Nintendo and Sega to Britney Spears. If you are going to compare two of the most legendary video game companies ever to musicians, you should be thinking along the lines of Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, Public Enemy, Stevie Wonder, Sun Ra, John Coltrane, Jimi Hendrix... The Britney Spears of game developers would have to be some shit like EA Big. Edit: my resolution for the industry -- OUT: Dark & Gritty; IN: Weird & Trippy.
< Message edited by zoy -- 2 Jan 08 17:44:00 >
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 02:21
The Britney Spears of game developers would have to be some shit like EA Big.
No. More like Oblivion Studio or whatever they' re called that are making like 15 full priced wii games this year that all look like they belong on N64
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 02:22
ORIGINAL: Zoy Jesus Christ Krispies. I can' t f***ing believe you just compared Nintendo and Sega to Britney Spears. Why not ? He has a point . Sega is a joke now . As for nintendo , i dont know , granted they have made a lot of money with the Wii but i think its a step backward . Whether you like it or not , Wii is a gimick which clicked .
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 02:37
My point is that Britney Spears NEVER made anything great; Nintendo and Sega have made indisputably great contributions to the industry no matter what they' re doing now.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2006
- Location: Los Angeles , CA
RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 02:40
ORIGINAL: Zoy My point is that Britney Spears NEVER made anything great Tell that to this guy
< Message edited by 2pac -- 2 Jan 08 18:41:51 >
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 03:02
JAJAJAJAJA! That was awesome!
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RE: new years ' Gaming Industry' resolutions
Jan 03, 2008 03:06
ORIGINAL: 2pac Tell that to this guy Holy fuck balls! I shouldn' t have clicked on that...
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