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Was absolutely LOVING Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune until... (spoilerz)
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Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Was absolutely LOVING Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune until... (spoilerz)
Nov 25, 2007 13:56
I think the RE5 zombies are kinda steering towards the 28 days later type, so you might get your wish. I never did see that spin coming in Uncharted, I got there and I was like: WTF!!??? This is so fricking awesome! It completely changes the way you need to approach the battles, so keep playing it, it gets better! One question though, are those cursed fiends/zombie-ish creatures going to be making appearances for the remainder of the game or do they only last an episode or two before the game returns to its platforming-gunplay system? I really hope its the latter, LOL..
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Was absolutely LOVING Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune until... (spoilerz)
Nov 26, 2007 11:22
They' ll be around until like chapter 20, after that is more of the original gun-play. There will be some parts where you will have to deal with both though, the mosters and humans. You aren' t very far from beating the game though.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Was absolutely LOVING Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune until... (spoilerz)
Nov 27, 2007 05:43
They' ll be around until like chapter 20, after that is more of the original gun-play. There will be some parts where you will have to deal with both though, the mosters and humans. You aren' t very far from beating the game though. I have to deal with them for 5 chapters????? There goes the replay factor, LOL.. I was originally looking forward to replaying the entire game a couple times before putting it on the shelf but if I' m a nervous wreck while playing the next 5 chapters than forget about replaying the entire game!
Agent Ghost
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RE: Was absolutely LOVING Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune until... (spoilerz)
Nov 27, 2007 07:40
Zombies cant be fast, their brains are rotting so they are basically retarded, retarded people aren' t fast. Well i doubt their brains are instantly fucked. I imagine they would be fast for a while, and gradually get slower and more decayed as time goes on. Maybe variety is the way to go. Some slow ones and some faster ones. That way You can have balance with outdoor environments and indoor levels. My point is, the Zombies in 28 days later are far more scary than the ones in any videogame I' ve seen. I' m not too conserned about being traditional about fictional monsters either. They' d be a hell of a lot more fun to deal with. No it doesn' t make them like Vampires either. All these Resident Evil fans will shit themselves when they play Left 4 Dead, especially with the co-op element.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Was absolutely LOVING Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune until... (spoilerz)
Nov 27, 2007 15:11
Hahaha! Right now I' m staring at the End credits of Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune :D.. Sweet friggin game. I' m going to replay it on the Normal setting next. As for the cursed fiends, man oh man was my arm shaking while walking down those dimly lit corridors never knowing when one was going to come charging at me from out of nowhere... At one point while trembling like a little girl I let out a wimpy, " Man this is bull$hit!" Lol.. But fortunately after Chapter 15 the later portions of the game aren' t nearly as traumatic
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 27 Nov 07 7:14:12 >
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2007
RE: Was absolutely LOVING Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune until... (spoilerz)
Nov 27, 2007 17:31
But I am sure you can look back and see that the trauma was well worth it  . Its a fantastic game.
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- Joined: Apr 26, 2006
RE: Was absolutely LOVING Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune until... (spoilerz)
Nov 28, 2007 05:28
Man this is bull$hit!" Lol.. I feel you on that one I hear your pain.
Terry Bogard
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- Joined: Apr 29, 2003
RE: Was absolutely LOVING Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune until... (spoilerz)
Nov 28, 2007 08:56
I feel you on that one I hear your pain. Have you ever gotten pissed off or annoyed because you were scared? That' s the way I felt at the time!  Arm trembling, a nervous wreck cause I just got pounced on and slashed to death the last 4 - 5 times and have to retry that section until I pass it, lol..
< Message edited by Terry Bogard -- 28 Nov 07 1:12:15 >
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- Joined: Dec 04, 2007
RE: Was absolutely LOVING Uncharted: Drake' s Fortune until... (spoilerz)
Dec 06, 2007 09:27
Have you ever gotten pissed off or annoyed because you were scared? Yeah, I' ve been there. Silent Hill , Resident Evil, Half Life 2, Condemned. The fiendish thing about Silent Hill is that it gave me nightmares for about a month after I played it. Usually I' m OK after the first time when the scare' s just a jump out and say BOO sort of thing, but those games have imagery issues, so even if you see it coming down the halls, you still end up in a cold sweat at 4am with a Maglite in your hands.
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