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Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
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Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 20, 2007 09:52
" One piece of news that came out this week was that Sony pleaded with third-party developers not to abandon its struggling platform hahahahahahaha. Quez happy...yes.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 20, 2007 10:05
and what is the source of this , your ass?
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 20, 2007 10:24
I know you like male asses,but lets not get into that again.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 20, 2007 13:18
LOLcakes. Quez vs Aba to the death using only houshold items FTW.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 20, 2007 22:16
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane and what is the source of this , your ass? Dean Takahashi He' s not usually wrong. Sony sold less consoles in September than they did in August, even though there was a price drop, so this is believable. Now quit being a bitch.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 00:40
he should have mentioned the source , SPECIALLY HIM and specially with this news, he' s a proud MS fanboy, and sometimes you can' t tell if he' s serious or not...
Vx Chemical
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 00:46
quez doesnt make stuff up, cept that bluedragon is god
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 00:49
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane he should have mentioned the source , SPECIALLY HIM and specially with this news, he' s a proud MS fanboy, and sometimes you can' t tell if he' s serious or not... Quez is just misunderstood. He' s usually pretty serious but there' s a lot ost in the translation and he always injects his own sense of humour into whatever he writes. He' s actually a really smart guy. Anyway, what do we think of Sony asking 3rd parties not to abandon their machine? The sales are really bad at the moment - especially the software. Skate for example has sold something like 7x as many copies on 360 as it has on PS3. I seriously doubt Orange Box will sell anywhere near as well on PS3 as it will on 360 (and it' s delayed to boot) and all that will do is make the console less viable for companies like EA. I hate to admit it but PS3' s future could potentially lie on how well it does in November and December. I hope things really pick up but i' m no longer convinced that they will. If 3rd parties started dropping their support then PS3 would go the Dreamcast route.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 00:52
I hate to admit it but PS3' s future could potentially lie on how well it does in November and December. I hope things really pick up but i' m no longer convinced that they will. If 3rd parties started dropping their support then PS3 would go the Dreamcast route. back in e3 2005, who could imagine things would turn out this way.
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 20 Oct 07 16:53:09 >
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- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 00:57
Don' t get me wrong I hope the ps3 do well,and im sure it will,im just happy to see Sony in pain for a while.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 01:03
sony deserves all this trouble for being so cocky two years ago, otherwise i really like this company for what it did to this industry, now that i' m a 360 owner , i want the xbox to be the leading platform , i don' t want the ps3 to fail because competition is great for us consumers but some exclusives the ps3 got i wish they could be released on 360.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 02:58
Well, this is interesting. The PS3 is doing all right in Japan. Maybe it' s the next-gen console version of the WonderSwan.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 03:10
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane I hate to admit it but PS3' s future could potentially lie on how well it does in November and December. I hope things really pick up but i' m no longer convinced that they will. If 3rd parties started dropping their support then PS3 would go the Dreamcast route. back in e3 2005, who could imagine things would turn out this way. I was saying the next xbox is going to do better than PS3. And everyone thought I was being ridiculous. People think that about a lot of stuff, it is because I have a keen ability to see hidden patterns.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 04:25
People think that about a lot of stuff, it is because I have a keen ability to see hidden patterns. You also see dead people ALL the time? 
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- Joined: Apr 25, 2005
RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 05:34
A $600 machine, yeah I can see why it' s struggle. It still needs to drop more even for this 40GB at $399 is still a little pricey.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 07:02
Kombat is right, $400 is a bit much for a movie player. Maybe in 08 when it plays games too it' ll be worth it.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 09:30
Kombat is right, $400 is a bit much for a movie player. Maybe in 08 when it plays games too it' ll be worth it. Maybe when you stop being so biased and stop turning out typical xbot drivel like a Pez dispenser you will be a valuable member of this forum. If you don' t think Warhawk, Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Unreal 3, and Ratchet are/will be good games this year, then you are by no means a gamer, casual or hardcore. Add in the fact that it still gets games like NFS, CoD4, GRAW2, Skate etc, then it has quite a lot of games worth playing. Sure if you have a 360, there is less of a reason to own one, but I have both, and I still play mine quite a lot, not as much as my 360, but not that far off.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 11:09
ORIGINAL: Dagashi If you don' t think Warhawk, Motorstorm, Heavenly Sword, Uncharted, Unreal 3, and Ratchet are/will be good games this year, then you are by no means a gamer, casual or hardcore. Take Heavenly Sword out of that sentence and you have a deal.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 14:15
Heavenly Sword sucks, UT is on PC (and 360 next year), DiRT shits all over Motorstorm. Rachet and Uncharted are the only reasons to own a PS3. How can someone with Faggots Fantasy as their avatar call me an Xbot? Guess what dumbass, I own a Wii and plan to get a PS3 when it has relevant exclusive games. Now go back to turn-based chink boredom, and quit getting your panties in a bunch everytime someone says something negative about the PS3.
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- Joined: Oct 21, 2007
RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 14:26
i havnt really found any reason to honestly buy a ps3, i think there price was set to high to start with.
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