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Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
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Agent Ghost
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 14:26
DiRT shits all over Motorstorm. LOL no it doesn' t. Dirt is utter shit, you' d have to pay me to play it.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 14:31
Motorstorm and DiTR are both decent, but neither are great. Which version of DiRT did you play?
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 14:32
wow, this forum is crazy lol, I like it here, wrong forum...
< Message edited by bridgetracker -- 21 Oct 07 6:33:30 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 14:56
Motorstorm and DiRT are both decent, but neither are great. Which version of DiRT did you play? PC and 360 demo' s, both were a waste of my time. I haven' t played Motorstorm yet for more than a few minutes, but since I get it with the 80GB PS3. I' ll know soon enough just how much better it is over DiRT.
Kikizos Troll
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 15:09
no way man
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 16:37
Heavenly Sword sucks, UT is on PC (and 360 next year), DiRT shits all over Motorstorm. Rachet and Uncharted are the only reasons to own a PS3. How can someone with Faggots Fantasy as their avatar call me an Xbot? Guess what dumbass, I own a Wii and plan to get a PS3 when it has relevant exclusive games. Now go back to turn-based chink boredom, and quit getting your panties in a bunch everytime someone says something negative about the PS3. Ok, let' s address this in order. Heavenly Sword isn' t a great game, some love it, some don' t, but it' s a solid 70 to 75, same as stuff like Lost Planet, which makes it a decent game, even though I personally view it as a rent it, beat it title. Sure UT is on PC, but remember, a PC that someone bought 1 year ago that can run it as well as a ps3 can now cost a lot more than $650. Add in the fact that I have seen many posts, made by you, that write off games like GRAW2 that have come to ps3 as " games that I played months ago" , you shouldn' t use the defense that it will come to 360 later in the year. Dirt doesn' t shit all over Motorstorm. Dirt is a watered down, arcadey version of Colin McRae Rally(may he rest in peace). At the very least Motorstorm is ground up arcade/destruction based race game with things like boost that hark back to the old days of 2D racers in local arcades. I admit, I haven' t played motorstorm for months, I even mentioned it to Silentbomber earlier today when we were playing some warhawk together. It still is easily as good, and IMO a better game than Dirt(i wanted Dirt to be good, as I owned every other Colin McRae title). As far as FF goes, if you are going to give me a hard time over having an avatar of a game that my father bought for me when I was 6 years old(1991) then so be it. This game introduced me to RPG' s, it made me both appreciate and realise how hard a game could be, and how it could be beaten with enough skill, tactic, and work. If you don' t think Final Fantasy was " a" if not " the" founding father of console RPG' s then you fly in the face of some of the most respected creators/reviewers/minds in the industry. If you own a Wii, and say you plan on owning a PS3 for relevant games, then either you have drastic differences in taste, or you are two sided. The Wii really only has two good reasons to own it. Metroid and Mario, one which doesn' t come out for a few weeks(about the same time as Uncharted, Ratched and Assasins Creed). So, if the Wii is worth getting for two games, why is the ps3 not worth getting for at least 3 games? Lastly, I don' t get pissed when someone disses the ps3 for good reason(ie. higher price, lack of music during gameplay, higher priced games in some cases, later ports, less exclusives). I get angry when someone makes stupid arguments like " it has no games" , " it is only good as a movie player" etc, when anyone who owns a ps3 knows this is untrue. Let me re-itterate. I own a 360 elite. I bought it after I owned my ps3 for many months. I bought it because I felt a lack of games to play on the ps3 during the summer. I own all the big 360 titles, and a lot of shared titles that came out earlier on the 360. I still strongly disagree with you.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 22:48
DiRT looks great, but plays like ass. MotorStorm looks great and plays great. MotorStorm would kill DiRT if only it had more modes. It' s still a far better game, but some questionable design choices were made. Nethertheless, PGR4 and MotorStorm are my favourite racing games so far this year.
< Message edited by NITRO -- 21 Oct 07 14:49:36 >
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 21, 2007 23:15
It odd to see Sony fall so far so quick. I suppose it' s not really a surprise given the number of bad/questionable decisions they have made with the ps3, but it' s still a shock to see it go so far. I have every confidence the PS3 will pick up through next year which the year for the machine to really prove itself imo. Witht he price cut just happened and Christmas around the corner I' m sure the sales will pick up quite a bit - especially with ratchet and uncharted but this year belongs to wii and 360. I suppose the best thing to come from all of this is perhaps the PS4 will be all the better for it, hopefully it will show a focused, more humble and determined Sony. Which will only be good for gamers.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 00:50
I remember saying alike in another thread. PS3= Prone Failure
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 00:57
ORIGINAL: gamer4eva I remember saying alike in another thread. PS3= Prone Failure If only you had been stillborn.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 02:24
PS3' s saviour?
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 03:01
Too bad I never said that about GRAW, check before you say dumb shit. As for the Wii, 250 is an impulse buy, 400+ is an investment. Also, the majority of PS3s decent-great games are multiplatform. I will honestly say I bought a Wii for Zelda, Galaxy, and Brawl. The PS3 doesnt have 3 games I want that I cant get on my 360, at least not this year. And gamer4eva, go play Zak&Wiki or whatever gay shit youre masturbating to at the moment. Stay out of non-nintendo threads.
< Message edited by immortaldanmx -- 21 Oct 07 19:09:46 >
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 03:10
ORIGINAL: Nitro PS3' s saviour? I dont think so . The game looks to be decent at best .
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 03:12
Too bad I never said that about GRAW, check before you say dumb shit. As for the Wii, 250 is an impulse buy, 400+ is an investment. Also, the majority of PS3s decent-great games are multiplatform. I will honestly say I bought a Wii for Zelda, Galaxy, and Brawl. The PS3 doesnt have 3 games I want that I cant get on my 360, at least not this year. So you bought a Wii for a game that still isn' t out, another game that won' t be out until 2008, and a game that is just as good on a $50 gamecube.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 03:19
ORIGINAL: 2pac ORIGINAL: Nitro PS3' s saviour? I dont think so . The game looks to be decent at best . Looks better than Too Human... I think that Uncharted and Ratchet & Clank are PS3' s best bets to survive this Christmas. I mean, there' s very little else exclusive to the platform. Uncharted looks great in my opinion, i' ve gone as far as to call it PS3' s Gears of War. It' s technologically sound, looks like it plays better than Tomb Raider (although i am really looking forward to Anniversary Edition on 360) and has that Indiana Jones/Tomb Raider vibe going for it. If it' s marketed properly it could shift consoles. Ratchet i' m not certain about. It looks amazing, but the demo was underwhelming. Not graphically, but gameplay-wise. Still, it' ll sell pretty well. The only other thing, apart from UTIII - which could see a delay - is WipeOut HD, and that' s a PSN title. There' s Haze, but it could be iffy, and there' s Singstar and neither look to be strong sellers. I know people wo have played Uncharted and i' m told it' s great so i gues we' ll see. But put it this way, it could easily be the only chance Sony has.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 03:20
But I dont have a gc, and might as well buy a Wij instead to get ready for the 2 other games I want on it.
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 03:44
ORIGINAL: Nitro Looks better than Too Human...  . Uncharted looks good , i only have doubts about how it plays . If it plays as good as it looks then it will be a winner no doubt about it . I hate ratchet , i hated the ps2 games and i am not liking what i am seeing in the new game . As u said , i dont think the game has anything other than pretty visuals .
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 04:01
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 04:07
Yeah, you are crazy! Almost like that other guy who keeps scanning in articles. (Though it' s appreciated because, as I am from Germany, getting articles from English print mags isn' t that easy)
Agent Ghost
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RE: Quez happy,why quez happy? read.
Oct 22, 2007 04:38
Majik what do you use to make those video clips?
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