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RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 21:43
Gametrailers review is UP and they give it a 9.6 I laughed at the comments starting at 6:58...
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 22:27
If i were to review Flashback now i' d still give it 10/10. EXACTLY!! **Edit (although ill give it a 9 )..** No matter how old a game is and of what hardware its running off, it should be rated to what it offers.. Ive spent Too much time on VC: Wave Racer, Wonderboy in Monster world and PC engine Bomberman 96.. A good game is a good game, anyone who wants to down rate a game because it' s on a lower specced Plattform has got it totally wrong.. If anyhing, Metroid should be rated even higher due to it' s superior control-scheme and the fact that it runs smoother than any 360 / PS3 FPS.. a Constant 60fps without ANY dips.. On an older generation machine, this is impressive respectively.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 27 Aug 07 14:31:44 >
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 22:49
If anyhing, Metroid should be rated even higher due to it' s superior control-scheme and the fact that it runs smoother than any 360 / PS3 FPS If you watch the Gametrailer review linked by Nitro you will hear these comments about the Wiimote controls for Metroid Prime 3 - (4.35) " ... simply put it proves there is no better control option on ANY console.." (4.50) " ... you' ll never want to play a first person shooter on Dual Analogs again - its that good.."
< Message edited by Terrak -- 27 Aug 07 14:52:44 >
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 23:05
WOW! Looks like the wii mote is god!! No, im looking forward to trying out Metroid, too bad nintendo couldnt ass themselves to have an option download demoe' s. My expirience with the wii mote is its too unprecise to play probably with like that. Forgive me for being sceptical, i want to like it... i just dont. Funny thing is, i liked it a lot before i bought it!
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- Joined: Mar 25, 2005
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RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 23:09
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 If anyhing, Metroid should be rated even higher due to it' s superior control-scheme and the fact that it runs smoother than any 360 / PS3 FPS.. a Constant 60fps without ANY dips.. On an older generation machine, this is impressive respectively. CoD2 runs at 60fps, too. And at the same time it looks several times better than MP3. Now that' s impressive, isn' t it? ;)
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 23:29
They do kinda have a point. CoD3 runs at 60fps on 360 (30 on PS3), ...but it' s shit, BioShock has an ' unlock framerate' option that enables you to switch between 30 and 60, but playing in 60 means you get some slight screen tearing. Pretty much all other shooters are 30fps, ...not that there' s anything wrong with that if it' s as solid as it is in Gears and GRAW2. I think the only proper 60fps shooter on 360 is Call of Duty 2 which will soon be joined by Call of Duty 4. However, Gears/GRAW2/Vegas/whatever are much slower paced than the Prime games so i would never hold it against them. What' s nice is that the Wiimote works perfectly in Prime 3 as opposed to the lame-as-fuck control scheme in Red Steel.
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- Location: Sweden
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 23:32
Forgive me for being sceptical, i want to like it... You are forgiven. Scepticism is only natural, and in this case even logical. But if you dislike it after you' ve played MP3 I' ll f***ing KILL YOU!!!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 23:51
Ill only play MP after its dropped signifigantly in price, i can hardly afford ME when it comes in november, which means i have to miss out on Assasins Creed, Army of Two, COD 4, Crysis and Hellgate: London
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
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RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 27, 2007 23:54
Ginjour and his fucking MP3 sucks.
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- Joined: Mar 17, 2007
- Location: Belgium
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 28, 2007 00:00
ORIGINAL: Nitro I laughed at the comments starting at 6:58... Well they are right if you ask me. And this is what 1up thinks of it Enough of the quibbles -- let' s get into Corruption' s major accomplishment: the graphics. Or should I say, the artwork. After a few relatively simple early areas, Corruption blooms into colorful and elaborate designs that are thick with atmosphere. The veiny organic walls of a living spaceship pulse and blink at Samus' squishy footsteps; strobe lights and giant steaming tubes give a claustrophobic enemy stronghold a foreboding you feel in your gut; rusty machines creak and whir to life, their intricate clockwork mechanics telling the story of an ancient alien culture better than text or a voiceover ever could. Amazing as it is to say about a Wii game, Corruption contains some of the best visuals in gaming, period. It can' t always mask the hardware' s technical limitations (pixelation every time you' re up close waiting for a door to open, for example), but in most cases the lighting, attention to detail, and wonderfully cohesive and imaginative art direction more than make up for the Wii' s lack of raw horsepower. Put it this way: I found myself wandering through rooms two or three times just to look at them. How many games on any system can you say that about? After a couple hours with corruption Nintendo' s theory of gameplay over graphics will start to make a whole lot of sense That' s another blow to the ego' s of graphic whores who said the Wii can' t do anything that looks good or can' t have any good games. " You will never want to play a shooter with dual analogue sticks ever again." Well if the Wii gets some more games with such controls and with online. Then many people can start asking themselves why they ever bought a 360.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 28, 2007 00:19
Well if the Wii gets some more games with such controls and with online. Then many people can start asking themselves why they ever bought a 360 Oh you mean i will forget why i like to play games with advanced graphics, super detailed worlds in highdefination, roleplaying games such as Mass Effect. If that was the case, why dont i play all games on my PC
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 28, 2007 00:28
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Ill only play MP after its dropped signifigantly in price, i can hardly afford ME when it comes in november, which means i have to miss out on Assasins Creed, Army of Two, COD 4, Crysis and Hellgate: London Don' t you have any old games you can trade or something?
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 28, 2007 00:58
CoD2 runs at 60fps, too. And at the same time it looks several times better than MP3. Now that' s impressive, isn' t it? ;) use another example as COD2 is not constant silky-smooth 60 like MP3 is.. Ive played it and the first thing i noticed was the common dipps in framerate.. this is not ' silky smooth' .. Go watch a Galaxy video and their you would see a silky-smooth 60fps game..
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- Joined: Mar 17, 2007
- Location: Belgium
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 28, 2007 01:05
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical Well if the Wii gets some more games with such controls and with online. Then many people can start asking themselves why they ever bought a 360 Oh you mean i will forget why i like to play games with advanced graphics, super detailed worlds in highdefination, roleplaying games such as Mass Effect. If that was the case, why dont i play all games on my PC The quote you' re using was meant as a way of saying that the Wii is proving to have by far the best control-sheme for shooters when done right and many of the xbox crowd don' t play anything else besides shooters and a racing game. So if the Wii gets more games with such a great control sheme then yes they should start asking questions as to why they bought one. Still don' t understand why you are dragging in graphics when that was about the controls. Sure 360 will always have better looking things. But then again it ain' t the graphics that make the game. Just seems like you' re trying to justify your purchase of a 360 while I don' t see the need for that. Not like I was attacking you or anything for it. I' m not one for needless and useless discussions that go on and on merely based on ones preferences. So I don' t see the point in going any further with this and wasting the time of others who take the time to read all of this.
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 28, 2007 01:14
The quote you' re using was meant as a way of saying that the Wii is proving to have by far the best control-sheme for shooters when done right and many of the xbox crowd don' t play anything else besides shooters and a racing game. So if the Wii gets more games with such a great control sheme then yes they should start asking questions as to why they bought one. ohh then let me fix it for you Well if the Wii gets some more games with such controls and with online. Then many people can start asking themselves why they ever bought a 360 to just play shooters on In anycase unless the wii mote is superior than the mouse and keyboard, then the PS3 will still be better than the Wii. You statements about the control scheme is as worthless as mine and not relevant, 360 will have expiriences the Wii doesnt have and vice versa. I till believe the Wii mote should have been a periphial to a more powerful console.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 28, 2007 01:31
I think it' s an obvious FACT that can' t be denied that any Wii game ever released would be better if the Wii had more power. But since Nintendos business strategy is different than Sonys and Microsofts that won' t happen for a while. Still, the Wii-mote itself and its usefullness cannot be denied, no matter how weak the Wii is. Release the Wii-mote for the Saturn and i' d still be an awesome controller.
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- Joined: Mar 25, 2005
- Location: Germany
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 28, 2007 02:02
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 use another example as COD2 is not constant silky-smooth 60 like MP3 is.. Ive played it and the first thing i noticed was the common dipps in framerate.. this is not ' silky smooth' .. Go watch a Galaxy video and their you would see a silky-smooth 60fps game.. Halo 3? The beta had no dips, and the final game is supposed to run 60fps@1080p. Enough to statisfy you?
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 28, 2007 02:04
If i were to review Flashback now i' d still give it 10/10 give great applause to Nitro for loving Flashback, this is one of the greatest games i played in my life, truly truly awesome.
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 27 Aug 07 19:07:01 >
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- Joined: Mar 17, 2007
- Location: Belgium
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 28, 2007 02:59
ORIGINAL: Vx Chemical 360 will have expiriences the Wii doesnt have and vice versa. Well I agree completely on that one. Would love to play stuff like assasins creed and all that. Also it sucks to be a racing fan with a Wii  not one racer worth it on the platform. As I said stuff like assasin creed and things like that and a few decent racers would be why I would buy a 360. But currently I don' t have the money nor the space to get me one. Hehehehe sorry if I annoyed you just suck at getting points across and english not being my first language ain' t helping it much either. Meh I' m rambling again should make sure my next post is back on topic.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Metroid Prime 3: Reviews
Aug 29, 2007 01:34
Played the first section on a friends-chipped Wii (about an hour or so) .. don' t want to give any spoilers.. but dam.. Graphics It' s no GOW or Bioshock in terms of Texture resolution or details, but that really dosnt matter as the art direction is just fantastic.. at one part we was just standing around admiring the surroundings.. have to give credit for the AD as it really overwhelms. This game does look better than the previous, although it' ll be hard telling from online videos.. Better lightening, more geometry ETC. doing most things you' ll se in ps3/360 games but actually having one over all of them... Smoothness.. No matter how big the scenery is, or how much is going on (and the first bit i played has alot of AI action ).. the game never goes below 60fps. Never.. Retro have done wonders with the optimisation and made a humble Wii produce truley gobsmacking visuals that really give a big kick in the balls to other console FPS efforts out there..No question. Gameplay I switched to ' advanced mode' (think there was 3 modes).. and never thought about the gameplay since.. It' s that intuitive .. i can see this being a game to turn people off / make them realise how limited and clunky, standard pad controls really are. I want more but it' s not mine...Thinking about getting my wii chipped to play it.. suppose im still knee-deep in Bioshock but ultimately i really need this..
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