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Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
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Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 27, 2007 10:02
If the 360 price drops are true, then I wouldnt expect that. If the core is the same price as the wii, i dont see anyone in their right mind buying it over the wii, unless they already have a 360. Dude, 360 could sell for less than wii and it still wont sell as much, Wii' s market is much broader and growing it dosen just consist of Hardend gamers, but Mom' s Dads, businessmen ETC who would in their right mind would be seen buying a 360.. You understand?.., Jeez.. at one time even the PSP was only £20 more expensive than DS lite, that hardly helped did it.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 27 Jul 07 2:04:17 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 27, 2007 10:19
Dude, 360 could sell for less than wii and it still wont sell as much, Wii' s market is much broader and growing it dosen just consist of Hardend gamers, but Mom' s Dads, businessmen ETC who would in their right mind would be seen buying a 360.. You understand?.., Jeez.. at one time even the PSP was only £20 more expensive than DS lite, that hardly helped did it. You think Wii appeals to buisness men more than the other two? LOL. Wii will top out pretty soon. There are only so many gamers that don' t play games in the world. A 50$ price drop is not enough to change 360 sales dramatically but Halo is enough to drive sales. I guess we' ll see what things look like this time next year.
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 27, 2007 10:41
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost You think Wii appeals to buisness men more than the other two? LOL. Where is your evidence otherwise? The Neilson survey proves that this claim is more then likely true. Care to share where you get your info from? Wii will top out pretty soon. There are only so many gamers that don' t play games in the world. A 50$ price drop is not enough to change 360 sales dramatically but Halo is enough to drive sales. I guess we' ll see what things look like this time next year. This is still speculation. The DSs meteoric rise has shown no sign of slowing once it gained momentum and the Wii looks like its gathering that type of momentum. Still to early to tell conclusively though. Halo will drive sales by how much i won' t even guess.
Terry Bogard
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 27, 2007 11:08
All I gotta say is GO NINTENDO!! Kick that a$$!!! 
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 27, 2007 11:28
Dude, 360 could sell for less than wii and it still wont sell as much, Where I live, the 360 already IS cheaper than the Wii
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 28, 2007 02:37
Wow you can' t get any more bitter then this. Im bitter that I dont play PS2 ports? Heh, his is what playing too much serious button mashing games does to people.. I think a few clean, gatherings of Warioware with 3 other freinds could atleast put a smile on his face.. And youre what happens when someone enjoys waving dildo-shaped remotes around and claim its innovative. And just drop the bullshit F3, you have no friends, you wouldnt know what a party game was like with more than one person unless your mom felt sorry for you and convinced the family to play too. You constantly want to bash the 360, and take the slightest good news for the Wii, twist it, and proclaim the downfall of all systems because somehow 5 year old hardware is innovative and " next-gen" if there is a dildo involved. Where is your evidence otherwise? The Neilson survey proves that this claim is more then likely true. Care to share where you get your info from? Neilson' s data gathering is complete garbage. Period. It is not a true look at games and how and when they are played, it is BS made for marketing. Anyone looking at how the data was gathered and by how few people participate in Neilson surveys would know this.
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 28, 2007 04:10
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 Why? Theres only soo long you can totally miss out on a Market (the Japanese one) and not suffer. Xbox 1 already missed out on the Japanese market and it still kicked GC' s ass. So while they had nothing on Sony, they managed to easily beat Nintendo (and in comparison, their Japan sales back then have been far worse than they are now). The Japanese market is losing in importance, it' s as easy as that.
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 28, 2007 05:57
Xbox 1 already missed out on the Japanese market Ill stop you there, So did the GC. Japanese Sales by the end of 2003 PS2 - 15.90m GC - 3.6m Xbox- 0.42m And i wouldn' t call a mere 3m (Xbox 24.5m to GC 21.59 end of March 2007) an ' ass kicking' to a long-dead GC, Especially when MS lost a whooping estimated 7 Billion Dollars on the thing. (i was glad Xbox sold more back then as i supported it untill Nintendo changed their Tune ala DS) their (Xbox) Japan sales back then have been far worse than they are now (360) Wrong Again.. They are actually more or less on par.. Japanese xbox sales under 2 years: 0.42 Japanese 360 sales under 2 years: 0.42 The Japanese market is losing in importance, it' s as Stop you their.... Ok, lets look at rough figures of total Worldwide sales of all present gen consoles. 360/PS3/Wii/DS/PSP America: 34.39m Japan: 28.48m Elsewhere 28.72m
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 27 Jul 07 22:08:19 >
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 28, 2007 06:19
Yeah well, 3,6 million isn' t that bad. If you consider that GC, in the end, sold about 20 million consoles, while PS3 sold 120, the difference isn' t that big, compared to the rest of the world. PS2/GC 4,4 : 1 (Using your numbers) in Japan PS2/GC 6 : 1 All together. So basically they did better in Japan, then they did in other markets. And I consider it an ass kicking if a completely new competitor beats someone like Nintendo, who had much more experience with consoles.(And well, Xbox has been dead before the Gamecube. Microsoft abandoned that thing already back in 2005) Oh and Microsofts loss on the original Xbox has been 4 billion, not 7. As for Japan sales. You have to consider that the original Xbox was sold for ¥34,800 and mere 3 months later dropped to a price of ¥24,800, while both versions of the 360 - core and premium - are retailing for more (¥29,000 and ¥39,795). As for your last point: I was saying the japanese market is LOSING in importance. And if you look at your numbers - the only reason why the japanese market is competeting so well, is because you are including handhelds. Limit your numbers to stationary consoles only (Because this is what we are talking about in this thread) and there is a considerable gap between USA/Europe and Japan.
< Message edited by Evilkiller -- 27 Jul 07 23:23:14 >
Agent Ghost
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 29, 2007 14:01
Where is your evidence otherwise? The Neilson survey proves that this claim is more then likely true. Care to share where you get your info from? My evidence? No the burden of proof is on your hands. If someone makes a wild claim such as " Wii appeals more to business men" . Someone has to show me the evidence. I frequent sites with gamers 30+ all the time, sites like Daily Tech, Ars technica and Toms hardware. A lot of business men in these sites, the vaste majority of them would choose PS3 or 360 over Wii I can assure you. They want the latest technology because they know what it is, they don' t want to buy old tech, they want the best. PS3 for example has appeal because it' s a cheap BluRay player. They look down at Wii. I understand Mom and Dad liking the sight of Wii because of the price difference. Lets not forget that many gamers get their consoles from mommy or daddy. Whom have no idea what they are buying. They just want little johnny to shut the *** up. I' ll end this discussing by exposing where Wii has most of its appeal over the other two consoles: -Harcore Nintendo fans -Non Gamers -The poor -The extremely gullible
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 29 Jul 07 6:07:38 >
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 29, 2007 20:16
Meh, I just think you dislike the Wii and have gotten into a pattern of constantly attacking people who does like it. I mean, it' s no wonder the Nintendo fanboys spread across the kikizo forums like flies on shit since they can' t say ONE good thing about it without getting lots of " the Wii is shit" , " it' s a rip-off" , " it' s not for hardcore gamers" blablabla. I mean, as soon as there' s a good word on it, we get attacked. Are we not allowed to like it? And if we are, then you say we' re not gamers anymore. That' s not nice. I doubt it would sell if it was that bad. Marketing is important and non-gamers are good money, but it doesn' t create the kind of sales we' ve seen. But the 360 on the other hand is obviously the PERFECT console. Say ONE bad thing about it and people will just call you a MS hater: " It' s noisy" " No it isn' t, not if you have your surround on full power" !!! " It sells bad in Japan" " Who cares, Japan is not important" " It' s not a very reliable console" " But the warranty is great and MS fixes everything without charge" I see as many MS fanboy comments in this forum as I see Nintendo fanboy comments. Of course this post is now going to be shred into pieces because the vast majority of the members here are pro MS. Remember me... as a hero... gah!
< Message edited by ginjirou -- 29 Jul 07 12:38:19 >
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 29, 2007 22:17
-Harcore Nintendo fans -Non Gamers -The poor -The extremely gullible The Poor?? I wouldnt call a £250+ console Cheap. Oh i see, your way of deyning that Rich people buy it. The extremely gullible? Alot of Wii owners would have brought it through Experience. How do you work this one out?? Ohh, i see " oh im extremely gullible, im going to buy..... ermm.... A nintendo Wii  .." - None Gamers - Nintendo Fans (be it fanboys or just simpley fans of Nintendo games) - Hardcore gamers who enjoy a little more variatey and are open minded (Me) - Ex gamers who have got back into gaming due to Wii (i know LOADS) - Gamers/none gamers who use it to have a laff with family / Freinds.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 29 Jul 07 14:37:08 >
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 00:15
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 I wouldnt call a £250+ console Cheap. Woah, £250+? Damn I must be lucky cause I paid just 250 € for mine, eh? As for your Hardcore Gamer point. I like variety (I play all kinds of games except Sims. I even played Nintendogs, Cooking Mama and Animal Crossing which have to be the most girly games out on the market). And I am open minded (After all, I bought the Wii for launch). But still - if I had a choice I would have sold my Wii and played TP on the Gamecube because at this point the console doesn' t even appeal a bit to me. So just because you as a somewhat hardcore gamer are appealed by it, it doesnt mean everybody is.
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 00:29
I' m sure there will be titles that suit you later Evilkiller,but its true. Just compare the titles out and coming for ex on xbox360 compared to Wii. No normal gamer would say wii is winning that battle. I don' t care if my grandma/mom rathr play a wii,they hardly play any games. According to my mom these games are crap Gears of war Half life2 Medievl total war 2 FF7 Metal gear solid Resident evil serie Games my mom love. fusion frenzy Tetris Mario kart Counter strike Castlevania SOTN Hexic super smash bros And that lame puzzle game bill gates like where you shoot stuff with right colors. Pgr2(havnt showed her Pgr3 yet though,might buy pgr4 for her so we can compete) oh remember she also finished Broken Sword,we played that together,taht was a good game though. People like her has no game taste,and can' t be considered a gamer.
< Message edited by quezcatol -- 29 Jul 07 16:32:09 >
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 00:37
Instead of picking and choosing one of my points, comment on all or nothing. you can' t single one thing out to make it look like that was the only thing i said. IE: Cutting this: -None Gamers -Nintendo Fans (be it fanboys or just simpley fans of Nintendo games) -Hardcore gamers who enjoy a little more variatey and are open minded (Me) -Ex gamers who have got back into gaming due to Wii (i know LOADS) -Gamers/none gamers who use it to have a laff with family / Freinds. To This: Hardcore gamers who enjoy a little more variatey and are open minded (Me) Grow the fuck up FSS. And live with the fact people are actually enjoying their Wii.
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 00:50
So you want to FORCE me to write something, even if I agree with some of your points? I was only citing the " Hardcore Gamer" point because this was the only one I disagreed with. But heck, if you want to, next time I' ll make something up and simply criticise all of your points.
Agent Ghost
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 00:58
" It' s noisy" " No it isn' t, not if you have your surround on full power" !!! " It sells bad in Japan" " Who cares, Japan is not important" " It' s not a very reliable console" " But the warranty is great and MS fixes everything without charge" PS3 is actually noisier than a 360 most of the time. It' s the damn 12$ disc drive in the 360 that makes all the noise. Yet no one talks about the PS3 being noisy. Honestly I don' t care about the noise, it' s not a legitimate knock against any console. It' s only a minor trait. What kind of pansy complains about fan noise? It' s not as if we would strap the 360 to our head. A TV even at lower volume drowns out the noise of my 360. I never care about sales numbers for any console, anytime someone starts a thread with sales numbers, you know the converstation will be shit. Japan isn' t even a real market anyways. They don' t sell consoles they sell Wii' s, that' s it. If you walk in a videogame retailer in Japan you won' t find any 360' s and Sony will have the smallest space (mostly for PS2). Wii takes up 95% of the retail gaming space in Japan. We could argue all day as to why this is. Saying that a 360 isn' t very reliable is the understatement of this gen. It has a failure rate of near 100% I' ve been the first person here to say so. Even when people who prefer Wii or PS3 told me this was an exaggerated estimate I insisted that they were all disfuncional. The 360 isn' t the first console I' ve had to crap out on me. I had a PS2 with the " disc read error" a problem that affected about 25% of the PS2' s made in a certain timespan. Sony made Millions of defective PS2' s last gen and they denied it. If you had a PS2 out of warrenty you were fucked. So if someone made the point that 360 are junk, while it' s true they are. At least MS is willing to fix the problem as painlessly as possible, something Sony failed to do. I can live with not having my 360 for a week (infact it' s been much longer than that since I touched my 360), it' s not a big inconvenience. I don' t even have to deal with shipping. MS takes care of everything. Of course Nintendo is sitting even prettier as they never made a console with an unacceptable failure rate, my NES still works. All this talk about fanboys is getting out of hand. It kills the conversation. I hate the word fanboy, anyone who uses it should be perma banned. It' s as if anyone with a preference is a fanboy, that' s not the meaning of the word.
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 01:06
I was only citing the " Hardcore Gamer" There was no point to cite the ' Hardcore gamer' bullet-point, as that was a part / Percentage of the other bullet-points Hence making your: So just because you as a somewhat hardcore gamer are appealed by it, it doesnt mean everybody is. Pointless.
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 01:09
And then why did you just cite 2 of 4 of Agent Ghosts bullet points? Isn' t that also " pointless" as they are a part/percentage of the other bullet points?
Virtua fighter 5
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 01:17
You know EXACTLY Why.. Anyway, XBDF can twist things as much as they like, hardly gonna stop people loving their Wii' s and certainly not going to slow down Wii sales. So GIVE UP. All I gotta say is GO NINTENDO!! Kick that a$$!!! Hear, Hear.
< Message edited by virtua fighter 5 -- 29 Jul 07 17:21:59 >
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