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Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
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RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 01:33
Damn it, I DONT know why me picking out ONE point and saying I dont agree is WRONG, while you picking out two points and saying you disagree with them is 100%, utterly right. And the whole discussion is like this. I make a point, you simply IGNORE it (like with you citing fake prices for Wii) OR completely deny it (Wahwah you citing Hardcore Gamer is completely pointless). Seriously the only thing POINTLESS here is discussing with you.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 01:45
hehe,fuck the wii.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 02:24
The Wii discussions are becoming a little confusing now. At least that' s what I think. Let' s push the RESET button and pretend that all of the threads and debates about the Wii so far just never existed. We have never ever talked about the Wii before in the Kikizo forums. A fresh start, yes that should work. Let all these Wii threads die, and if you feel like saying something about the Wii then make a new thread so we can get rid of these loooooong boring flame debates. And stay on topic.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 02:31
The Wii discussions are becoming a little confusing now. At least that' s what I think. Let' s push the RESET button and pretend that all of the threads and debates about the Wii so far just never existed. We have never ever talked about the Wii before in the Kikizo forums. A fresh start, yes that should work. Let all these Wii threads die, and if you feel like saying something about the Wii then make a new thread so we can get rid of these loooooong boring flame debates. And stay on topic. you are spot on, wii shouldn' t sell that many , with no games at all except for some remakes... seriously who said the wii is a great console ?
Virtua fighter 5
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- Joined: Mar 31, 2007
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 02:36
The Wii discussions are becoming a little confusing now. At least that' s what I think. Let' s push the RESET button and pretend that all of the threads and debates about the Wii so far just never existed. We have never ever talked about the Wii before in the Kikizo forums. A fresh start, yes that should work. Let all these Wii threads die, and if you feel like saying something about the Wii then make a new thread so we can get rid of these loooooong boring flame debates. And stay on topic
. Sadly, I think theres no point in making peace on this forum, Most people here hate the Wii, just look at the twist in the first reply above
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 02:42
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 02:47
I' m confused 
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- Joined: Mar 25, 2005
- Location: Germany
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 02:55
ORIGINAL: Virtua fighter 5 Sadly, I think theres no point in making peace on this forum, Most people here hate the Wii, just look at the twist in the first reply above The Problem though is that there is also this group of people that love the Wii unconditionally like its a god given gift and therefore attract that other group of people you are talking about. It' s a bit like Yin and Yang. And well, as long as either one of those forces exist, the other one won' t be too far away. And so, yes there is no point in trying to make peace.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 03:09
ORIGINAL: Evilkiller The Problem though is that there is also this group of people that love the Wii unconditionally like its a god given gift and therefore attract that other group of people you are talking about. It' s a bit like Yin and Yang. And well, as long as either one of those forces exist, the other one won' t be too far away. And so, yes there is no point in trying to make peace. But that' s why we should start over and pretend everything never happened. People have taken the debates so personal and have become stuck in their own views. I don' t understand why people who like the Wii feel the need to post Nintendo sucess stories just to prove people like it, and I don' t understand why people who don' t like the Wii feel the need to counter-act such threads by trying to post stuff that proves the opposite. I mean, look at the first replies in this thread and you' ll understand why the Wii needs a fresh start in this forum.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 03:13
fuck+the+wii = truth.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 03:39
The Wii is the best console ever okay! I frequently visit a completely neutral site that has all the statistics and information about all consoles and it says the Wii is the ultimate console. Everyone loves it, it' s innovative, it' s selling great, the future looks bright, developers love it, it' s cheap, it has appeal, it has games, it has enough power, it has everything you' d ever want. Visit THIS SITE if you want to read unbisased comments, info and stats on the Nintendo consoles. ____________________________ Wii DSLite Nintendo Playing = Believing
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 04:56
Visit THIS SITE if you want to read unbisased comments, info and stats on the Nintendo consoles. Lol nice!
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- Joined: May 11, 2006
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 07:17
Everyone loves it, it' s innovative, it' s selling great, the future looks bright, developers love it, it' s cheap, it has appeal, it has games, it has enough power, it has everything you' d ever want. Bold = LIES!
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- Joined: Jun 07, 2006
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 07:53
I don' t mind people making reasonable criticisms of Wii' s problems. I realise it has its fair share, so when people bring them up it does not concern me. Its when extremely negative comments are made that have no facts or evidence to back them up when i don the Wii Defence Force uniform. I noticed the same when the 360 or ps3 are ' unreasonably attacked' . Don' t assume this is something unique to the Wii & its fans. Its just part of forums like this, people are gonna have very different points of views, if you don' t want different point of views, you should stick to forums dedicated to your platform of choice.
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- Joined: Jul 16, 2005
- Location: Sweden/stockholm
RE: Wii sells nearly 10 million units around the world
Jul 30, 2007 08:02
terrak a lot of us relise Nintendo doesn tcar about the hardcore fans but the newly gamers. Wii is a big dissapointment for them.
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