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Re:Post your picture!
Jan 31, 2009 06:54
I hope that answered your question. If not, then I'm sure you'll let me know. By standing out, I'm referring to the fact that if you have a pair of boots that are used by Law Enforcement, they don't have zippers on the sides of their boots- most of them wear the ankle boots. Firefighters wear similar boots to what I posted, however most of them prefer the bates or converse boots.(When they're not on a call of course, they were those boots around the station, and when they're not on calls.)
<message edited by Zarathustra on Jan 31, 2009 06:56>
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 01, 2009 04:29
Seems logical, captain.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 01, 2009 20:36
Eddie_the_Hated Seems logical, captain. Is he a captain like Captain Planet? A blue commie?
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 02, 2009 18:23
Is he the new Torr? dibs on meatsheild.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 02, 2009 21:04
Is he the new Torr? dibs on meatsheild.
Sorry, too late.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2009
- Location: Virginia, USA, North America
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 02, 2009 22:39
immortaldanmx Eddie_the_Hated Seems logical, captain. Is he a captain like Captain Planet? A blue commie? I don't have a mullet Danny... This is not 1984.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 02, 2009 22:52
Is he the new Torr? dibs on meatsheild. Sorry, too late.  Now now boys, there will be plenty of time to fight over the new meatshield. I may need to drag Torr's ass back here at some point. He's working like, fourty/fifty hour work weeks. Shame we didn't capitalize on the superbowl weekend. We could've pranked his McJob...
Johnny Jiron
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2008
- Location: Plymouth, MN
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 03, 2009 00:20
How come Zara looks like Eddie's Avatar?
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2009 15:28
Is he the new Torr? dibs on meatsheild. Sorry, too late.  Now now boys, there will be plenty of time to fight over the new meatshield. I may need to drag Torr's ass back here at some point. He's working like, fourty/fifty hour work weeks. Shame we didn't capitalize on the superbowl weekend. We could've pranked his McJob... At least he is getting rid of his disease (poverty).
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2009 19:52
That he is. I was rather surprised when he told me how much he was taking home bi-weekly. That'd kill me, but I'm seriously considering picking up a McJob for a bit of extra cash flow. The allure of having liquid funds at all times outweighs my enormous distaste for most fast food. I wonder if the IRS would hunt me down for working two 16 hour jobs... ageist fuckers...
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2009 20:28
They put caps based on your age? Is that a Michigan thing? What a shithole. Seriously Eddie it's the worst spot in America. Save some cash and move out asap. Even if you move out at a young age you're still better off, unless you get a scholarship or something.
<message edited by Agent Ghost on Feb 04, 2009 20:31>
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 04, 2009 21:48
They put caps based on your age? Is that a Michigan thing? What a shithole. Seriously Eddie it's the worst spot in America. Save some cash and move out asap. Even if you move out at a young age you're still better off, unless you get a scholarship or something. Well, sort of. The fed doesn't place restrictions on labor hours, but just about every state has much more restrictive laws than the federal mandate. If I'm following the de-facto Michiganian law, I can put in no more than 48 hours work and school combined. I'm a hard-worker by nature. I really wouldn't mind putting in 25-30 hours in a week, and take the weekends to myself, but the guv'mint tells me it's not in my best interest. As of right now, I've filed a formal grievance with the wage and hour deviation department, and I'm awaiting approval for more hours, but they could easily deny me based on a lack of necessity. ...That's the kicker of it too. I can't put all that much away, to move out, because... I can't work! I'm looking to get out though (at the latest) at the end of next school term. Hopefully, the end of this school year, but as age of majority is 18 in Michigan, I have next to no autonomy rights, so if my parents were to decide that I was better suited in shitsville... At any rate, I'm thinking somewhere urban. There's a big enough college town about 45 minutes west of here, out where Torr lives. Anywhere that doesn't shut down at nine o'clock sharp would be palatable at this point though.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2009
- Location: Virginia, USA, North America
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 05, 2009 19:14
Johnny Jiron How come Zara looks like Eddie's Avatar? Are you still feeling emo where your bitch dumped you?
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2009
- Location: Virginia, USA, North America
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 05, 2009 19:23
Johnny Jiron How come Zara looks like Eddie's Avatar? Also, if you're TRYING to troll me, sorry, but you're doing it wrong. Making fun of somebodies looks in an attempt to troll them is rigged to fail. You can't troll somebody that way. Just my opinion, but look for something to troll me with. Somebody who isn't self conscious is not going to be offended by somebody dropping bombs on their looks. The-bounce-jumped-the-deuce. You notice how I said- "TRYING", the keyword in that is- "TRY"; which is basically all you can do to avoid fucking up, strikingly similar to the way your mom fucked up 10 months before giving birth to you(drunk father, fist, beer bottle, harsh language). It wasn't your mom's fault, I'm sure any woman would have submitted to a lumberjack with a beer bottle demanding sex.
<message edited by Zarathustra on Feb 06, 2009 00:34>
Johnny Jiron
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- Location: Plymouth, MN
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 05, 2009 20:17
Being quick to be so defencive over a little comment may say more about how self conscious you really are...Especially being that your face is the only thing showing I would harldy say I was making a direct comparison. I was merely noting that when your picture got posted it reminded me of Eddie's avatar. I mean having to double post and go back and re-edit your comment really just says how hurt you felt. Must've put you in a frenzy. I didn't mean to evoke such hostile emotions. Do you wanna talk about it little buddy?
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2009
- Location: Virginia, USA, North America
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 05, 2009 21:09
Johnny Jiron Being quick to be so defencive over a little comment may say more about how self conscious you really are...Especially being that your face is the only thing showing I would harldy say I was making a direct comparison. I was merely noting that when your picture got posted it reminded me of Eddie's avatar. I mean having to double post and go back and re-edit your comment really just says how hurt you felt. Must've put you in a frenzy. I didn't mean to evoke such hostile emotions. Do you wanna talk about it little buddy? Your grammar sure outlines your personality and intelligence, which is surprising because you seem to be the worst person when it comes to syntax and grammar. I re-edited the comment because I made a run-on sentence, which is disgusting and left me aghast. And please note for future reference, that it is particularly hard to tell what the person is talking about, especially because I can't look at your body language and tell if you're being a smart ass; or if you're nervous; if you're scared; or if you're angry, or comfortable with that person and what they're saying. I'm not apologizing because I actually meant everything I said. The double post you were conversing about; I double post frequently, that's how I've always posted, and it is how I post when I post at: forums.ytmnsfw.com Where everybody double posts, and trolls each other for no apparent reason. To come on this site- having to be respectful is something I'm having to work on.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 06, 2009 00:04
I mean having to double post and go back and re-edit your comment really just says how hurt you felt. Must've put you in a frenzy. I didn't mean to evoke such hostile emotions. Do you wanna talk about it little buddy?
Lol, that's ironic coming from the guy who was on suicide watch after his girlfriend dumped him.
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- Joined: Jan 28, 2009
- Location: Virginia, USA, North America
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 06, 2009 00:35
mastachefbkw I mean having to double post and go back and re-edit your comment really just says how hurt you felt. Must've put you in a frenzy. I didn't mean to evoke such hostile emotions. Do you wanna talk about it little buddy? Lol, that's ironic coming from the guy who was on suicide watch after his girlfriend dumped him. (insert ytmnsfw meme) :sickburn:
Johnny Jiron
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2008
- Location: Plymouth, MN
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 06, 2009 00:43
Aww you guys looked out for me way back when, made sure I didn't do nothing bad to myself. Aint that something special. And the fact you carry the memory for what is now well over a year means oh so much. Well keep carrying that torch trooper. Keep on carrying it.
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- Joined: Nov 13, 2003
- Location: Virginia, USA
Re:Post your picture!
Feb 06, 2009 03:19
Johnny Jiron Aww you guys looked out for me way back when, made sure I didn't do nothing bad to myself. Aint that something special. And the fact you carry the memory for what is now well over a year means oh so much. Well keep carrying that torch trooper. Keep on carrying it. Go back to posting your attention-whoring wannabe suicide photos.
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