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Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
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RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 07:53
ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane ok Nitro please explain this to me, why would you leave UK which is one of the most developed democratic countries in the world and go to canada or greece, i mean not that canada is bad, it' s a very country (still the weather is awefull) but i' m just wondering .. is it just for busines purpose ?? Clearly you' ve never been to the UK. England is not a nice place to live. Sure it' s developed and sure it has it' s good qualities, but i' ve never been happy here. I' m happiest abroad, specifically in Canada. England is a small, wet, windy, claustrophobic, overcrowded and gritty place. The people are rude, arrogant and aggressive. Canada is like another world. The expansiveness is simply breathtaking, the air is clean, the summers are great (far nicer than in the UK) and the winters bring snow, which i adore. Y' see, we haven' t had proper snow in the UK since i was very young. Scotland still gets a lot of snow, but global warming has greatly reduced the amount the rest of the country gets. We just get really wet winters now. I can' t really explain it. I looked at North America, i looked at Mexico, i looked at Australia, and i looked at Canada and from my very first trip i knew that Canada was where i wanted to live. ORIGINAL: Abasoufiane i just got Vegas , i' m a bit underwhelmed about the first mission may be later things will be better Vegas owns. I actually like the first level because it' s very similar to GRAW, but many other people didn' t like it at all. It gets cooler when you got to Vegas itself. and
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 08:14
its the middle of june here and it wont stop raining.. but nevermind. Nitro, how much cash you think you would need to set up a place like that? have you got it?, you know, all these costs add up, even if your on the small scale.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 08:18
Nitro i' m actualy willing to open a business here in Morocco now tha i got my bachelor degree, how about we discuss my idea, it will work really really in mororcco and we can make a lot of money if done properly, i really want to talk business with you and just listen to my proposition you have nothing to lose... how can i join you so we can chat in private ??
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 09:02
its the middle of june here and it wont stop raining.. I know but the weather will pick up soon Silent. Vegas owns. I actually like the first level because it' s very similar to GRAW, but many other people didn' t like it at all. It gets cooler when you got to Vegas itself. and I love Vegas! I didn' t like the first level but you' re right it gets ALOT cooler when you get to Vegas. The online kicks ass! To be honest I haven' t had any of the connection problems that people talk of. It plays fine.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 09:06
i see you constantly playing online duffman with vegas , in fact you' re the one who encouraged me to get it , oh yes you didn' t know it but ' im a shadow and i see everything, i might join you and play together . NITRO DID YOU GET MY MESSAGE ABOVE, for god' s sake answer fast.
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- Joined: Apr 28, 2006
- Location: Ireland (Eire)
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 09:24
see you constantly playing online duffman with vegas , in fact you' re the one who encouraged me to get it , oh yes you didn' t know it but ' im a shadow and i see everything, i might join you and play together . You won' t regret it! Its a fantastic game. Whenever you want a game just give me a shout. I' m always up for a game of Gears as well.
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- Joined: Nov 03, 2006
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 10:16
I put Ontario down as the most likely province i' d initially live in, but in the past 2 years i' ve really taken to Calgary, so i could end up in Alberta. Either way i' m over 3 years into the application process and could be moving by Christmas. My application is under review now, ...i' m just waiting to hear. As a Calgary native, please go to Ontario. All the Oil money in this town is just a vicious rumor and the fact that you can' t walk a block downtown without tripping over five " help wanted" signs is not necessarily the sign of a red hot economy. The fact that Alberta supplies more crude oil to the U.S. than Saudi Arabia has had no positive effect on our economy. Last year the government of Alberta gave a $400 " prosperity bonus" to every resident of the province. No, I' m serious, our government GAVE us money. But seriously, Calgary may be the most economicly advantageous city on the planet right now. Unless of course your looking for a place to rent. Jobs, however, are a snap. You could literally pick up 5 offers before noon your first day looking-- the entire city is desperate for labor and it seems everybody is making money hand over fist; the service industry is totally swamped. If you come over here I suggest you learn to Ski/Snowboard, Abasoufiane is right, we' re rich but damn it gets cold, expect a week of -40 degrees Centigrade in February and, at one time or another, I' ve seen snow fall in every month of the year in this city.
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 10:31
ORIGINAL: Silentbomber Nitro, how much cash you think you would need to set up a place like that? have you got it?, you know, all these costs add up, even if your on the small scale. A specialist shop like what i' m talking about would cost more than just a small generic game store, but it' s potentially worth it several fold. I' m a pretty big geek so like i said i' d be looking to stock comics, b-movies, posters, anime, manga, import games etc. Fortunately the cost of living and property prices in Canada are far less so by reckoning i could start up with £30,000 ($64,000 CAD), ...probably less is i lease the property instead of buying. I' m in Canada from the 13th July - 10th August seeing friends and looking for places to live and work to try and speed up the application process so i' ll probably get a better idea then. I doubt it, but if i did need more money i could always get a loan, or even get my brother to be a silent partner.
Agent Ghost
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- Joined: Aug 09, 2006
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 12:56
ok Nitro please explain this to me, why would you leave UK which is one of the most developed democratic countries in the world and go to canada or greece, i mean not that canada is bad, it' s a very country (still the weather is awefull) but i' m just wondering .. is it just for busines purpose ?? You make it sound like Canada is a step down from England. Canada doesn' t have a big population but we' re very developed. Our standard of living actually rated higher than England last time I checked based on UN rankings. Infact, we used to be rated as the best country to live in. I love living here, and would never consider moving to another country. I do however intend to move to another Province. The weather in Quebec is insane, as low as -45C in the winter and as high as 40C in the summer, and a humid heat. I also get a lot of precipitation. It rains and snows a lot, not often but severely. Anyways, Majik I highly suggest considering Vancouver. It' s the best city in the country. The perfect place for a Geek shop. The only problem with Vancouver are the property value climing to the stratosphere due the the ' 08 Olympics.
< Message edited by Agent Ghost -- 21 Jun 07 5:05:19 >
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RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 18:54
If I was forced to move to another country, then Canada would be my first choice.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 19:40
sorry agent , didn' t want to dismiss canada,, i know very well that canada is one of the best countries in the world, very developed actualy it' s just that i didn' t get why would somebody leave his country to go to another country that has more or less the same standard... but is it worth all the energy to move there? that was my question.. i live in morocco and canada is a much developed country and still i would feel very bad to leave my country, i might go but at least i have strong reasons to go there, for me Canada is like that quote from wizard of oz " Toto, i think we' re not in kansas anymore" ... but i would still feel bad for leaving my family , friends , traditions, value, your country where nobody can see you as an immigrant who takes advantage of their economy, although later on you might be a very good citizen in the foreign country once you' re settled and contribute efficiently to the economy.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 21:20
If it weren' t for the fact that I' ve got all my friends in Michigan, I' d be northbound five minutes ago.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 22, 2007 02:49
altough i will more than likely end up in another country, I will always have a home here in ireland!
Vx Chemical
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- Joined: Sep 09, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 22, 2007 03:23
If it weren' t for the fact that I' ve got all my friends in Michigan, I' d be northbound five minutes ago. Isnt Marilyn Manson banned from Michigan?
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 22, 2007 19:05
ORIGINAL: Agent Ghost Anyways, Majik I highly suggest considering Vancouver. It' s the best city in the country. The perfect place for a Geek shop. The only problem with Vancouver are the property value climbing to the stratosphere due the the ' 08 Olympics. 2010. But yeah, i' ve got friends at the University of British Columbia (which has an awesome campus) and i know some guys who live in downtown Vancouver so it' s a definite possibility. Commercially it' d probably be the best option but then i' d have to evaluate the competition. Somewhere like Edmonton might be more suitable? Like i said, i' m going to be in Canada for a month form the 13th. I' m hitting the stampede in Galgary, Golden and Jasper in the Rockies, Edmonton, Prince Rupert, Whistler and Vancouver by road, and then i' ll probably fly to Ontario. Hopefully by the time i get back they' ll have finished doing background checks and will be asking me to go for my medical.
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- Joined: Dec 17, 2004
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 22, 2007 20:15
Its taking you way too long to get to canada, If I where you, I' d just jump on a plane and then let the problems sort themselves out...
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 22, 2007 22:13
quote: If it weren' t for the fact that I' ve got all my friends in Michigan, I' d be northbound five minutes ago. Isnt Marilyn Manson banned from Michigan? No, he just party-boyed a bouncer.
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- Joined: Jun 11, 2007
- Location: Ann Arbor, MI
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 25, 2007 13:35
I think that Canada is really a nice place and from what I here(from foreign exchange students and others) is that lots of people in the UK especially are trying to move to Canada or at least want to. Personally I' ve found that as much crap as America gets most people who stay here for awhile(depending on where they stay) seem to like it(or at least find it to be better than they thought it was going to be). I wouldn' t be horribly disinclined to moving to Canada but it sounds like the weather is quite a bit like Michigan but I would definately not move to french canada. But seriously, Calgary may be the most economicly advantageous city on the planet right now. Unless of course your looking for a place to rent. Jobs, however, are a snap. You could literally pick up 5 offers before noon your first day looking-- the entire city is desperate for labor and it seems everybody is making money hand over fist; the service industry is totally swamped. That is like the opposite of how it is in Michigan, maybe I should move to Canada.  
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 25, 2007 19:01
This thread is going dangerously off topic...
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 25, 2007 23:52
It' s been up long enough that anybody who cared has already read the announcement & drawn a conclusion.
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