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Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
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Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 09:01
Septembre : * 7 Septembre : Dark Messiah of Might & Magic : Elements (Xbox 360) * 7 Septembre : The Settlers - Rise of an Empire (PC) * 21 Septembre : Brothers in Arms : Double Time (Wii) Octobre : * 19 Octobre : Naruto : Rise of a Ninja (Xbox 360) Novembre : * 9 Novembre : Assassin' s Creed (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) * 16 Novembre : Brothers in Arms Hell' s Highway (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) * 16 Novembre : Rayman Contre les Lapins ENCORE plus Crétins (Wii, DS) * 16 Novembre : Splinter Cell Conviction (PC, Xbox 360) * 23 Novembre : Haze (PS3) * 30 Novembre : Haze (PC, Xbox 360) About Haze, it' s not a 6month exclusive it' s a week ps3 exclusive 6 xbox 360 games 3 ps3 games 6 Pc games 2 (only) wii games from ubisoft, one of them is a party game source: best4gamers
< Message edited by abasoufiane -- 20 Jun 07 1:06:44 >
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RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 11:45
* 23 Novembre : Haze (PS3) * 30 Novembre : Haze (PC, Xbox 360) Wtf? Thats 7 days apart, I thought sony paid enough to where the 360 wouldnt have it for months after ps3, not 1 week
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RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 16:00
God dammit ubisoft! DO you think I have money flying out of my ass or something?! Luckily I get paid weekly now, but come one!? November is gonna hurt the wallet so so much...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 17:31
Games i know i' m buying this year: Dark Messiah of Might & Magic : Elements Naruto : Rise of a Ninja Assassin' s Creed Brothers in Arms Hell' s Highway Splinter Cell Conviction Haze Monster Hunter Freedom 2 Mega Man Star Force Resident Evil: The Umbrella Chronicles Super Mario Galaxy Super Paper Mario Super Smash Bros. Brawl The Legend of Zelda: Phantom Hourglass Medal of Honor Airborne Battlefield: Bad Company Crysis Clive Barker' s Jericho Dark Sector Dead Head Fred Mercenaries 2 : World in Flames Need for Speed ProStreet Half Life 2: The Orange Box Stranglehold Unreal Tournament 3 God of War : Chains of Olympus Heavenly Sword Lair Pursuit Force : Extreme Justice Syphon Filter: Logan' s Shadow SOCOM: Tactical Strike Ratchet and Clank Future : Tools of Destruction Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare Rogue Warrior Silent Hill Origins Halo 3 Lost Odyssey Mass Effect PGR4 The Club Tekken 6 Fire Emblem: Goddess of Dawn Metroid Prime 3: Corruption Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars Ghost Squad Nights: Journey of Dreams Sonic Rush Adventure BioShock Ninja Gaiden Sigma The Darkness Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena Devil May Cry 4 Time Crisis 4 Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword WipEout Pulse Manhunt 2 Grand Theft Auto IV Alone in the Dark Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles SEGA Rally Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation Heroes of Mana Nanostray 2 ...and i' m probably missing loads.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 19:26
this is really a crazy year, Nitro i hope you didn' t forget what i had asked you , please remember i really need it. thanks.
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RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 19:36
I wouldn' t ming having that list either... How about getting me a 360 and ps3 and tossing in some of those games to start me off With only having a Wii I would have to go for only Manhunt 2, Mario and Sonic at the Olypmpic games, NiGHTS, Fire Emblem, Metroid, Mario Galaxy, SSBB, Paper Mario, RE: Umbrella Chronicles that' s it I think. Ooh and RE4: Wii edition since I' ve never played RE4 before and probably Ghost Squad as well for some nice arcade shooting at home. Seems Project HAMMER got cancelled sadly enough was looking forward to that game. Also still hoping for a release this year for Distaster: day of crisis.
< Message edited by demonoroth -- 20 Jun 07 11:39:29 >
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RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 20:14
Majik, if you invested your money in something instead of buying videogames you' d be filthy rich! But maybe you already are...
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 20:55
I inherited a farm and small house a few years ago when my grandfather passed away. I sold them both and bought 2 flats, ...rented one out while i lived in the other at uni, and then sold them both and moved cities when i left uni. My parents and grandparents also bought me a lot of premium bonds when i was young so that made quite a bit of money and when i could access it at 18 there was a significantly larger amount in there than what was invested. When i get to Canada i plan on opening a small indie import shop or an internet cafe. Just something small that' ll tide me over for a few years and then i' m going globe trotting.
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- Joined: Dec 08, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 21:13
* 9 Novembre : Assassin' s Creed (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) Just in time for my birthday. Of course, I' ll need to get a 360 or PS3 first. Hey Nitro, I didn' t think would want to get Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games. Or Naruto : Rise of a Ninja (I' ve been meaning to get a few Anime based games lately) for that matter. I just didn' t think they would be your kind of games... Damn, I' m gonna need LOADS more money this year.
< Message edited by Marink -- 20 Jun 07 13:15:25 >
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RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 21:22
Bastard... none of my relatives, not even my parents, have given me anything of value Yes, yes I got " love" or what you weaklings call it, but I can' t buy videogames with love damnit!!!
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RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 21:36
16 Novembre : Brothers in Arms Hell' s Highway (PC, PS3, Xbox 360) 16 Novembre : Splinter Cell Conviction (PC, Xbox 360) You' re fxxing kidding me. I have to pick!?!? I inherited a farm and small house a few years ago when my grandfather passed away. I sold them both and bought 2 flats, ...rented one out while i lived in the other at uni, and then sold them both and moved cities when i left uni. My parents and grandparents also bought me a lot of premium bonds when i was young so that made quite a bit of money and when i could access it at 18 there was a significantly larger amount in there than what was invested. When i get to Canada i plan on opening a small indie import shop or an internet cafe. Just something small that' ll tide me over for a few years and then i' m going globe trotting.
Well... that certainly does explain a lot of things. But I have to ask, how do you plan on making money globetrotting?
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RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 20, 2007 22:36
I' ll probably just sell some organs and take part in some medical trials.
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- Joined: Jan 17, 2006
- Location: Wayne, MI
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 01:27
Not a bad way of making some fast cash, but do you think it' d tide you over till you finally settle down? I don' t know what the price of a kidney is nowadays (sorry, I just can' t keep up with the market anymore  ), but it doesn' t sound like you' d be able to sustain yourself with it.
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- Joined: Feb 23, 2006
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 02:17
Seems as though UBI is backtracking on their post of the release date for Haze for the 360 and PC. LINK
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 03:18
LOL, ...Ubi' s screwed Sony again...
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- Joined: May 15, 2006
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 06:33
When i get to Canada i plan on opening a small indie import shop or an internet cafe. Go for the import shop. There' s far fewer of them, and you don' t want to get mixed up in food service.
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- Joined: Jul 11, 2006
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 06:55
Yes, yes I got " love" or what you weaklings call it, but I can' t buy videogames with love damnit!!! Not necessarily, hookers make quite a bit of money
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- Joined: Dec 30, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 06:55
ORIGINAL: Zoy When i get to Canada i plan on opening a small indie import shop or an internet cafe. Go for the import shop. There' s far fewer of them, and you don' t want to get mixed up in food service. Yeah, that' d be my preference. Games (both current and retro), comics, anime, b-movies, posters etc... ...and i want a couple of arcade machines too. I guess it all depends on where i decide to live and what the competition is like. I put Ontario down as the most likely province i' d initially live in, but in the past 2 years i' ve really taken to Calgary, so i could end up in Alberta. Either way i' m over 3 years into the application process and could be moving by Christmas. My application is under review now, ...i' m just waiting to hear. If i get declined, which isn' t likely but remains a possibility, i' m going to move to Greece and open a bar.
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- Joined: Sep 14, 2005
RE: Ubisoft releases dates for 2007
Jun 21, 2007 07:00
ok Nitro please explain this to me, why would you leave UK which is one of the most developed democratic countries in the world and go to canada or greece, i mean not that canada is bad, it' s a very country (still the weather is awefull) but i' m just wondering .. is it just for busines purpose ?? i just got Vegas , i' m a bit underwhelmed about the first mission may be later things will be better
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